„Истории за мрак и светлина” събира младежката дързост, гражданската позиция и големия литературен талант на младите автори


Излезе от печат сборникът с разкази, наградени на десетото юбилейно издание на Международния ученически конкурс „Който спаси един човешки живот, спасява цяла вселена”, организиран от Център за еврейско-българско сътрудничество „Алеф”.  Книгата  със заглавие „Истории за мрак и светлина”, каквато беше и темата на конкурса, съдържа 22 творби на талантливи млади разказвачи -  18 на автори от България и 4 на автори от Австрия, Полша, Румъния, и Израел.


Темата “Истории за мрак и светлина” вдъхнови 170 млади разказвачи от 9 различни страни България, Израел, Унгария, Полша, Словакия,  Германия, Австрия, Испания и Румъния. Участниците в конкурса  не са се уплашили да съпреживеят страшните години на Холокоста,  да потърсят и да намерят истински истории за страданието и спасението и с типичната за младостта си дързост да ги пресъздадат в литературни произведения. Сред тях журито отличи 18 разказа, които са събрани в сборника и вече са на разположение на  читателите.


Младежите недвусмислено изразяват своята гражданска позиция. Поетът, издател, публицист и член на журито на конкурса  Румен Леонидов приравнява разказите им към най-доброто, написано в българската литература.


„Всички автори показват завидни литературни качества. Те имат много добра езикова култура и са изключително добре информирани не само за престъпленията в миналото,  но  правят и проекции със съвременността.  Притежават и типичната за младостта дързост. Вглеждат се в детайли, които ние,  възрастните, знаем, но заради политическа коректност или други опасения не се осмеляваме да назовем. Техните творби трябва да бъдат прочетени, трябва да бъдат  част от нашите библиотеки”, обобщава Румен Леонидов.


Освен талантливо пресъздадени епизоди за моралния бунт на обикновения човек срещу жестокостта на Холокоста, сборникът представлява интригуващо четиво, предизвикващо дълбок размисъл. Книгата е пъстра палитра от образи и от истински уроци по човечност. Уловили цялата тревожност на времето от средата на 20 век, Втората световна война и Холокоста, с похватите на художествената литература и често чрез необичайни трактовки, младите автори разказват за страха и надеждите на обикновените и много уязвими хора в объркания свят на война и омраза.  Книгата е уникално учебно помагало по темата за Холокоста, написано от ученици за ученици


Сборникът „Истории за мрак и светлина” е шестото поред книжно издание на Център „Алеф”, който ежегодно събира отличени в различните издания на конкурса творби. Министерството на образованието и науката определи сборниците като уникално учебно помагало за изучаването на история и литератури и го включи в националната кампания  „Час по достойнство”.


В електронен вариант „Истории за мрак и светлина” ще бъде достъпен на уебсайта на Център „Алеф” http://alef-bg.org/.


Литературният конкурс „Който спаси един човешки живот, спасява цяла вселена” е сред най-значимите прояви на Център „Алеф”, който е приел за своя мисия да противодейства срещу всяка форма на фашизъм, ксенофобия, тероризъм, расизъм и антисемитизъм. Конкурсът е създаден през 2013 година по повод 70-та годишнина от спасяването на българските евреи и се провежда ежегодно. 10 години по-късно той вече има последователи в общо 11 страни в Европа и Израел. Фокусът е върху младите хора, които сега изграждат своята гражданска позиция и са най-добрите посланици на мира в името на общото ни бъдеще. Литературна надпревара е утвърден значим форум за младежко творчество, чрез който биват откривани не само много млади литературни дарования, но и хора с ярко изявена гражданска позиция.


Вече е в ход единадесетото издание на конкурса, наградените разкази от който също ще бъдат събрани в сборник.


  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap purity standards Aluminium scrap purity standards Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Unlocking the Value of Scrap Aluminum

