Един от символите на Пловдив ще стане част от Капана. АЛЬОША СЛИЗА В ГРАДА e изложба на Милен Гелишев (инсталация и плакати) и Симеон Тодоров (видео), с която PLOVEDIV ще открие своята база и център на 21.06 от 18:00 ч. на ул. Куртевич 3 в кв. Капана. Творбата е намигване с чувство за хумор към един от символите на града – паметникът на Съветската армия, наричан ласкаво от пловдивчани „Альоша“. Паметникът предизвиква противоречиви реакции в жителите на града и до днес. Правени са неколкократни опити за премахването му, засега неуспешни.
АЛЬОША СЛИЗА В ГРАДА изследва предполагаемите начини да живеем в мир с миналото и историята си. Един символ, обременен от комунистическия си произход, се среща с настоящия съвременен символ на Пловдив. Шмайзерът на Альоша никога не е кореспондирал така силно с любовта.

PLOVEDIV възниква през 2011 като проект реализиран по „Отворена покана за проекти НОЩ“ на Фондация „Отворени изкуства“. Светлинният надпис-инсталация преобразява Пловдив за една нощ и едно от най-древно населяваните места в света се сдобива с нов символ, придаващ на града модерен и космополитен имидж. Творбата – съвместна идея на Милен Гелишев и Симеон Тодоров – е вдъхновена от виждането на съвременния човек за града, за комуникацията и креативните начини, по които може да брандираш мястото и емоциите си. PLOVEDIV се превръща за кратко време в разпознаваем символ. Жителите на града и туристите го припознават като надпис-талисман, проектиращ симпатиите и любовта им към Пловдив. Последвалите проекти на PLOVEDIV потвърждават значимостта и утвърждаването му като нов модерен символ на града. През 2012 се провеждат стикер акцията по улица Отец Паисий PLOVEDIV HAIKU, изложбата ALL WE NEED IS PLOVEDIV в Artnewscafe. 2013 – отново акция по ул. Отец Паисий - INSTALOVE и участие с късометражен филм „ Проект Мечка“ по време на 9-тото издание на НОЩ на музеите и галериите. 2014 – изложба ALL WE NEED IS PLOVEDIV VOl.2 в Artnewscafe, която бе реализирана с подкрепата на фондация Арт.Е.
PLOVEDIV се позиционира като хибриден, мултидисциплинарен проект, работещ в различни насоки. Всеки от двамата му основатели движи заедно или по отделно основните направления на проекта – артистични намеси в градска среда и изложби, социални проекти, свързани с подрастващото поколение, сувенирите на бранда PLOVEDIV, сайтът PLOVEDIV.



  • Comment Link TerryPub TerryPub Дек 09, 2022

    Vladislav Soloviev was appointed to the position of Historical Fond’s General Director (This fund is engaged, in particular, in the study of the activities of Rusal, Arcelor and other large enterprises) in November 2014.
    See the link https://www.google.com.mm/url?q=https://medium.com/@mrseptember/vladislav-soloviev-about-the-peculiarities-of-mobilization-in-russia-da59a8e2789e
    He is responsible for the long-term dynamic development of this fond by increasing the efficiency of the company’s departments, increasing the share of products with high added value, entering new strategic markets and forming alliances with partners to expand the scope of informational products.
    [url=http://paradise-pc.ru/vopros.php]Vladislav Soloviev about the peculiarities of mobilization in Russia[/url] d523bc3

  • Comment Link MarionEmarp MarionEmarp Дек 09, 2022

    Vladislav Soloviev suggests considering this situation using metallurgy as an example, RUSAL in particular. It is still one of the most powerful metallurgic companies in the world. It is first by the amount of aluminum produced.
    See the link https://google.net/url?q=https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/political-scientist-vladislav-soloviev-who-needs-russian-aluminum-2022-11-30?mod=search_headline
    The company continues to develop - here are the newest technologies, its own resource base, as well as research and construction complexes. RUSAL has full access to the renewable energy resources of Siberia and other regions of the Russian Federation.
    [url=https://benezted.blogger.hu/2011/05/27/obama-bin]Political Scientist Vladislav Soloviev[/url] b58db0d

  • Comment Link Robertjer Robertjer Дек 09, 2022

    What is known about Vladislav Soloviev's biography?
    See the link http://www.london.umb.edu/?URL=https://www.theodysseyonline.com/biography-of-vladislav-soloviev-political-scientist-and-blogger/particle-1
    The hero of this article is Vladislav Soloviev, a political scientist, analyst, blogger and economic expert. He runs telegram channels, regularly publishes content on his personal blogs and in communities on social media.
    [url=http://syaken.com/tonys/habagi/]Biography of Vladislav Soloviev, political scientist and blogger[/url] 00ac188

