Българско-турският литературен* клуб кани пловдивчани да отпразнуват петата годишнина на двуезичното списание на Пловдив Nöbettepe/ Небет тепе в Културен център на Радио Пловдив на 15 ноември 2023 г. (сряда) от 18:00 часа. На събитието ще бъде представен и специалния 21 брой.

Ново двуезично списание за култура тръгва от Пловдив

Мотото на годишнината е "Постоянство в името на двуезичната литература и красотата!", а празникът обещава да докосне публиката до магия на словото. В програмата са включени и приятелски концерт с  участието на: Алпер Юнлютюрк – баритон и Батухан Лушоглу – пиано.

Гостите на събитието ще имат възможността да видят документалния филм „Зеугма“, заснет от Българско-турски литературен клуб два месеца преди земетресението в Антакия (Турция).

Антакия, също като Пловдив е древен римски град, с антични мозайки, разкрити и експонирани като тези в Епископската базилика на Филипопол; град в който от векове съжителстват в хармония различни етноси и религии. През този регион минава и Пътя на коприната, който пресича и Пловдив. Както в Пловдив, така и в Антакия съществуват реално действащи храмове на различни религии.


Българско-турският литературен клуб е създаден преди десет години. В него членуват преподаватели от Пловдивския, Шуменския, Софийския и Анкарския университет, БАН, студенти, турски и български поети и писатели, издатели и представители на медиите.

Клубът инициира срещи с творци на словото от двете държави, организира представяния на книги, участва активно във фестивала „Пловдив чете”, организира литературни конкурси, детски празници насърчаващи четенето, издава двуезичното списание „Небет тепе“, участва активно в културния и социалния живот на града и областа и  в благотворителни събития.

Българско-турски литературен клуб подготвя и издава  списание „Небет тепе” – двуезично издание, в което студенти и утвърдени турски и български поети и писатели  публикуват своите творби. Списанието се издава четири пъти годишно, в момента се разпространява  21-ви брой. Селекцията се извършва от редакционна колегия – проф. Евдокия Борисова, проф. Хюсеин Мевсим,  доц. Елена Гетова, проф. Йорданка Бибина, д-р Харун Бекир,  д-р Азис Шакир, проф. Хасине Шен, д-р Антон Баев  и др. Главен редактор на списание


  • Comment Link Aluminium alloy recycling Aluminium alloy recycling Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Unlocking the Value of Scrap Aluminum

    In today's world, recycling has become an integral part of our efforts to protect the environment and conserve valuable resources. One such area of focus is aluminum scrap recycling, which plays a vital role in the circular economy. With increasing concerns about climate change and the depletion of natural resources, the recycling of aluminum scrap is not only economically viable but also essential for a sustainable future. Aluminum scrap recycling involves the collection, sorting, processing, and remelting of various forms of aluminum waste, including aluminum cans, foil, extrusions, and other aluminum products. The process begins with the collection of aluminum scrap from diverse sources such as industrial waste, construction sites, automotive industries, and even household items like beverage cans. Scrap aluminum is transported to specialized recycling facilities where it undergoes a meticulous sorting process. The aim is to separate different grades and alloys of aluminum to ensure a high-quality end product. Aluminum scrap is then processed to remove impurities and contaminants such as plastic coatings, paints, and other metallic components. This is done through shredding, crushing, and melting, depending on the type and condition of the scrap. Once the aluminum scrap has been transformed into a clean, uniform material, it is ready to be melted down and transformed into new aluminum products. The remelting process requires far less energy than primary aluminum production, making aluminum scrap recycling an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly alternative. In addition to the significant environmental benefits, aluminum scrap recycling also has economic advantages. The demand for recycled aluminum continues to rise, driven by the growing awareness of its sustainability benefits and the increasing use of aluminum in various industries. As a result, scrap aluminum has a market value, and scrap metal recycling prices provide incentives for individuals and businesses to participate in the recycling process. The price of aluminum scrap fluctuates based on various factors such as market demand, global supply, and the quality of the scrap. Clean aluminum scrap, free from any contamination or mixed materials, tends to fetch higher prices compared to lower quality or mixed alloy scrap. Aluminum alloy scrap, which contains specific alloys or blends, may also have variations in price depending on its composition and market demand. To facilitate the smooth recycling process, aluminum scrap yards have become specialized centers where individuals and businesses can sell their scrap aluminum. These yards often house sophisticated equipment and advanced sorting systems to handle large volumes of scrap and ensure efficient recycling operations. Scrap aluminum yards play a vital role in bridging the gap between scrap suppliers and recycling facilities, promoting the sustainable use of aluminum resources

