Kristijan Azirovic Orchestra е гаранция за истински музикален купон, а пивоварница FRIK&S е най-новото място за епични събития и забавление под тепетата


Има нещо магическо и сакрално в сръбската музика. Както казват – наслада за душата и щастие за сърцето. А какво по-добро обещание за незабравимо посрещане на Новата година от цяла вечер в музикални ритми и весели хора около теб!?

Пивоварница FRIK&S е локацията, а Kristijan Azirovic Orchestra са нашето предложение за епично парти този 31-ви декември. Те са двукратни победители на фестивала в ГУЧА. Това е най-мащабният балкански фолклорен фестивал за духова музика, на който се надсвирват повече от 160 музиканта, оцелели след елиминации между почти 2000 любители на тромпета и духовите инструменти. Всичко това се случва пред публика, която надхвърля 600 000 души, а редица познавачи сравняват преживяването дори със световноизвестни събития като Glastonbury, Reading, Burning Man или Coachella.

Стилът, в който се изявяват музикантите, е балкански и бохемски, точно като за Пловдив, а предложението за новогодишната нощ включва още:

– Деликатесно плато сирена и сушени меса, плодове, мед и ядки
– Терин от гъши дроб, канапе от сладко царевично кексче, домашно сладко от смокини
– Гръцка салата с прясно осолено сирене, нефилтриран зехтин, риган, кростина
– Руска салата за споделяне през цялата вечер
– Домашно изпечена поркета, сладък винен сос, билкови печени картофи, глазирани моркови на грил
– Шоколадова стаут торта с ягоди
– Баница с късмет
– Шампанско

А за пивоварница FRIK&S ви гарантираме, че ще четете и чувате много още. Тя отвори врати буквално преди два месеца, на мястото на най-старата пивоварна в квартал Каменица, и оживи емблематичния комин, който всички забелязват отдалече и където сега се произвежда крафт бира и се случват ежеседмично мероприятия.

Начинанието е подето от екипа на едно от най-култовите места в столицата – Маймунарника. Целта им е да го превърнат в част от културната карта и календар на Пловдив, за да предложат на жителите и гостите на Града под тепетата неповторимо изживяване, изпълнено с тематични събития и качествена местна бира и храна.

Във FRIK&S ще откриете три основни неща – крафт бира, директно от казана, крафт храна, приготвена на момента, и крафт музика, изпълнена на живо. През делничните дни може да се насладите на дневни менюта за обяд, а акустичните им вечери са истинско удоволствие за слуха и определено си струва да замените централните пловдивски локации с нещо по-различно.

Пивоварница  FRIK&S определено не е място, което може да пропуснете. Не само екипа и подхода им към пловдивската публика, но и майсторството на главните готвачи и разнообразието от занаятчийско пиво – са обещание към всички нас, че те са тук, за да останат и да изпълнят културния живот под тепетата с още повече стойност!



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  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling facilities Aluminium recycling facilities Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: A Sustainable Solution for the Environment and Economy

    Aluminum scrap recycling is an important process that helps in conservation of resources and reduces environmental impact. The recycling of aluminum scrap involves collecting, sorting, and processing of discarded aluminum materials to extract and reuse the valuable metal. The demand for recycled aluminum is constantly increasing due to its numerous advantages over primary aluminum production. Recycling scrap aluminum requires significantly less energy compared to extracting aluminum from its raw ore, bauxite. This energy savings not only reduces carbon emissions but also helps in conserving natural resources. Aluminum scrap comes in various forms, including cans, foils, wires, and extrusions. These materials are collected from different sources such as households, construction sites, and industries. The collected aluminum scrap is then transported to recycling facilities or aluminum scrap yards, where it undergoes sorting and processing. Sorting is a crucial step in aluminum scrap recycling, as it helps separate different alloys and eliminates contaminants. After sorting, the scrap is processed by shredding, crushing, or melting, depending on the type of aluminum scrap. The recovered aluminum is then transformed into pellets, ingots, or other usable forms. One of the key factors that influence aluminum scrap recycling is the price of scrap aluminum. The price of scrap aluminum is determined by various factors, including market demand, supply and demand dynamics, and global aluminum prices. It is important for scrap metal recyclers to stay updated with the current aluminum scrap prices to ensure competitive pricing for their services. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap prices, fluctuate over time due to market conditions and economic factors. It is advisable for individuals or businesses looking to recycle aluminum scrap to research and compare prices offered by different recycling facilities or scrap metal dealers. Clean aluminum scrap, which is free from any contaminants or attachments, usually fetches higher prices compared to contaminated or mixed scrap. The quality and purity of the aluminum scrap play a significant role in determining its value. Aluminum alloy scrap also holds value in recycling. Different aluminum alloys have varying compositions and properties, making them suitable for various applications. Alloy scrap recycling helps in recovering valuable elements and reducing the need for extraction and production of primary alloys. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is an essential process that contributes to sustainable development and resource conservation. It not only reduces the energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with primary aluminum production but also provides economic benefits through the sale of recycled aluminum scrap. By staying informed about aluminum scrap prices and recycling opportunities, individuals and businesses can actively participate in the circular economy and contribute to a greener future

