Тя оставя най-старото средновековно описание на Филипопол и областта

Византийската принцеса, писател и историк – Анна Комнина, е родена на 1 декември 1083 г. Тя е дъщеря на византийския император Алексий I и Ирина Дукина, дъщеря на Андроник Дука и Мария Българска, внучка на българския цар Иван Владислав от династията Комитопули. С написването на своята 15-томна „Алексиада“ става първата известна жена историк. Тя оставя най-старото средновековно описание на Филипопол и областта. През 1096 г. оттук минават участниците в първия кръстоносен поход и отбелязват Филипопол като един от най-богатите византийски градове. Особено интересни за историографията са сведенията в „Алексиада“ за голямото въстание на пловдивските павликяни през 1084-1086 (въстанието на Травъл).

Анна е първото от общо девет деца на византийския император Алексий I и Ирина Дукина, дъщеря на Андроник Дука и Мария Българска, внучка на българския цар Иван Владислав от династията Комитопули.

Въпреки че в детството и младините си Анна с огромен интерес изучава история, математика, природни науки и гръцка философия, нейните родители категорично ѝ забраняват да изучава античната поезия, чийто възхвали за порочните езически богове, са неприлични за млада жена с благородническо потекло. Анна обаче се възпротивява на забраната и тайно от всички чете и изучава древногръцките произведения. Заради тази своя упоритост и борбеност тя става една от най-образованите личностти на своето време.

На 14 години се омъжва за младия Никифор Вриений - благородник с титлата кесар и военачалник в армията на императора. Бракът им продължава 40 години и двамата имат четири деца.

Още като дете Анна мечтае един ден да седне на трона. Тази мечта постепенно се превръща в амбиция и въпреки, че наследяването на трона е забранено за жени, Анна започва малко по малко да събира съюзници и влияние сред аристокрацията, за да постави ако не себе си, то поне своя съпруг Никифор начело на Византийската империя. Анна започва да прави всичко възможно, за да попречи на брат си Йоан, който е законен наследник на династията, да стане император. Императрица Ирина също е на нейна страна и използва цялото си влияние, за да убеди Алексий да промени избора си на престолонаследник в полза на съпруга на Анна. Императорът обаче твърдо стои зад своя избор и не отстъпва пред нейните претенции за трона. Вероятно това е продиктувано от желанието му да продължи своята династия, защото в случай че Никифор Вриений бъде коронясан, то той ще даде начало на нова династия – тази на Вриениите. Заради това след смъртта на Алексий през 1118 г. Йоан е законно коронясан за император Йоан II Комнин. В отговор на това Анна и съпругът ѝ приемат титлите Наследници на Византийския трон и организират заговор срещу новия император. Въпреки разлики в източниците, след съпоставяне на хронологията на сибитията повечето историци са почти сигурни, че планът на Анна е да убият Йоан по време на погребалната церемония на Алексий. В последния момент обаче, Никифор се отказва от идеята да участва в убийството на законния император. По този повод по-късно, дълбоко разочарована от постъпката на съпруга си, Анна отбелязва: „Природата трябва да е сменила половете ни, защото на него най-щеше да му отива да е жена“. Вследвие от проваления заговор Анна губи всичката си собственост, статута си на принцеса и бива заточена в Кехаритоменския манастир, основан преди години от майка ѝ – императрица Ирина. Предателят пък Вриений става най-близкият и доверен сановник на Йоан Втори.

В манастира, приключила с амбициите си към трона, Анна продължава да развива личността си с философия и история. Тя е запленена и изучава в дълбочина Аристотеловото учение. Интелектът и знанията си тя демонстрира в своите 5 творби. В тях личат огромните ѝ познания в сферите на философията, литературата, граматиката, теологията, астрономията и медицината и затова историците са склонни да простят малките грешки, които допуска при някои цитати от Омир и Библията в своя най-голям труд — Алексиада.

Източници: Енциклопедия на Пловдив, Уикипедия


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  • Comment Link Juniorunums Juniorunums Ян 19, 2025


    If you’re embarking on a kitchen remodel and asking yourself, “How do I find the best countertop contractors near me?”—I’ve been there, and I can help! After recently completing my own kitchen renovation, I’ve learned some valuable lessons that will save you time, money, and headaches along the way.

    First, don't underestimate the importance of experience. Whether you’re installing quartz, granite, or marble, each material requires a different skill set. When I started my search for countertop contractors, I made sure to choose someone who had worked extensively with my chosen material. The best countertop contractors near me were able to answer all my questions and walk me through the pros and cons of each material, which made me feel confident in my choices.

    Another tip is to ask for detailed quotes. Some contractors may offer low prices upfront, but when you dig deeper, you might find hidden fees or unexpected costs. The best contractors will give you a clear, detailed estimate that includes labor, materials, and any extra costs. I learned the hard way to always get everything in writing before agreeing to anything.

