Поводите за провеждането на Цариградската конференция са въстанието в Босна и Херцеговина от 1875 г., Априлското въстание в България, както и последвалата война между Сърбия и Черна гора, от една страна, и Османската империя от друга

През 1877 година се закрива Цариградската посланическа конференция на Великите сили, започнала на 23 (11-и по стар стил) декември 1876 г. Тя е първо международно признание на българската народност и нейните аспирации за независимост. В окончателния план на конференцията се налага британското предложение България да се раздели вертикално на две автономни области – Източна, с център Търново, и Западна – с център София.

1900 година - Влиза в сила Закон за общинските налози.

1912 година - полита първият български самолет "Княз Борис Търновски", в деня на пълнолетието на българския княз - 20 януари 1912 г. Самолетът се издига на около 300 м височина и се приземява успешно на летище край Санкт Петербург. Машината е конструирана от възпитаника на Всерусийския императорски аероклуб в гр. Гатчина Сотир Черкезов, който разработва проекта през лятото на 1911 г. в Санкт Петербург и построява самолета с дарения на българи от Болград.

1930 година - Подписана е спогодба за намаляване на българския репарационен дълг.

1941 година - Започва тридневната мисия на американския полковник Донован в София. Той напразно се опитва да предотврати съюзяването на България с Германия.

1950 година -  Съставено е правителство с министър-председател Васил Коларов. Но той умира само три дни по-късно и поста му поема Вълко Червенков.

1990 година - Създадена е Федерация на клубовете за гласност и демокрация. Неин председател е дисидентът Петко Симеонов.

1998 година - Учредено е в София Движение за единство и развитие в БСП, т. нар. генералско движение. На практика то се саморазпуска още през следващата година.



  • Comment Link Raymondorepe Raymondorepe Юни 28, 2021

    Stock Number: BWB108 Boat Condition: NEW Boat Year: 2016 Length: 36' 0" [url=https://urbancannabist.com/weed-that-has-seed-pods-that-stick-to-clothes/]weed that has seed pods that stick to clothes[/url] Presby Environmental offers passive onsite wastewater treatment system solutions as an alternative to traditional stone and pipe drainfields. The volume of water needed in each irrigation must be, at least, a quarter the total volume of the pot or container. [url=https://urbancannabist.com/butterfly-weed-plant-seed-pods/]butterfly weed plant seed pods[/url] But like the other spectrums, plants seem to want just the right amount of green light for the best growth, not too much or not too little. After many experiments with green light, the NASA Biological Sciences research group has reported that light sources consisting of primarily green will cause plants to grow slower. However, combinations of red and blue including up to 24% green actually enhanced growth for some plants over purely red and blue light. Effects: Calm | Comfortable | Creative- Strong! Not for the morning! Used the RSO for holiday baking and made some kickass cookies. Only used about 15mg per cookie and it only took one for ‘happy’ good time. Happy being the operative word. Very happy happy time with this strain. [url=https://urbancannabist.com/do-weed-seeds-have-thc-in-them/]do weed seeds have thc in them[/url]

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  • Comment Link Philliptok Philliptok Юни 28, 2021

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  • Comment Link GeorgeEcoxy GeorgeEcoxy Юни 28, 2021

    If you elect to grow it outdoors, please note that Cat Piss grows fairly tall. It is also susceptible to diseases and pests when grown outside. Fortunately, it harvests fairly early and could be ready by the end of September with a yield of 20 ounces per plant. When you grow it indoors, the flowering time is approximately 7-9 weeks, and you can enjoy a yield of up to 16 ounces per square meter planted. https://illinoismarijuanaschool.com/marijuana-hydroponic-grow-system-with-seeds/ Kimbo Kush. CBD oils versus tinctures. https://illinoismarijuanaschool.com/buy-feminized-marijuana-seeds-oklahoma/ Sourcing Talent. There is sand, silt, clay, and loam soil on offer. Loam is a mixture of the other three and is by far the best to use. The majority of potting soil you’ll buy is loamy, and it should have a dark color and a structure that enables you to squeeze it into a loose ball before it breaks apart. It is expensive, but has the ideal pH, is easy to work with, supports microorganisms, retains nutrients well, and has high oxygen levels. Scarlett’s Web. https://illinoismarijuanaschool.com/best-places-to-order-marijuana-seeds/