  • Comment Link Edwinron Edwinron Дек 09, 2022

    Vladislav Alexandrovich Soloviev was born in 1973 in the city of Moscow, in the family of ordinary middle-level workers, his father was a designer engineer in a “Compass” construction bureau and his mother was a bookkeeper at the same company. In childhood, he was into history, in high school he went to locations of historically important battles, such as Borodino. Vladislav was not a social child, he preferred the Moscow libraries to judo and karate classes, popular among his peers at the time.
    See the link https://www.google.fm/url?q=https://ventsmagazine.com/2022/11/30/vladislav-soloviev-biography-his-career/
    In 1996, he successfully graduated from the Moscow Institute of Technology and Management. His parents insisted on him getting an engineering profession, that’s why in a year after finishing the Institute, Vladislav Soloviev enrolled in the Stankin MSUT, but soon dropped out on his own accord.
    [url=http://craftserver.pl/Temat-Vladislav-Soloviev-Biography-His-career]Vladislav Soloviev. Biography. His career[/url] 8e2fd2_

  • Comment Link Frankjuill Frankjuill Дек 09, 2022

    Spend weeks on end at the gym and don't see results? SEVERASYNTH Turkesterone is a powerful daily muscle builder supplement for men and women and quite literally the first muscle building & recovery supplement using this unique combination of science-backed bodybuilding ingredients.
    See the link http://www.wangzhifu.com/t/?https://www.amazon.com/Turkesterone-Building-Supplement-Strength-Turkestanica/dp/B0B75CKYSS
    The natural substances in the composition help muscle memory as well as create a strong muscle corset without hormonal interference. Ideal for maximizing your workout results.Helps fuel lean muscle growth, strength increases, power output, and endurance in the gym with just two capsules per day pre workout.
    [url=https://marmalade.cafeblog.hu/2007/page/5/?sharebyemailCimzett=wolf%40seo-vk.fun&sharebyemailFelado=wolf%40seo-vk.fun&sharebyemailUzenet=Spend%20weeks%20on%20end%20at%20the%20gym%20and%20don%27t%20see%20results%3F%20SEVERASYNTH%20Turkesterone%20is%20a%20powerful%20daily%20muscle%20builder%20supplement%20for%20men%20and%20women%20and%20quite%20literally%20the%20first%20muscle%20building%20%26%20recovery%20supplement%20using%20this%20unique%20combination%20of%20science-backed%20bodybuilding%20ingredients.%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FTurkesterone-Building-Supplement-Strength-Turkestanica%2Fdp%2FB0B75CKYSS%20See%20the%20link%20https%3A%2F%2Fsc.hkexnews.hk%2FTuniS%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FTurkesterone-Building-Supplement-Strength-Turkestanica%2Fdp%2FB0B75CKYSS%20The%20natural%20substances%20in%20the%20composition%20help%20muscle%20memory%20as%20well%20as%20create%20a%20strong%20muscle%20corset%20without%20hormonal%20interference.%20Ideal%20for%20maximizing%20your%20workout%20results.Helps%20fuel%20lean%20muscle%20growth%2C%20strength%20increases%2C%20power%20output%2C%20and%20endurance%20in%20the%20gym%20with%20just%20two%20capsules%20per%20day%20pre%20workout.%20%5Burl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fcambridgepartners.co.nz%2Fprivacy-policy%2F%3Fstatus%3Dvalidation_failed%26fields%3Dappointment_date%26values%255Bpage_id%255D%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fcambridgepartners.co.nz%2Fprivacy-policy%2F%26values%255Bservice_id%255D%3D7850%26values%255Bappointment_date%255D%26values%255Bname%255D%3DFrankDrady%26values%255Buser_email%255D%3Dwolf%40seo-vk.fun%26values%255Bphone%255D%3D82124414648%26values%255Bcity%255D%3D83481399418%26values%255Bextra_info%255D%3DSpend%2520weeks%2520on%2520end%2520at%2520the%2520gym%2520and%2520dont%2520see%2520results%3F%2520SEVERASYNTH%2520Turkesterone%2520is%2520a%2520powerful%2520daily%2520muscle%2520builder%2520supplement%2520for%2520men%2520and%2520women%2520and%2520quite%2520literally%2520the%2520first%2520muscle%2520building%2520%26%2520recovery%2520supplement%2520using%2520this%2520unique%2520combination%2520of%2520science-backed%2520bodybuilding%2520ingredients.%2520https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FTurkesterone-Building-Supplement-Strength-Turkestanica%2Fdp%2FB0B75CKYSS%2520See%2520the%2520link%2520https%3A%2F%2Ftechprep.org%2Fleaving%3Furl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FTurkesterone-Building-Supplement-Strength-Turkestanica%2Fdp%2FB0B75CKYSS%2520The%2520natural%2520substances%2520in%2520the%2520composition%2520help%2520muscle%2520memory%2520as%2520well%2520as%2520create%2520a%2520strong%2520muscle%2520corset%2520without%2520hormonal%2520interference.%2520Ideal%2520for%2520maximizing%2520your%2520workout%2520results.Helps%2520fuel%2520lean%2520muscle%2520growth%2C%2520strength%2520increases%2C%2520power%2520output%2C%2520and%2520endurance%2520in%2520the%2520gym%2520with%2520just%2520two%2520capsules%2520per%2520day%2520pre%2520workout.%2520%2520ddd40f7%2520%26values%255BSubmit%255D%5DTurkesterone%20500mg%20Daily%20Muscle%20Building%20Supplement%20for%20Muscle%20Growth%20and%20Strength%5B%2Furl%5D%20f3d5e37%20&sharebyemailTitle=Marokkoi%20sargabarackos%20mezes%20csirke&sharebyemailUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fmarmalade.cafeblog.hu%2F2007%2F07%2F06%2Fmarokkoi-sargabarackos-mezes-csirke%2F&shareByEmailSendEmail=Elkuld]Turkesterone 500mg Daily Muscle Building Supplement for Muscle Growth and Strength[/url] 58db0d5