    Lastly, consider your timeline. Some countertop contractors may be booked for months, so make sure you align your project timeline with their availability. I had to wait a bit longer than expected for my contractor, but the end result was worth it! A professional contractor will not only provide quality work but also stick to deadlines and keep you informed throughout the entire process.

    Hiring the right contractor can make or break your kitchen remodel, so take the time to do your research. Good luck with your kitchen project—hope this advice helps you find the best contractor for your dream kitchen!

  • Comment Link Juniorunums Juniorunums Ян 19, 2025


    Hey everyone! If you're in the middle of a kitchen remodel like I was, you’re probably searching for the best countertop contractors near me. I know how overwhelming it can be to choose the right professionals for your kitchen renovation, but I’ve learned a few things that can help you make the right decision.

    First of all, it’s important to research contractors who specialize in kitchen countertops. Whether you're looking for granite, quartz, marble, or even something more unique like recycled glass, you’ll want to hire a contractor who has experience with the material you choose. I made the mistake of hiring a contractor who wasn’t familiar with the specific type of countertop I wanted, and let me tell you, it made the process way more stressful than it needed to be.

    Next, reviews are your best friend. Before hiring a contractor, I highly recommend checking online reviews, reading client testimonials, and even asking for referrals from people you trust. A great contractor will have a proven track record of delivering quality work on time and within budget. I personally reached out to past clients for feedback, and it made all the difference.

    Another tip I have is to communicate your vision clearly. The best countertop contractors near me weren’t just skilled workers—they were also great listeners who worked with me to choose the best materials for my kitchen and helped me stay within my budget. This made the entire process much smoother and less stressful.

    Finally, don’t rush your decision! The best countertops can elevate your kitchen and last for years, so take the time to hire the right contractor. Good luck with your remodel, and I hope these tips help you find the perfect contractor for your project!

  • Comment Link Juniorunums Juniorunums Ян 19, 2025


    Hey everyone! If you're in the middle of a kitchen remodel like I was, you’re probably searching for the best countertop contractors near me. I know how overwhelming it can be to choose the right professionals for your kitchen renovation, but I’ve learned a few things that can help you make the right decision.

    First of all, it’s important to research contractors who specialize in kitchen countertops. Whether you're looking for granite, quartz, marble, or even something more unique like recycled glass, you’ll want to hire a contractor who has experience with the material you choose. I made the mistake of hiring a contractor who wasn’t familiar with the specific type of countertop I wanted, and let me tell you, it made the process way more stressful than it needed to be.

    Next, reviews are your best friend. Before hiring a contractor, I highly recommend checking online reviews, reading client testimonials, and even asking for referrals from people you trust. A great contractor will have a proven track record of delivering quality work on time and within budget. I personally reached out to past clients for feedback, and it made all the difference.

    Another tip I have is to communicate your vision clearly. The best countertop contractors near me weren’t just skilled workers—they were also great listeners who worked with me to choose the best materials for my kitchen and helped me stay within my budget. This made the entire process much smoother and less stressful.

    Finally, don’t rush your decision! The best countertops can elevate your kitchen and last for years, so take the time to hire the right contractor. Good luck with your remodel, and I hope these tips help you find the perfect contractor for your project!

  • Comment Link Juniorunums Juniorunums Ян 19, 2025


    If you’re embarking on a kitchen remodel and asking yourself, “How do I find the best countertop contractors near me?”—I’ve been there, and I can help! After recently completing my own kitchen renovation, I’ve learned some valuable lessons that will save you time, money, and headaches along the way.

    First, don't underestimate the importance of experience. Whether you’re installing quartz, granite, or marble, each material requires a different skill set. When I started my search for countertop contractors, I made sure to choose someone who had worked extensively with my chosen material. The best countertop contractors near me were able to answer all my questions and walk me through the pros and cons of each material, which made me feel confident in my choices.

    Another tip is to ask for detailed quotes. Some contractors may offer low prices upfront, but when you dig deeper, you might find hidden fees or unexpected costs. The best contractors will give you a clear, detailed estimate that includes labor, materials, and any extra costs. I learned the hard way to always get everything in writing before agreeing to anything.

    Lastly, consider your timeline. Some countertop contractors may be booked for months, so make sure you align your project timeline with their availability. I had to wait a bit longer than expected for my contractor, but the end result was worth it! A professional contractor will not only provide quality work but also stick to deadlines and keep you informed throughout the entire process.

    Hiring the right contractor can make or break your kitchen remodel, so take the time to do your research. Good luck with your kitchen project—hope this advice helps you find the best contractor for your dream kitchen!

  • Comment Link Juniorunums Juniorunums Ян 19, 2025


    Hey everyone! If you're in the middle of a kitchen remodel like I was, you’re probably searching for the best countertop contractors near me. I know how overwhelming it can be to choose the right professionals for your kitchen renovation, but I’ve learned a few things that can help you make the right decision.

    First of all, it’s important to research contractors who specialize in kitchen countertops. Whether you're looking for granite, quartz, marble, or even something more unique like recycled glass, you’ll want to hire a contractor who has experience with the material you choose. I made the mistake of hiring a contractor who wasn’t familiar with the specific type of countertop I wanted, and let me tell you, it made the process way more stressful than it needed to be.