  • Comment Link Aluminum recycling technology advancements Aluminum recycling technology advancements Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: An Essential Process for a Sustainable Future

    Aluminum scrap recycling is a vital process that plays a crucial role in reducing waste, conserving resources, and promoting sustainable practices. With the ever-increasing demand for aluminum and the rising concerns about environmental preservation, the need for efficient and effective aluminum recycling has become more important than ever. This article explores the significance of aluminum scrap recycling, its benefits, the factors affecting aluminum scrap prices, and the role of aluminum scrap yards in the recycling process. Aluminum, known for its lightweight and versatile properties, is widely used in various industries, including automotive, construction, packaging, and aerospace. However, the manufacturing and production of aluminum require enormous amounts of energy and resources. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can significantly reduce the energy consumption and environmental impacts associated with primary aluminum production. When it comes to aluminum scrap recycling, there are two primary types of aluminum scrap: post-consumer scrap and post-industrial scrap. Post-consumer scrap refers to aluminum products, such as cans, foils, and packaging materials, that have reached the end of their useful life. On the other hand, post-industrial scrap includes aluminum waste generated during manufacturing processes, such as trimmings, castings, and pot linings. The recycling process begins with the collection and sorting of aluminum scrap. Aluminum scrap yards or recycling centers serve as crucial collection points for this valuable material. These facilities are equipped with specialized machinery and equipment to sort and process the different types of aluminum scrap efficiently. Once the aluminum scrap is sorted, it is shredded, melted, and purified to remove impurities and contaminants. One significant factor that affects the value of aluminum scrap is its cleanliness. Clean aluminum scrap, also known as "clean alloys," is free from any foreign materials or contaminants, making it more valuable than dirty or mixed scrap. The price of clean aluminum scrap is generally higher due to the ease of processing and the reduced need for additional purification steps. Another crucial factor that determines the price of aluminum scrap is the prevailing market conditions. Like any commodity, the price of aluminum scrap is influenced by supply and demand dynamics, global economic factors, and geopolitical events. Scrap metal recycling prices can fluctuate, so it is essential for aluminum scrap recyclers to stay informed about market trends to optimize their operations. There are several benefits of aluminum scrap recycling. Firstly, recycling aluminum scrap conserves natural resources, as it reduces the need for primary aluminum production. Additionally, recycling aluminum scrap also saves energy. It is estimated that recycling aluminum requires only 5% of the energy needed for primary aluminum production. Furthermore, aluminum recycling helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with primary aluminum production. The recycling process produces significantly fewer emissions of harmful gases, such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide. By diverting aluminum scrap from landfills, we can also reduce the space needed for waste disposal and minimize environmental pollution. Moreover, aluminum scrap recycling supports the economy by creating jobs and contributing to the growth of the recycling industry. It provides a source of income for individuals and businesses engaged in collecting, processing, and trading aluminum scrap. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a vital process that not only promotes sustainability but also offers economic and environmental benefits. Aluminum scrap, whether post-consumer or post-industrial, can be effectively and efficiently recycled to produce high-quality aluminum products. By understanding the factors affecting aluminum scrap prices, such as cleanliness and market conditions, recyclers can optimize their operations and contribute to a more sustainable future. So, let's join hands in the journey of transforming aluminum scrap into valuable resources

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