Тя оставя най-старото средновековно описание на Филипопол и областта

Византийската принцеса, писател и историк – Анна Комнина, е родена на 1 декември 1083 г. Тя е дъщеря на византийския император Алексий I и Ирина Дукина, дъщеря на Андроник Дука и Мария Българска, внучка на българския цар Иван Владислав от династията Комитопули. С написването на своята 15-томна „Алексиада“ става първата известна жена историк. Тя оставя най-старото средновековно описание на Филипопол и областта. През 1096 г. оттук минават участниците в първия кръстоносен поход и отбелязват Филипопол като един от най-богатите византийски градове. Особено интересни за историографията са сведенията в „Алексиада“ за голямото въстание на пловдивските павликяни през 1084-1086 (въстанието на Травъл).

Анна е първото от общо девет деца на византийския император Алексий I и Ирина Дукина, дъщеря на Андроник Дука и Мария Българска, внучка на българския цар Иван Владислав от династията Комитопули.

Въпреки че в детството и младините си Анна с огромен интерес изучава история, математика, природни науки и гръцка философия, нейните родители категорично ѝ забраняват да изучава античната поезия, чийто възхвали за порочните езически богове, са неприлични за млада жена с благородническо потекло. Анна обаче се възпротивява на забраната и тайно от всички чете и изучава древногръцките произведения. Заради тази своя упоритост и борбеност тя става една от най-образованите личностти на своето време.

На 14 години се омъжва за младия Никифор Вриений - благородник с титлата кесар и военачалник в армията на императора. Бракът им продължава 40 години и двамата имат четири деца.

Още като дете Анна мечтае един ден да седне на трона. Тази мечта постепенно се превръща в амбиция и въпреки, че наследяването на трона е забранено за жени, Анна започва малко по малко да събира съюзници и влияние сред аристокрацията, за да постави ако не себе си, то поне своя съпруг Никифор начело на Византийската империя. Анна започва да прави всичко възможно, за да попречи на брат си Йоан, който е законен наследник на династията, да стане император. Императрица Ирина също е на нейна страна и използва цялото си влияние, за да убеди Алексий да промени избора си на престолонаследник в полза на съпруга на Анна. Императорът обаче твърдо стои зад своя избор и не отстъпва пред нейните претенции за трона. Вероятно това е продиктувано от желанието му да продължи своята династия, защото в случай че Никифор Вриений бъде коронясан, то той ще даде начало на нова династия – тази на Вриениите. Заради това след смъртта на Алексий през 1118 г. Йоан е законно коронясан за император Йоан II Комнин. В отговор на това Анна и съпругът ѝ приемат титлите Наследници на Византийския трон и организират заговор срещу новия император. Въпреки разлики в източниците, след съпоставяне на хронологията на сибитията повечето историци са почти сигурни, че планът на Анна е да убият Йоан по време на погребалната церемония на Алексий. В последния момент обаче, Никифор се отказва от идеята да участва в убийството на законния император. По този повод по-късно, дълбоко разочарована от постъпката на съпруга си, Анна отбелязва: „Природата трябва да е сменила половете ни, защото на него най-щеше да му отива да е жена“. Вследвие от проваления заговор Анна губи всичката си собственост, статута си на принцеса и бива заточена в Кехаритоменския манастир, основан преди години от майка ѝ – императрица Ирина. Предателят пък Вриений става най-близкият и доверен сановник на Йоан Втори.

В манастира, приключила с амбициите си към трона, Анна продължава да развива личността си с философия и история. Тя е запленена и изучава в дълбочина Аристотеловото учение. Интелектът и знанията си тя демонстрира в своите 5 творби. В тях личат огромните ѝ познания в сферите на философията, литературата, граматиката, теологията, астрономията и медицината и затова историците са склонни да простят малките грешки, които допуска при някои цитати от Омир и Библията в своя най-голям труд — Алексиада.

Източници: Енциклопедия на Пловдив, Уикипедия


  • Comment Link Juniorunums Juniorunums Ян 21, 2025


    Hey everyone! Are you debating between Ceylon vs Saigon cinnamon and wondering which one is better for you? The truth is, both cinnamon varieties have their own unique qualities, but when it comes to safety and health benefits, there are some important things you need to know.

    Let’s start with Ceylon cinnamon, often known as true cinnamon. It’s prized for its mild, sweet flavor and is considered much safer for long-term use. Why? Because Ceylon cinnamon has very low levels of coumarin, a naturally occurring compound that can be toxic when consumed in large amounts. For those of us who love sprinkling cinnamon on our oatmeal, smoothies, or desserts every day, Ceylon is the healthiest and safest choice.

    Now, let’s talk about Saigon cinnamon. It’s often stronger and more pungent, which makes it perfect for certain dishes that need an extra punch of flavor. However, Saigon cinnamon comes with a downside—it contains much higher levels of coumarin than Ceylon cinnamon, making it less ideal for frequent consumption. So, if you’re using cinnamon regularly for its health benefits, Ceylon cinnamon is the better option.

    When it comes to Saigon vs Ceylon cinnamon, it all boils down to what you’re looking for. If you want something that’s both delicious and safe for your health, Ceylon cinnamon is the best choice. Want to learn more about the benefits of each and decide which one suits your lifestyle? I’ve written a blog post that covers everything you need to know. Don’t miss out on this essential info—check it out now!