  • Comment Link Aluminium alloy recycling process Aluminium alloy recycling process Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: An Overview

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in the circular economy by reducing the need for primary aluminum production and conserving valuable resources. Aluminum is one of the most widely used materials in various industries, including construction, automotive, packaging, and electronics. It possesses excellent properties such as lightweight, corrosion resistance, and high strength-to-weight ratio, making it highly sought after. The process of aluminum scrap recycling involves collecting, sorting, and processing various forms of aluminum scrap, including cans, foils, wires, extrusions, and automotive parts. Aluminum scrap is typically classified into two main categories: clean aluminum scrap and aluminum alloy scrap. Clean aluminum scrap refers to uncontaminated aluminum materials, while aluminum alloy scrap consists of mixed alloys. The aluminum recycling process begins with the collection of scrap from various sources, including households, industries, and dismantling centers. Once collected, the aluminum scrap is sorted based on its composition, removing impurities such as plastic, rubber, and other non-metallic materials. Sorting allows for the separation of different aluminum alloys, ensuring a more efficient and cost-effective recycling process. After sorting, the aluminum scrap is then processed through different methods, such as shredding, crushing, or melting, depending on the desired end product. Shredding and crushing are commonly used for bulk aluminum scrap, such as cans and extrusions, while melting is often employed for more significant pieces, such as automotive parts. The melted aluminum is then transformed into ingots or billets, ready to be used in the production of new aluminum products. One of the factors driving the aluminum scrap recycling industry is the economic incentive provided by the aluminum scrap price. The price of aluminum scrap is influenced by various factors, including global supply and demand dynamics, market conditions, and the quality of the scrap. Clean aluminum scrap generally fetches a higher price compared to alloyed scrap due to its high purity and ease of processing. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum, fluctuate based on market conditions. These prices can be impacted by factors such as economic growth, geopolitical events, and changes in government regulations. It is essential for both scrap metal collectors and aluminum scrap recycling companies to monitor and adapt to these price fluctuations to maintain profitability and sustainability. Aluminum scrap recycling also offers environmental benefits by significantly reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with primary aluminum production. Recycling aluminum requires around 95% less energy compared to producing aluminum from raw materials, while generating only a fraction of the emissions. This energy savings not only conserves natural resources but also helps to mitigate climate change. To facilitate the recycling process, numerous aluminum scrap recycling facilities, often referred to as aluminum scrap yards, have been established worldwide. These yards aim to maximize the recovery of aluminum from scrap, ensuring minimal waste and efficient utilization of resources. They employ various technologies and equipment to process and transform aluminum scrap into valuable secondary raw materials. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a vital aspect of the circular economy, reducing the need for primary aluminum production, conserving resources, and minimizing environmental impacts. The industry relies on effective collection, sorting, and processing techniques to maximize the recovery of aluminum from scrap. Monitoring aluminum scrap prices and adapting to market conditions is crucial for the economic viability of the recycling process. By incorporating aluminum scrap recycling into our society, we can contribute to a more sustainable and resource-efficient future

  • Comment Link Recycling aluminium market dynamics Recycling aluminium market dynamics Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap recycling value Aluminium scrap recycling value Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap trading platform Aluminium scrap trading platform Фев 05, 2024

    Be happy today, dude :)

  • Comment Link Ecology Ecology Ян 26, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium Metal Aluminium Metal Ян 25, 2024

    Ahoy, matey!

  • Comment Link Recyclemr Recyclemr Ян 23, 2024

    I come in peace!

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