Галерия Тракарт напуска завинаги Археологическия подлез на Понеделник пазара. От центъра за култура, който се намира в обемите на античната жилищна сграда Ейрене с добре запазени красиви мозайки, съобщиха, че преустановяват дейността си след 20 години на тази локация. Активностите на галерията вече ще се организират в другите два обекта на Жорж Трак- изследователски център-музей „Тракарт” на Главната и Център за съвременно изкуство „Тракарт парк” на Асеновградско шосе.


Жорж Трак бе принуден да напусне подлез „Археологически” след две десетилетия, в които държеше на концесия уникалното заради археологията си пешеходно съоръжение под бул. „Цар Борис III Обединител”. Подлезът бе даден на концесия през 2003 година по времето на кмета Иван Чомаков. Поради законови разминавания неясна беше съдбата на археологията там – предимно късноантичните мозайки в сграда „Ейрене“. Плановете са те да станат част от наследството на ЮНЕСКО в груповия обект мозайките на Филипопол.


В края на миналия месец концесията изтече, а към момента вече подлезът е под управлението на Общината. От администрацията в момента мислят относно бъдещето на зоната. Предстои градската управа да влезе в гореща комуникация с Министерството на културата, за да се установи точният статут на всеки обект в рамките на съоръжението.


„Първо трябва да се актува археологията, тъй като когато са давали подлеза на концесия тя не е имала актове- Законът не го е изисквал. Имаме готовност в бъдеще археологическият подлез да мине към ОИ „Старинен Пловдив”, както е с Епископската базилика, и да стане с нея един цял свързан туристически обект, а от друга страна Археологическия музей да се грижи за археологията. ОП „Чистота” са сигнализирани, че имат ангажимент да почистват подлеза, след като общината влезе във владение”, обясни зам.-кметът по култура Пламен Панов.


Той подчерта, че има риск подлезът много бързо да западне и не трябва да се допуска това да се случи.



  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap industry certifications Aluminium scrap industry certifications Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: An Economically and Environmentally Sound Solution

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a critical role in promoting sustainability, reducing environmental impact, and conserving natural resources. Aluminum, being a highly valuable and widely used metal, has a significant presence in various industries such as automotive, construction, aerospace, packaging, and electronics. However, the extraction and production of virgin aluminum can be energy-intensive and have detrimental effects on the environment. The process of recycling aluminum scrap offers a sustainable solution to offset these negative impacts. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can save up to 95% of the energy needed to produce aluminum from raw materials. This energy-saving aspect makes aluminum scrap recycling a compelling choice for businesses and individuals alike. The first step in aluminum scrap recycling involves the collection and sorting of various sources of scrap aluminum, including cans, foil, window frames, automotive parts, and industrial machinery. These collected aluminum scraps are then transported to specialized recycling facilities or aluminum scrap yards equipped to handle the sorting, processing, and recycling of different aluminum alloys. Once at the recycling facility, the scrap aluminum is sorted based on its alloy type and other properties. This sorting process ensures that the recycled aluminum meets the required specifications and can be used as a reliable raw material in the production of new aluminum products. Advanced technology, such as optical sorters and eddy current separators, is frequently employed to achieve high sorting efficiency. After sorting, the aluminum scrap undergoes a series of processing steps to remove contaminants such as paints, coatings, and other impurities. This cleaning process is essential to produce high-quality recycled aluminum that can meet the industry standards and be reused in various applications. The recycled aluminum is then melted down in large furnaces, where it is purified and transformed into liquid metal. The liquid aluminum is cast into solid shapes, such as ingots or billets, which can be further processed into sheets, rods, wires, or specific components for different industries. The market for scrap aluminum is influenced by several factors, including the global demand for aluminum products, the overall recycling rates, and the price of primary aluminum. The price of scrap aluminum is typically determined by various factors such as the purity of the scrap, the quantity available, and market demands. It is crucial for scrap metal recycling companies to stay up-to-date with scrap metal recycling prices to ensure fair transactions with suppliers and clients. Apart from the economic benefits, aluminum scrap recycling also helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. The recycling process emits significantly less greenhouse gases compared to primary aluminum production. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can reduce air pollution, conserve water resources, and minimize the mining and extraction of bauxite, the primary raw material for aluminum production

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap volume management Aluminium scrap volume management Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Unlocking the Value in Sustainable Aluminum Recycling

    Aluminum scrap recycling is an essential practice that has gained significant importance in recent years. As one of the most valuable and widely used metals, aluminum's recyclability is crucial to conserving resources, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing environmental impact. Aluminum scrap refers to any discarded aluminum material that can be reused or reprocessed. This includes aluminum cans, sheets, extrusions, and even entire aluminum products. Recycling aluminum scrap helps to reduce the demand for virgin aluminum, which requires significant energy and resources to produce. By recycling scrap, we can conserve energy and mitigate the environmental consequences associated with mining and extraction. The process of aluminum scrap recycling involves collecting, sorting, and processing the discarded aluminum items. Aluminum recyclers establish designated facilities called aluminum scrap yards where scrap materials are accumulated and processed. These yards accept different types of aluminum scrap, including clean aluminum scrap, which is free from contaminants like dirt, plastic, or other non-aluminum materials. The price of aluminum scrap depends on various factors such as the quality of the scrap, market demand, and current market prices for aluminum. Clean aluminum scrap generally commands a higher price due to its higher purity and ease of processing. On the other hand, scrap aluminum that requires more extensive cleaning or sorting may be priced lower. Scrap metal recycling prices fluctuate based on market conditions, global demand for aluminum, and regional factors. It's crucial for recyclers to stay informed about these trends to ensure proper pricing and efficient operations. Many recycling facilities actively monitor these market fluctuations to provide competitive prices to those selling their aluminum scrap. An important aspect of aluminum scrap recycling is the separation of different aluminum alloys. Aluminum alloys are mixtures of aluminum with other metals to enhance their properties. Due to varying compositions and characteristics, separating different alloys is crucial for proper recycling and achieving high-quality recycled aluminum products. To facilitate this process, dedicated sorting and processing techniques are employed at aluminum scrap yards. In addition to its environmental benefits, aluminum scrap recycling also offers economic advantages. The recycled aluminum can be used in various industries, including automotive, construction, aerospace, and packaging. By choosing recycled aluminum, manufacturers can reduce their production costs and decrease their reliance on primary aluminum production. To encourage aluminum scrap recycling, governments and organizations worldwide have implemented regulations and initiatives to promote sustainable practices. These initiatives include incentivizing recycling efforts, imposing strict recycling targets, and providing support to the recycling industry through grants and subsidies

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium upgrades Scrap aluminium upgrades Фев 05, 2024

    Why, hello there!

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminum products Scrap aluminum products Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling cost-effectiveness Aluminium recycling cost-effectiveness Фев 05, 2024

    Hi, honeybunch!

  • Comment Link Aluminium ScrapYard Aluminium ScrapYard Ян 25, 2024

    Buy today, save tomorrow

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