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  • Comment Link Juniorunums Juniorunums Ян 21, 2025


    Hey cinnamon lovers! If you’ve ever found yourself standing in front of the spice aisle wondering which cinnamon is the healthiest and tastiest—Ceylon vs Saigon cinnamon, this post is for you! Both of these cinnamon varieties are popular, but they have some key differences that could impact your health and cooking.

    First, let’s talk about Ceylon cinnamon. Often referred to as “true cinnamon,” it’s known for its sweet, delicate flavor and is much safer for regular consumption than Saigon cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon is lower in coumarin, a compound that can be harmful in large quantities. This makes Ceylon a much better choice if you use cinnamon daily for its many health benefits, like controlling blood sugar and promoting heart health.

    Now, let’s compare that to Saigon cinnamon. While it’s stronger and more pungent in flavor, Saigon cinnamon also contains higher levels of coumarin. If you enjoy a bold, intense cinnamon flavor, Saigon might be your go-to, but it’s not the safest option if you’re concerned about long-term health risks.

    So, Ceylon vs Saigon cinnamon—which one is best? Well, if you’re looking for a safer, more health-conscious option with a mild flavor, Ceylon cinnamon is your winner. But if you’re after a more intense spice for specific recipes, Saigon cinnamon might be the way to go, just in moderation.

    For a deeper dive into the benefits of each cinnamon type and to find out which one is truly the best for your health, I’ve written a detailed blog post to help you make an informed decision. Check it out and choose the right cinnamon for your needs!

  • Comment Link Juniorunums Juniorunums Ян 21, 2025


    Hey everyone! Are you debating between Ceylon vs Saigon cinnamon and wondering which one is better for you? The truth is, both cinnamon varieties have their own unique qualities, but when it comes to safety and health benefits, there are some important things you need to know.

    Let’s start with Ceylon cinnamon, often known as true cinnamon. It’s prized for its mild, sweet flavor and is considered much safer for long-term use. Why? Because Ceylon cinnamon has very low levels of coumarin, a naturally occurring compound that can be toxic when consumed in large amounts. For those of us who love sprinkling cinnamon on our oatmeal, smoothies, or desserts every day, Ceylon is the healthiest and safest choice.

    Now, let’s talk about Saigon cinnamon. It’s often stronger and more pungent, which makes it perfect for certain dishes that need an extra punch of flavor. However, Saigon cinnamon comes with a downside—it contains much higher levels of coumarin than Ceylon cinnamon, making it less ideal for frequent consumption. So, if you’re using cinnamon regularly for its health benefits, Ceylon cinnamon is the better option.

    When it comes to Saigon vs Ceylon cinnamon, it all boils down to what you’re looking for. If you want something that’s both delicious and safe for your health, Ceylon cinnamon is the best choice. Want to learn more about the benefits of each and decide which one suits your lifestyle? I’ve written a blog post that covers everything you need to know. Don’t miss out on this essential info—check it out now!

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  • Comment Link Juniorunums Juniorunums Ян 21, 2025


    I recently stumbled across an incredible resource that’s been a game-changer for me in the world of cybersecurity: IT RoundTables. If you're like me—always on the hunt for meaningful discussions, practical solutions, and insights on securing critical systems—this might be just what you need.

    The concept is simple yet powerful. IT RoundTables provide a platform for online discussions focused on the convergence of IT and OT (Operational Technology). Unlike most forums cluttered with generic advice or thinly veiled sales pitches, these discussions are packed with real-world insights shared by top executives and cybersecurity experts. Imagine diving into conversations about asset discovery, secure remote access, and microsegmentation, all without worrying about being “sold” something.

    One of the best parts? It’s a nonprofit initiative, so the focus is entirely on advancing knowledge and addressing the massive talent gap in OT security. IT RoundTable even works to connect qualified professionals with leading companies, which is invaluable if you're building a career in this field.

    I’ve walked away from their events with actionable strategies and new connections with professionals who “get it.” It’s like having a backstage pass to the future of cybersecurity.

    If you’re serious about staying ahead in cybersecurity and want to be part of a community dedicated to securing the systems that power our lives, I highly recommend checking it out. You can join discussions, attend virtual events, or even just explore the blog for valuable insights. Visit ITRoundTable.co and see for yourself. You’ll thank me later.

  • Comment Link Juniorunums Juniorunums Ян 21, 2025


    Let’s be honest: navigating the cybersecurity space can feel overwhelming. There’s no shortage of information, but finding a community of experts who truly share actionable, unbiased insights? That’s rare. That’s why I’m hooked on IT RoundTables.

    This platform has quickly become my go-to for engaging online discussions about IT and OT security. Whether it’s exploring challenges like segmentation, asset discovery, or secure access, the conversations are led by seasoned professionals from Fortune 500 companies and beyond. It’s like having a mentor and peer network wrapped into one.

    What sets IT RoundTables apart is the focus on collaboration and education. There’s no fluff here—just a nonprofit organization laser-focused on advancing OT security. They even partner with sponsors like Claroty Corporation to bring top-tier expertise into their discussions, ensuring the content stays sharp and relevant.

    But it’s not just about learning. IT RoundTables is also filling a critical gap by connecting professionals with job opportunities in OT security. As someone who’s seen how tricky it can be to find the right fit in this industry, I can’t stress enough how valuable their job placement program is.

    Whether you’re an experienced pro or just breaking into cybersecurity, this is a resource you can’t afford to miss. Head over to this site, and take a look at their upcoming events, blog content, and community. Trust me, the insights and connections you’ll gain are worth every second.

  • Comment Link Stephendap Stephendap Ян 21, 2025

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