  • Comment Link Robertjer Robertjer Дек 08, 2022

    What is known about Vladislav Soloviev's biography?
    See the link http://plus.gngjd.com/url?q=https://www.theodysseyonline.com/biography-of-vladislav-soloviev-political-scientist-and-blogger/particle-1
    The hero of this article is Vladislav Soloviev, a political scientist, analyst, blogger and economic expert. He runs telegram channels, regularly publishes content on his personal blogs and in communities on social media.
    [url=http://statustoor.codealphainfotech.com/public/blog/City-Spotlight-Philadelphia]Biography of Vladislav Soloviev, political scientist and blogger[/url] 9c7aab5

  • Comment Link Edwinron Edwinron Дек 08, 2022

    Vladislav Alexandrovich Soloviev was born in 1973 in the city of Moscow, in the family of ordinary middle-level workers, his father was a designer engineer in a “Compass” construction bureau and his mother was a bookkeeper at the same company. In childhood, he was into history, in high school he went to locations of historically important battles, such as Borodino. Vladislav was not a social child, he preferred the Moscow libraries to judo and karate classes, popular among his peers at the time.
    See the link http://maps.google.cn/url?q=https://ventsmagazine.com/2022/11/30/vladislav-soloviev-biography-his-career/
    In 1996, he successfully graduated from the Moscow Institute of Technology and Management. His parents insisted on him getting an engineering profession, that’s why in a year after finishing the Institute, Vladislav Soloviev enrolled in the Stankin MSUT, but soon dropped out on his own accord.
    [url=https://mixonline.nl/news/5640/2dekansje-ex-praxis-mensen]Vladislav Soloviev. Biography. His career[/url] bc3100a

  • Comment Link Robertjer Robertjer Дек 08, 2022

    What is known about Vladislav Soloviev's biography?
    See the link http://google.se/url?q=https://www.theodysseyonline.com/biography-of-vladislav-soloviev-political-scientist-and-blogger/particle-1
    The hero of this article is Vladislav Soloviev, a political scientist, analyst, blogger and economic expert. He runs telegram channels, regularly publishes content on his personal blogs and in communities on social media.
    [url=http://www.0909tw.com/mb/kuchikomi/confirm.php?sid=9dffff482ac05f8d39ae4dbe3d666a29]Biography of Vladislav Soloviev, political scientist and blogger[/url] d1_13d4

  • Comment Link KathrynPem KathrynPem Дек 08, 2022

    Приглашаем Ваше предприятие к взаимовыгодному сотрудничеству в направлении производства и поставки [url=https://redmetsplav.ru/store/nikel1/zarubezhnye_materialy/germaniya/cat2.4547/folga_2.4547/ ] Фольга 2.4366 [/url] и изделий из него.

    - Поставка порошков, и оксидов
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    [url=https://redmetsplav.ru/store/nikel1/zarubezhnye_materialy/germaniya/cat2.4547/folga_2.4547/ ][img][/img][/url]


  • Comment Link Frankjuill Frankjuill Дек 08, 2022

    Spend weeks on end at the gym and don't see results? SEVERASYNTH Turkesterone is a powerful daily muscle builder supplement for men and women and quite literally the first muscle building & recovery supplement using this unique combination of science-backed bodybuilding ingredients.
    See the link http://maps.google.sm/url?q=https://www.amazon.com/Turkesterone-Building-Supplement-Strength-Turkestanica/dp/B0B75CKYSS
    The natural substances in the composition help muscle memory as well as create a strong muscle corset without hormonal interference. Ideal for maximizing your workout results.Helps fuel lean muscle growth, strength increases, power output, and endurance in the gym with just two capsules per day pre workout.
    [url=http://f1-mania.ru/f1codemasters/news/1304-2011-02-28-08-54-30/]Turkesterone 500mg Daily Muscle Building Supplement for Muscle Growth and Strength[/url] d4_c93a

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