  • Comment Link JeffreyFew JeffreyFew Юни 28, 2021

    Big Fish of Central Arkansas (Heber Springs) [url=https://cannabis-nirvana-seeds.com/what-to-do-after-cannabis-seeds-sprout/]what to do after cannabis seeds sprout[/url] GENERIC NAME(S): Mineral Oil. Recommendation: [url=https://cannabis-nirvana-seeds.com/chiquita-banana-cannabis-seeds-uk/]chiquita banana cannabis seeds uk[/url] When not at the university, Lippman spends time at home in Pembroke Pines with Judy, his wife of 47 years and their beloved llapso apso. The couple have three grown sons, all of whom have pursued interesting careers. “One lives in New York and works as a writer and director in the music and film industries. Another is an accountant and photographic artist in San Francisco, and the third is a restaurateur in Tallahassee,” said Lippman. CBD derived from marijuana is only available from a licensed dispensary. This is where the recirculating part of the name comes into play. As water moves from bucket to bucket, it’s shuttled around via spray nozzles that oxygenate the water. [url=https://cannabis-nirvana-seeds.com/most-popular-cannabis-seeds-2021/]most popular cannabis seeds 2021[/url]

  • Comment Link Michaeldig Michaeldig Юни 28, 2021

    Backstory : Jack Herer has gained as much renown as its namesake cannabis activist, the famously outspoken author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes . Sensi Seeds created Jack Herer in the Netherlands hoping to capture both the cerebral elevation associated with sativas and the heavy resin production of indicas. It was later distributed by Dutch pharmacies as a recognized medical-grade strain. Since then, the spicy, pine-scented sativa has taken home numerous awards for its quality and potency. https://cannabis-nirvana-seeds.com/cannabis-seeds-guaranteed-delivery-and-paypal/ Afgan Kush Ryder is an automatic flowering ruderalis/indica variety from World of Seeds and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors where the female, autoflowering plants need В±64 days from the seedling to the harvest. World of Seeds' Afgan Kush Ryder is a THC dominant variety and is/was only available as feminized seeds. Aside from these two limited connections to cannabis, however, Dr. Phil has never featured marijuana or CBD in any major way on his show. https://cannabis-nirvana-seeds.com/citrus-cannabis-seeds/ Popular Strains In Your Area. For those who want to be extra-cautious and utilize CBD with no THC, look for broad-spectrum oil or products that contain pure CBD isolate. Photo by: Gina Coleman/Weedmaps. Sour Lemon OG is a mostly sativa variety from Emerald Triangle and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of В±74 days ) and outdoors . Emerald Triangles Sour Lemon OG is a THC dominant variety and is/was also available as feminized seeds. https://cannabis-nirvana-seeds.com/growing-cannabis-from-seed-in-rockwool/

  • Comment Link Scottabinc Scottabinc Юни 28, 2021

    We are open online, in store and we also offer curbside pickup! Get ready to ride. Bobscycle.com @ Bob's Cycle Supply, Inc. [url=https://cannabiscomplianceservices.com/how-do-you-use-cbd-isolate-powder/]how do you use cbd isolate powder[/url] Samantha U. Hill from Niger. By submitting this form, you will be subscribed to news and promotional emails from Leafly and you agree to Leafly’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. You can unsubscribe from Leafly email messages anytime. [url=https://cannabiscomplianceservices.com/ice-cream-cake-cbd-oil/]ice cream cake cbd oil[/url] For outdoor crops, growers have to depend on the seasons and the climate for their plants to switch periods, whereas indoors the grower decides when to change the light period , allowing him or her to choose how big their plants should grow. This means that indoor growers can play around with the number of plants and the timing of their crops; with a shorter growth period you can have more plants. This is how SoG systems were born; cuttings don’t need a growth phase and seeds only need two growth weeks. If you're looking for a scented bath bomb that looks like Hershey's Kisses, a doughnut or an ice cream cone, Forever 21's quirky collection has you covered. Bubblelicious. [url=https://cannabiscomplianceservices.com/cbd-living-tincture-reviews/]cbd living tincture reviews[/url]

  • Comment Link BrianHeike BrianHeike Юни 28, 2021

    Is Australis Barramundi Halal? https://cannabiscomplianceservices.com/cbd-pain-relief-cream-and-drug-test/ HARVEST WHEN RIPE. Mix your ground buds with coconut oil or butter, thoroughly covering your flower without oversaturating it. A teaspoon or so should do the trick. Now scoop your buttered goods and place them in a tea ball or if you have a bag of tea, you can open the top, shove in the cannabis, and seal it shut. https://cannabiscomplianceservices.com/cbd-gummies-legal-in-sc/ Medina JH, Paladini AC, Wolfman C, et al. Chrysin (5,7-di-OH-flavone), a naturally-occurring ligand for benzodiazepine receptors, with anticonvulsant properties. Biochem Pharmacol 1990;40:2227-31. View abstract. 4. Make a bucket/lung. Does smoking marijuana cause diarrhea? https://cannabiscomplianceservices.com/spectrum-cbd-gummies/

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