На 28 ноември от 18.30 часа Арт клуб и Галерия Савов отбелязва 100 годишнината от рождението на големия български художник проф. Петър Чуховски с откриването на юбилейна изложба с негови графики и рисунки.


Петър Чуховски е роден на 31.12.1922 г. в село Хотница, Великотърновско. Завършва Художествена академия -­ София, Графика и илюстрация при проф. Илия Бешков, 1952. Преподавател в Художествената академия, асистент на проф. Илия Бешков по графика, илюстрация, оформление на книги, рисуване, композиция. Преподавател по перспектива от 1952 в НХА, професор.


Участва в редица изложби у нас и в чужбина. Има 6 самостоятелни изложби.


Автор на над 20 книги по проблеми на изобразителното изкуство, монографии за художници и др. Книги: „Иван Кьосев“, 1971; „Рисунката“, 1976; „Бойчо Григоров“, 1976; „Петър Чуклев“, 1977; „Никола Мирчев“, 1978; „Михаил Петков“, 1978; „Илия Бешков 1901-1958 Избрани творби“, 1981; „Съвременно българско изобразително изкуство – живопис, графика, скулптура“, в съавторство със Светлин Русев, 1982; „Лиляна Русева“, 1985 и др.


Умира в София през 1995 г. 


  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap recycling technology Aluminum scrap recycling technology Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: The Sustainable Solution for a Circular Economy

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in both environmental sustainability and economic value creation. As the demand for aluminum products continues to increase, the importance of recycling aluminum scrap becomes paramount. In this text, we will explore different aspects of aluminum scrap recycling, including its benefits, process, and market dynamics. Aluminum scrap refers to any discarded aluminum material that can be reprocessed into new products. With its high recyclability and abundance, aluminum is one of the most valuable scrap metals. Recycling aluminum scrap not only saves precious natural resources but also reduces the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with primary aluminum production. The aluminum scrap recycling process involves several steps. First, the scrap aluminum needs to be collected from various sources, such as industrial waste, construction sites, or end-of-life products like cars or beverage cans. These aluminum scraps are then sorted based on their composition and cleanliness. Sorting is crucial as it ensures the quality of the recycled aluminum. Once sorted, the aluminum scrap is cleaned to remove any impurities like dirt, oil, or coatings. Clean aluminum scrap fetches a higher price in the market due to its readiness for reprocessing. The cleaned scrap is then subjected to melting in a furnace, where it is transformed into molten aluminum. The molten metal is then cast into desired shapes, ready to be used for manufacturing new aluminum products. The market for aluminum scrap recycling is dynamic and influenced by various factors. One key factor is the price of aluminum scrap, which is determined by global supply and demand dynamics. Scrap aluminum prices can fluctuate due to factors such as changes in raw material prices, economic conditions, and government policies. Monitoring scrap metal recycling prices and understanding market trends is essential for stakeholders in the aluminum recycling industry. Aluminum recycling facilities, commonly known as aluminum scrap yards, act as collection points for scrap aluminum. These yards serve as a crucial link in the recycling chain, where individuals and businesses bring their aluminum scrap for proper disposal and recycling. The scrap yard operators play a vital role in sorting, cleaning, and preparing the scrap for reprocessing. The value of aluminum scrap is also influenced by its alloy composition. Aluminum alloy scrap, such as those containing copper, magnesium, or zinc, can have different recycling values depending on the alloy composition and current market conditions. It is important for recyclers to accurately identify the alloy composition and segregate different alloys to maximize their economic returns. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a crucial process that brings forth numerous benefits. Recycling aluminum not only helps conserve natural resources and reduce environmental impacts but also contributes to the circular economy by minimizing waste. Stakeholders in the industry, including scrap yard operators, manufacturers, and policy-makers, should collaborate to promote and support aluminum scrap recycling initiatives. By doing so, we can harness the full potential of aluminum scrap recycling, both in terms of sustainability and economic value creation

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap alloy identification Aluminium scrap alloy identification Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: A Sustainable Solution for Environmental and Economic Benefits

    Aluminum scrap recycling has become an essential practice in the modern world due to its numerous environmental and economic benefits. As one of the most widely recycled materials globally, aluminum scrap has gained significant attention in recent years. This article will delve into the importance of aluminum scrap recycling, discuss the aluminum scrap price and its fluctuation, the significance of scrap metal recycling prices, and highlight the role of aluminum scrap yards in this process. Aluminum scrap, which refers to the discarded aluminum products or waste containing aluminum, carries immense value due to its inherent qualities. Recycling aluminum scrap allows for the conservation of energy and resources, reducing the need for virgin aluminum production. Furthermore, recycling one ton of aluminum scrap can save up to nine tons of CO2 emissions. This not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also helps combat climate change, making aluminum scrap recycling a sustainable solution. The aluminum recycling industry has witnessed substantial growth over the years, driven by the increasing demand for aluminum products in various sectors like construction, transportation, and packaging. This surge in demand has also resulted in a steady rise in the aluminum scrap price. However, it is important to note that the aluminum scrap price is subject to market conditions, such as supply and demand dynamics, international trade policies, and the quality of the scrap metal. Therefore, staying informed about the current aluminum scrap price is crucial for individuals and businesses involved in aluminum scrap recycling. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap, play a significant role in incentivizing individuals and businesses to recycle their waste. These prices are determined by various factors, such as the purity and quality of the scrap metal, market demand, and the overall economic landscape. Keeping track of scrap metal recycling prices allows recyclers to effectively manage their operations and make informed decisions regarding the buying and selling of aluminum scrap. Aluminum scrap yards act as vital intermediaries in the aluminum scrap recycling process. These yards serve as collection centers where individuals and businesses can sell their aluminum scrap, which is then processed and sold to aluminum smelters or other downstream industries. Aluminum scrap yards ensure the proper sorting, cleaning, and processing of the scrap metal, thereby maximizing its value. They also play a crucial role in facilitating the efficient flow of aluminum scrap through the recycling chain. Clean aluminum scrap, free from contaminants and other alloys, usually fetches a higher price compared to mixed or contaminated scrap. The clean aluminum scrap price is influenced by factors like market demand, purity, and availability. Maintaining high-quality standards in aluminum scrap recycling processes is crucial to maximize the economic returns and ensure the sustainability of the recycling industry. Another aspect to consider is the price of aluminum alloy scrap. Aluminum alloys, which are commonly used in various industrial applications, have different compositions and properties compared to pure aluminum. The price of aluminum alloy scrap is determined by the specific alloy composition, market demand, and the prevailing market conditions. Recycling aluminum alloy scrap not only reduces the environmental impact but also conserves valuable resources

  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling policy compliance Aluminium recycling policy compliance Фев 05, 2024

    Why, hello there!

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap environmental responsibility Aluminium scrap environmental responsibility Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium refurbishment Aluminium refurbishment Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium Recycling Aluminium Recycling Ян 26, 2024


  • Comment Link Naturemr Naturemr Ян 23, 2024

    Have a nice day!

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