    Aluminum is one of the most widely used metals in the world due to its lightweight, corrosion resistance, and conductivity properties. However, as the demand for aluminum continues to grow, so does the accumulation of aluminum scrap. To address this issue, aluminum scrap recycling has emerged as a sustainable solution. Aluminum scrap recycling refers to the process of converting discarded or surplus aluminum materials into usable products, reducing the need for primary aluminum production. This practice not only conserves natural resources but also reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with primary aluminum production. The aluminum scrap recycling industry plays a vital role in promoting sustainability and economic growth. By collecting and processing scrap aluminum, recycling facilities not only prevent this valuable resource from ending up in landfills but also generate revenues through the sale of recycled aluminum. One crucial aspect of aluminum scrap recycling is the determination of aluminum scrap prices. The price of scrap aluminum fluctuates depending on various factors such as market demand, quality of the scrap, and global economic conditions. Recycling facilities typically offer competitive prices for clean aluminum scrap, which is free from contaminants such as plastic or paint. By offering financial incentives, recycling facilities encourage individuals and businesses to participate in scrap aluminum collection and recycling. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap prices, are influenced by several external factors. Market forces, such as supply and demand dynamics, affect the value of scrap aluminum. Additionally, the price of primary aluminum and other metals, as well as exchange rates and government policies, can impact the scrap metal market. Thus, individuals and businesses involved in aluminum scrap recycling should stay updated with market trends to maximize their returns. Aluminum scrap recycling also creates employment opportunities and supports local economies. Recycling facilities employ workers to sort, process, and transport scrap aluminum. Moreover, the revenue generated from the sale of recycled aluminum contributes to the growth of the aluminum recycling industry, promoting economic development. For individuals or businesses looking to recycle aluminum scrap, an aluminum scrap yard serves as a collection point where they can sell their scrap. These yards typically accept various types of aluminum scrap, including beverage cans, industrial waste, and construction materials. Aluminum scrap yards play a crucial role as intermediaries between scrap aluminum suppliers and recycling facilities. Aluminum scrap metal recycling goes beyond just collecting aluminum cans. Aluminum alloys, which are used in various industries such as automotive, aerospace, and construction, can also be recycled. By recycling aluminum alloy scrap, the valuable alloying elements are preserved, reducing the need for mining and refining of these elements. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is an essential practice that promotes sustainability, reduces energy consumption, and mitigates environmental pollution. By participating in aluminum scrap recycling, individuals and businesses contribute to the circular economy, conserving natural resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The determination of aluminum scrap prices, understanding market dynamics, and utilizing aluminum scrap yards are necessary steps to ensure the economic viability of aluminum scrap recycling. Together, these efforts not only benefit the environment but also contribute to economic growth and job creation

  • Comment Link Eco-conscious aluminium recycling Eco-conscious aluminium recycling Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Cost-Effective and Environmentally Friendly Solution

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in both environmental conservation and economic sustainability. As a widely used metal, aluminum is found in various forms, including cans, foil, automobile parts, construction materials, and more. However, due to the finite nature of natural resources, recycling aluminum scrap has become increasingly important to meet the growing demand for this versatile material. In this article, we will delve into the importance of aluminum scrap recycling, the benefits it brings, and the factors that influence scrap aluminum prices. Aluminum scrap recycling offers numerous benefits, primarily in terms of resource conservation. Recycling aluminum requires significantly less energy compared to primary aluminum production. In fact, recycling aluminum consumes only about 5% of the energy required to produce new aluminum from raw materials. By recycling aluminum scrap, greenhouse gas emissions are significantly reduced, mitigating the environmental impact of mining operations and bauxite extraction. Furthermore, aluminum recycling conserves valuable natural resources. By re-melting and reusing aluminum scrap, the need for virgin aluminum is reduced, thereby minimizing the strain on the environment. This is particularly important as aluminum extraction and production have been linked to deforestation, soil erosion, and habitat destruction. Apart from the environmental benefits, aluminum scrap recycling also offers economic advantages. The global demand for aluminum continues to rise, driven by its versatile applications across various industries. By recycling aluminum scrap, companies can obtain high-quality aluminum at a lower cost compared to producing it from scratch. This enhances the cost-effectiveness of finished products and improves the overall competitiveness of businesses. The scrap aluminum market is influenced by several factors, including the overall demand and supply of aluminum scrap. Aluminum scrap is classified into different grades, such as cast, extrusion, and mixed. Each grade has its own distinct characteristics and market value. The purity and cleanliness of the aluminum scrap also play a role in determining its price. Clean aluminum scrap, free from contaminants such as dirt, oil, or other metals, generally commands a higher price due to the ease of processing. However, prices of scrap aluminum, like any other commodity, are subject to market fluctuations. Factors such as global economic conditions, scrap metal prices, and market demand can impact the price of aluminum scrap. For instance, during periods of economic downturn, the demand for aluminum may decline, resulting in lower scrap aluminum prices. To maximize the value of scrap aluminum, it is crucial to work with reputable aluminum recycling companies or scrap yards. These facilities have the expertise and equipment to properly assess the quality and grade of aluminum scrap, ensuring fair compensation for both suppliers and buyers. Partnering with a reliable aluminum scrap recycling company also guarantees that the recycling process adheres to environmental standards and regulations, further enhancing the sustainability aspect of aluminum recycling. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is essential for maintaining environmental sustainability and ensuring the longevity of the aluminum industry. By recycling aluminum scrap, the consumption of natural resources is minimized, energy is conserved, and greenhouse gas emissions are reduced. From an economic perspective, aluminum scrap recycling offers cost-effective solutions and enhances the overall competitive edge of businesses. Understanding the factors that influence scrap aluminum prices and working with reputable recycling facilities will further optimize the benefits of aluminum scrap recycling, paving the way for a greener and more prosperous future

  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling program Aluminium recycling program Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap disposal regulations Aluminium scrap disposal regulations Фев 05, 2024

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling certifications Aluminium recycling certifications Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium Recycling Aluminium Recycling Ян 26, 2024

    You know who this is

  • Comment Link Aluminium Reuse Aluminium Reuse Ян 25, 2024

    Your site cool looking

  • Comment Link Scrapmr Scrapmr Ян 23, 2024

    Have a nice day, bro :)

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