What do successful people have in common? (FUN Edition)
Successful people are successful leaders. Look around you, think about your boss or... read the biography of Winston Churchill.
If you want to get on the next level in your business or career, you have to hone your leadership skills.
The BizLabs Toastmasters Club helps you do just that. And this time, there is a little twist: It's going to be FUN!
Two of our most distinguished and seasoned speakers are going to compete head to head in The Humorous Speech Contest.
There will be lots of jokes + leadership tips.
When the contest is over, we'll continue having fun at some of the local clubs.
So, bring your good mood and come join us!
Entry is 100% free (0 BGN), so there's no reason NOT to try.
When & Where?- Wednesday 20th of September at Biz Labs, 19:00.
We'll be waiting for you!
The event is held in English.
Here is what to expect from a Toastmasters meeting
Toastmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development with 313,000 members worldwide. Members improve their speaking and leadership skills by attending one of the 14,650 clubs in 126 countries that make up our global network of meeting locations.
The world needs leaders. Leaders head families, coach teams, run businesses and mentor others. These leaders must not only accomplish, they must communicate. By regularly giving speeches, gaining feedback, leading teams and guiding others to achieve their goals in a supportive atmosphere, leaders emerge from the Toastmasters program.
Every Toastmasters journey begins with a single speech. During their journey, they learn to tell their stories. They listen and answer. They plan and lead. They give feedback—and accept it. Through our community of learners, they find their path to leadership.
Как да стигнем до мястото пеша в 4 стъпки:
1. От заведението Петното: излизате на бул. Шести септември и поглеждате наляво (или от сградата на съда: пресичате булеварда и поглеждате надясно)
2. Като повървите 10 метра ще видите банка, подминавате я;
3. Веднага след банката прозрачната врата на Легис Център Ви очаква :) а на етаж 3 офис 3,6 В се провеждат срещите на Biz Biz Labs Toastmasters Club