Поводите за провеждането на Цариградската конференция са въстанието в Босна и Херцеговина от 1875 г., Априлското въстание в България, както и последвалата война между Сърбия и Черна гора, от една страна, и Османската империя от друга

През 1877 година се закрива Цариградската посланическа конференция на Великите сили, започнала на 23 (11-и по стар стил) декември 1876 г. Тя е първо международно признание на българската народност и нейните аспирации за независимост. В окончателния план на конференцията се налага британското предложение България да се раздели вертикално на две автономни области – Източна, с център Търново, и Западна – с център София.

1900 година - Влиза в сила Закон за общинските налози.

1912 година - полита първият български самолет "Княз Борис Търновски", в деня на пълнолетието на българския княз - 20 януари 1912 г. Самолетът се издига на около 300 м височина и се приземява успешно на летище край Санкт Петербург. Машината е конструирана от възпитаника на Всерусийския императорски аероклуб в гр. Гатчина Сотир Черкезов, който разработва проекта през лятото на 1911 г. в Санкт Петербург и построява самолета с дарения на българи от Болград.

1930 година - Подписана е спогодба за намаляване на българския репарационен дълг.

1941 година - Започва тридневната мисия на американския полковник Донован в София. Той напразно се опитва да предотврати съюзяването на България с Германия.

1950 година -  Съставено е правителство с министър-председател Васил Коларов. Но той умира само три дни по-късно и поста му поема Вълко Червенков.

1990 година - Създадена е Федерация на клубовете за гласност и демокрация. Неин председател е дисидентът Петко Симеонов.

1998 година - Учредено е в София Движение за единство и развитие в БСП, т. нар. генералско движение. На практика то се саморазпуска още през следващата година.



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  • Comment Link AlfredTip AlfredTip Апр 29, 2021

    How to Pass a Drug Test Using These Detox Drinks. https://marijuanalegalcoloradotours.com/does-cbd-oil-cause-constipation/ The buds of this strain are round, dense, and have a forest green color. The rusty orange hairs stand out against this background, as do the amber trichomes . • Stainless steel screens. https://marijuanalegalcoloradotours.com/vaping-pen-for-cbd-oil/ CBD OG Kush is a mostly indica variety from CBD Crew and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±74 days ) and outdoors . CBD Crews CBD OG Kush is a CBD Strain with more CBD than THC and is/was only available as feminized seeds. At Humboldt Farms, we believe in the principle of CHOOSING KINDLY — for ourselves, our communities and our shared Earth. We aim to restore the health of the planet, to deepen the connection between us and the natural world, to cultivate meaningful relationships and to expand the human experience. You have experience with the medical qualities of GMO Cookies? Sharing your information here maybe can help other people! https://marijuanalegalcoloradotours.com/zen-cbd-oil/

  • Comment Link Conradnow Conradnow Апр 28, 2021

    At the end of the harvest, soil is low in minerals and nutrients, but can still be used a number of ways. If you plan on replanting in the same soil, try applying some minerals and additions. Compost or a seed starting solid fertilizer (NPK 4-4-4) are great places to start. [url=https://denvercannabismuseum.org/organic-hemp-seeds/]organic hemp seeds[/url] 3. Cannabis sativa 3.a. Growing information 3.b. Cultivation tips 3.c. Typical traits of Cannabis sativa 4. Hybrids 4.a. Typical traits of hybrid cannabis. A cross between DJ Short's Blueberry (indica) and Santa Cruz Haze (sativa), Blue Dream quickly rose to become a staple in the West Coast grower and dispensary communities. With 50-100% stronger yields than most other strains, Blue Dream produces huge dense buds packed heavily with trichomes, and covered with a fine coat of light orange hairs. [url=https://denvercannabismuseum.org/best-place-for-cannabis-seeds/]best place for cannabis seeds[/url] Health Concern: Blood Pressure Healthy Heart Anti-Stress Support. Interest in marijuana has grown as a potential treatment for ADHD, but research is really still in its formative stages. Anecdotally, individuals say marijuana does help them deal with their ADHD, minus the side effects of prescription drugs, but the scientific evidence is not there yet. A 2016 study conducted by researchers from Duke University of 268 ADHD-related internet threads, for example, found that a quarter included postings from a person stating that cannabis was effective for ADHD. Other views were mixed, including 8% of threads with a post saying it was harmful, 5% reporting mixed results, and 2% saying it had no effect. We incorporate a state of the art security payment system that accepts all major Credit cards; we also accept checks, postal and money orders. For your own protection we "require" you to inquire about and comply with all local laws and international laws governing the purchase of Marijuana seeds / Cannabis seeds in your part of the world. In many countries, it is illegal to germinate these cannabis seeds. By ordering, "you confirm that you checked your local and international law and it is safe to do so" and that the responsibility for that decision rests solely upon you. Cannabis seeds are illegal to germinate in most countries. [url=https://denvercannabismuseum.org/hemp-seed-oil-benefits/]hemp seed oil benefits[/url]

  • Comment Link Alfredglict Alfredglict Апр 26, 2021

    Alien OG reviews. https://denvercannabismuseum.org/recao-seeds-for-sale/ Why It Happens: While studies show that THC can bind itself to the CB1 receptors on our submandibular glands, (the glands responsible for creating approximately 70% of our saliva) thus causing them to temporarily stop producing saliva, Dr. Tishler tells Bustle that dehydration isn't directly caused by weed. "Dehydration and dry eyes are really not related to cannabis consumption," Dr. Tishler says. So if you're feeling dried out the day after consuming cannabis, it's probably because you were already dehydrated when you started your weed session; or it might be because you didn't remember to hydrate while you were getting lifted. Why Should You Choose One of the Highest Yielding Seed Strains in the World? https://denvercannabismuseum.org/indica-seeds-for-sale/ The best pet store in LA owned by the sweetest family. They have everything you need for your pets (from dogs and cats to bunnies or snakes!) Maria will forever be missed and her big hugs when. more. Northern Lights. According to the Washington Post it is true that George Washington grew hemp in abundance, especially on one plot of land he called Muddy Hole. The Huffington Post goes on to say that in his farm journal of August 7, 1765, Washington notes that he “began to separate the male from the female hemp… rather too late.” Thomas Jefferson wrote that hemp “is abundantly productive and will grow for ever on the same spot.” Hemp was a popular plant at that time and had tremendous value for many industrial applications. At times Virginia farmers even had to pay to grow it. Hemp strains were utilized for making rope, creating canvas and even being spun into clothing. https://denvercannabismuseum.org/cannabis-weed-seeds/

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