    Next, reviews are your best friend. Before hiring a contractor, I highly recommend checking online reviews, reading client testimonials, and even asking for referrals from people you trust. A great contractor will have a proven track record of delivering quality work on time and within budget. I personally reached out to past clients for feedback, and it made all the difference.

    Another tip I have is to communicate your vision clearly. The best countertop contractors near me weren’t just skilled workers—they were also great listeners who worked with me to choose the best materials for my kitchen and helped me stay within my budget. This made the entire process much smoother and less stressful.

    Finally, don’t rush your decision! The best countertops can elevate your kitchen and last for years, so take the time to hire the right contractor. Good luck with your remodel, and I hope these tips help you find the perfect contractor for your project!

  • Comment Link Juniorunums Juniorunums Ян 19, 2025


    Hey everyone! If you're in the middle of a kitchen remodel like I was, you’re probably searching for the best countertop contractors near me. I know how overwhelming it can be to choose the right professionals for your kitchen renovation, but I’ve learned a few things that can help you make the right decision.

    First of all, it’s important to research contractors who specialize in kitchen countertops. Whether you're looking for granite, quartz, marble, or even something more unique like recycled glass, you’ll want to hire a contractor who has experience with the material you choose. I made the mistake of hiring a contractor who wasn’t familiar with the specific type of countertop I wanted, and let me tell you, it made the process way more stressful than it needed to be.

    Next, reviews are your best friend. Before hiring a contractor, I highly recommend checking online reviews, reading client testimonials, and even asking for referrals from people you trust. A great contractor will have a proven track record of delivering quality work on time and within budget. I personally reached out to past clients for feedback, and it made all the difference.

    Another tip I have is to communicate your vision clearly. The best countertop contractors near me weren’t just skilled workers—they were also great listeners who worked with me to choose the best materials for my kitchen and helped me stay within my budget. This made the entire process much smoother and less stressful.

    Finally, don’t rush your decision! The best countertops can elevate your kitchen and last for years, so take the time to hire the right contractor. Good luck with your remodel, and I hope these tips help you find the perfect contractor for your project!

  • Comment Link Juniorunums Juniorunums Ян 19, 2025


    If you’re embarking on a kitchen remodel and asking yourself, “How do I find the best countertop contractors near me?”—I’ve been there, and I can help! After recently completing my own kitchen renovation, I’ve learned some valuable lessons that will save you time, money, and headaches along the way.

    First, don't underestimate the importance of experience. Whether you’re installing quartz, granite, or marble, each material requires a different skill set. When I started my search for countertop contractors, I made sure to choose someone who had worked extensively with my chosen material. The best countertop contractors near me were able to answer all my questions and walk me through the pros and cons of each material, which made me feel confident in my choices.

    Another tip is to ask for detailed quotes. Some contractors may offer low prices upfront, but when you dig deeper, you might find hidden fees or unexpected costs. The best contractors will give you a clear, detailed estimate that includes labor, materials, and any extra costs. I learned the hard way to always get everything in writing before agreeing to anything.

    Lastly, consider your timeline. Some countertop contractors may be booked for months, so make sure you align your project timeline with their availability. I had to wait a bit longer than expected for my contractor, but the end result was worth it! A professional contractor will not only provide quality work but also stick to deadlines and keep you informed throughout the entire process.

    Hiring the right contractor can make or break your kitchen remodel, so take the time to do your research. Good luck with your kitchen project—hope this advice helps you find the best contractor for your dream kitchen!

  • Comment Link Juniorunums Juniorunums Ян 19, 2025


    Hey everyone! If you're in the middle of a kitchen remodel like I was, you’re probably searching for the best countertop contractors near me. I know how overwhelming it can be to choose the right professionals for your kitchen renovation, but I’ve learned a few things that can help you make the right decision.

    First of all, it’s important to research contractors who specialize in kitchen countertops. Whether you're looking for granite, quartz, marble, or even something more unique like recycled glass, you’ll want to hire a contractor who has experience with the material you choose. I made the mistake of hiring a contractor who wasn’t familiar with the specific type of countertop I wanted, and let me tell you, it made the process way more stressful than it needed to be.

    Next, reviews are your best friend. Before hiring a contractor, I highly recommend checking online reviews, reading client testimonials, and even asking for referrals from people you trust. A great contractor will have a proven track record of delivering quality work on time and within budget. I personally reached out to past clients for feedback, and it made all the difference.

    Another tip I have is to communicate your vision clearly. The best countertop contractors near me weren’t just skilled workers—they were also great listeners who worked with me to choose the best materials for my kitchen and helped me stay within my budget. This made the entire process much smoother and less stressful.

    Finally, don’t rush your decision! The best countertops can elevate your kitchen and last for years, so take the time to hire the right contractor. Good luck with your remodel, and I hope these tips help you find the perfect contractor for your project!

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