Във фоайе Изкуствотека на НБ „Иван Вазов“ на 22 ноември 2023 г., сряда, от 17:00 ч. ще се състои представяне на книга и фото-документална изложба „Фамилия Стамболови – за пътя, духа и делата“ с автор Даниела Стамболова.


Това е втората книга, която Даниела Стамболова пише за пловдивския род Стамболови. Освен че проследява събития, свързани с известния род от неговото възникване до средата на XIX в., в книгата си авторката показва и снимки портрети на своите предци, както и много предмети от семейния архив – страници от дневници, ордени и т.н.


Даниела Стамболова разказва за живота и духовността на своя прадядо Димитър Стамболов, на когото има кръстена улица в град Пловдив. Разказва и за своя дядо Стефан Стамболов – участник в Балканската, Междусъюзническата и Първата световна война, в която командва 14-та рота на 9-ти Пловдивски полк в битката при Дойран. Дядото на Даниела е известен пловдивски общественик, интелектуалец, журналист и адвокат с голям принос за Пловдив. След 9 септември 1944 г. той е назначен за кмет на Пловдив, като назначението му е обявено по Радио София. Стефан Стамболов обаче отказва да заеме поста.


„Моят дядо беше от тази категория интелектуалци, които имаха всичко необходимо на един човек, за да съществува без да заема някаква служба“, пише в книгата си Даниела Стамболова.


Заповядайте на изложбата и представянето на книгата на Даниела Стамболова, която ще покаже само по време на срещата и оригинални документи от личния семеен архив.


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  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling policies Aluminium recycling policies Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Unlocking Value and Sustainability

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a vital role in promoting sustainability and conserving valuable resources. As the demand for aluminum products continues to rise, the need for a reliable and efficient recycling process becomes increasingly important. In this article, we will explore the benefits of aluminum scrap recycling, the current market trends, and the economic incentives that drive this industry. Aluminum scrap, also known as scrap aluminum or aluminum alloy scrap, refers to any discarded aluminum material that can be reprocessed and reused. This includes items such as beverage cans, automobile parts, siding, window frames, and even aircraft parts. Unlike other metals, aluminum can be recycled indefinitely without compromising its quality or performance, making it an ideal candidate for recycling. One of the significant advantages of aluminum scrap recycling is its positive impact on the environment. The process of extracting aluminum from bauxite ore, the primary source of aluminum, is highly energy-intensive and results in significant greenhouse gas emissions. By recycling aluminum scrap, we not only reduce energy consumption but also minimize the environmental footprint associated with its production. Furthermore, aluminum scrap recycling helps conserve natural resources. By utilizing recycled aluminum instead of extracting new ore, we can significantly reduce the need for mining activities, thereby preserving biodiversity and minimizing the destruction of natural habitats. This approach also mitigates the environmental risks associated with mining, including soil erosion and water pollution. In addition to its environmental benefits, aluminum scrap recycling also offers economic advantages. The demand for aluminum has been steadily increasing in various industries, including automotive, construction, and packaging. As a result, the market value of aluminum scrap continues to rise, making it a valuable commodity in the scrap metal recycling industry. Aluminum scrap prices fluctuate based on factors such as market demand, global economic conditions, and the quality of the scrap. Generally, clean and pure aluminum scrap commands a higher price due to its ease of processing and higher recyclability. The aluminum alloy scrap price may vary depending on the specific alloy composition and purity requirements of different industries. To maximize the value of aluminum scrap, it is essential to work with reputable recycling facilities or aluminum scrap yards. These facilities employ advanced sorting and processing techniques to extract the maximum value from the scrap. They often use advanced technology, such as electromagnetic separators and eddy current systems, to sort and separate different types of aluminum alloys for efficient processing. When selling aluminum scrap, it is crucial to do thorough research on scrap metal recycling prices in your region. Stay updated on market trends and fluctuations to ensure you get a fair price for your scrap materials. Many recycling facilities offer competitive prices, incentivizing individuals and businesses to participate actively in the recycling process. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a crucial component of a sustainable and environmentally friendly future. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can reduce energy consumption, conserve natural resources, and mitigate the environmental impact associated with traditional aluminum production. Furthermore, the economic incentives and growing demand for recycled aluminum make it a financially rewarding endeavor. So, let's join hands and contribute to a greener future by embracing aluminum scrap recycling

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap reprocessing Aluminium scrap reprocessing Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: An Eco-Friendly Solution for Sustainable Metal Supply

    In today's world, where sustainability is a growing concern, recycling has become an integral part of our daily lives. One crucial aspect of recycling is the effective management of aluminum scrap, as aluminum is one of the most commonly used metals globally. This article aims to explore the importance of aluminum scrap recycling, the process involved, and the economic implications for both individuals and businesses. Aluminum scrap recycling is the process of collecting and reprocessing aluminum waste materials to create new aluminum products. This helps conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, and minimize environmental pollution. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can significantly decrease the need for costly and energy-intensive mining and refining of bauxite ore, the primary source of aluminum. The recycling process involves multiple stages. First, aluminum scrap is sorted and segregated based on its composition, alloy type, and cleanliness. Once sorted, the scrap undergoes cleaning and is typically shredded or melted to remove impurities such as coatings, paints, and other contaminants. The refined aluminum is then cast into ingots or billets, which can be used in various manufacturing processes to create new aluminum products. One of the key reasons behind the prominence of aluminum scrap recycling is the economic value associated with it. The price of scrap aluminum is determined by various factors, including market demand, supply and demand dynamics, global economic conditions, and the quality or grade of the scrap. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap, fluctuate regularly, making it an attractive venture for both individuals and businesses seeking to generate revenue from their scrap materials. Aluminum scrap prices are typically higher than other scrap metals due to its inherent value and wide-ranging applications across various industries. Clean aluminum scrap, free from any impurities, generally commands a higher price in the market compared to contaminated or mixed-grade scrap. Similarly, aluminum alloy scrap, such as those from aerospace or automotive industries, may fetch a higher price due to its specific composition and desired properties. For those interested in recycling aluminum scrap, it is essential to locate an aluminum scrap yard or recycling facility that accepts and processes such materials. These specialized facilities have the necessary equipment, expertise, and infrastructure to handle different types of aluminum scrap and ensure proper recycling practices. Working with reputable aluminum scrap yards or recycling centers not only guarantees efficient recycling but also ensures compliance with environmental regulations. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in sustainable resource management and environmental conservation. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can mitigate the negative impact of mining, reduce energy consumption, and contribute to a circular economy. The economic value associated with aluminum scrap, including the fluctuating scrap aluminum prices, presents an opportunity for individuals and businesses to actively participate in recycling efforts while generating revenue. Embracing aluminum scrap recycling is not only a responsible choice but also a practical one. By recognizing the value in aluminum scrap, we can help create a more sustainable future while reaping economic benefits. So, let us all join hands in promoting aluminum scrap recycling and make a positive impact on our planet

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap export regulations Aluminium scrap export regulations Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap baling Aluminum scrap baling Фев 05, 2024

    Greetings and salutations!

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap environmental stewardship Aluminium scrap environmental stewardship Фев 05, 2024

    Ello, mate

  • Comment Link Aluminium Recycling Aluminium Recycling Ян 26, 2024

    Ello, gov'nor!

  • Comment Link Nature Nature Ян 25, 2024

    Hello, sunshine!

  • Comment Link Recyclemr Recyclemr Ян 23, 2024

    Oh, yoooouhoooo!

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