Тя оставя най-старото средновековно описание на Филипопол и областта

Византийската принцеса, писател и историк – Анна Комнина, е родена на 1 декември 1083 г. Тя е дъщеря на византийския император Алексий I и Ирина Дукина, дъщеря на Андроник Дука и Мария Българска, внучка на българския цар Иван Владислав от династията Комитопули. С написването на своята 15-томна „Алексиада“ става първата известна жена историк. Тя оставя най-старото средновековно описание на Филипопол и областта. През 1096 г. оттук минават участниците в първия кръстоносен поход и отбелязват Филипопол като един от най-богатите византийски градове. Особено интересни за историографията са сведенията в „Алексиада“ за голямото въстание на пловдивските павликяни през 1084-1086 (въстанието на Травъл).

Анна е първото от общо девет деца на византийския император Алексий I и Ирина Дукина, дъщеря на Андроник Дука и Мария Българска, внучка на българския цар Иван Владислав от династията Комитопули.

Въпреки че в детството и младините си Анна с огромен интерес изучава история, математика, природни науки и гръцка философия, нейните родители категорично ѝ забраняват да изучава античната поезия, чийто възхвали за порочните езически богове, са неприлични за млада жена с благородническо потекло. Анна обаче се възпротивява на забраната и тайно от всички чете и изучава древногръцките произведения. Заради тази своя упоритост и борбеност тя става една от най-образованите личностти на своето време.

На 14 години се омъжва за младия Никифор Вриений - благородник с титлата кесар и военачалник в армията на императора. Бракът им продължава 40 години и двамата имат четири деца.

Още като дете Анна мечтае един ден да седне на трона. Тази мечта постепенно се превръща в амбиция и въпреки, че наследяването на трона е забранено за жени, Анна започва малко по малко да събира съюзници и влияние сред аристокрацията, за да постави ако не себе си, то поне своя съпруг Никифор начело на Византийската империя. Анна започва да прави всичко възможно, за да попречи на брат си Йоан, който е законен наследник на династията, да стане император. Императрица Ирина също е на нейна страна и използва цялото си влияние, за да убеди Алексий да промени избора си на престолонаследник в полза на съпруга на Анна. Императорът обаче твърдо стои зад своя избор и не отстъпва пред нейните претенции за трона. Вероятно това е продиктувано от желанието му да продължи своята династия, защото в случай че Никифор Вриений бъде коронясан, то той ще даде начало на нова династия – тази на Вриениите. Заради това след смъртта на Алексий през 1118 г. Йоан е законно коронясан за император Йоан II Комнин. В отговор на това Анна и съпругът ѝ приемат титлите Наследници на Византийския трон и организират заговор срещу новия император. Въпреки разлики в източниците, след съпоставяне на хронологията на сибитията повечето историци са почти сигурни, че планът на Анна е да убият Йоан по време на погребалната церемония на Алексий. В последния момент обаче, Никифор се отказва от идеята да участва в убийството на законния император. По този повод по-късно, дълбоко разочарована от постъпката на съпруга си, Анна отбелязва: „Природата трябва да е сменила половете ни, защото на него най-щеше да му отива да е жена“. Вследвие от проваления заговор Анна губи всичката си собственост, статута си на принцеса и бива заточена в Кехаритоменския манастир, основан преди години от майка ѝ – императрица Ирина. Предателят пък Вриений става най-близкият и доверен сановник на Йоан Втори.

В манастира, приключила с амбициите си към трона, Анна продължава да развива личността си с философия и история. Тя е запленена и изучава в дълбочина Аристотеловото учение. Интелектът и знанията си тя демонстрира в своите 5 творби. В тях личат огромните ѝ познания в сферите на философията, литературата, граматиката, теологията, астрономията и медицината и затова историците са склонни да простят малките грешки, които допуска при някои цитати от Омир и Библията в своя най-голям труд — Алексиада.

Източници: Енциклопедия на Пловдив, Уикипедия


  • Comment Link عطر مردانه عطر مردانه Дек 24, 2023

    This post will help the internet visitors for setting up new
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  • Comment Link https://nursessupport911.com/question/dryer-repair-and-love-how-they-are-the-same-8/ https://nursessupport911.com/question/dryer-repair-and-love-how-they-are-the-same-8/ Дек 03, 2023

    Despite the fact that nearly all refrigerators include the freezer at
    the top, this particular one includes a freezer at the bottom, helping to
    make it unneeded to extend to be able to store and retrieve things in the
    refrigerator. Energy Efficiency: Hisense places emphasis on energy-efficient designs,
    making their refrigerators more environmentally friendly and helping you
    save on electricity bills in the long run. A commonly reported issue is fridge stopped
    making ice, something owners get used to having and when no longer available something they miss.
    One of the most common problems that all refrigerator owners face
    is a malfunctioning defrost system. Shopping for a
    loan is no fun, but finding the right one can save you a lot of
    money! Another reason for water leakage can be a broken water tank.If you find a leak in your water tank, consider replacing it entirely, as
    adhesive glue won’t do the job quite well due
    to the plastic nature of the tank.If your refrigerator is still leaking, you can check
    the water inlet valve to see if it is in working condition. If the item is broken, it will pop out
    and have to be twisted away from the valve.

    3 Check the gas valve to be sure the gas supply is turned on (also make sure the house’s main gas valve is turned on).
    When the ice maker in a Beko refrigerator stops working, it is usually due to
    a blockage in the supply lines or faulty components.Don’t worry; simply follow the steps
    below to resolve the issue. Use a hair dryer to defrost the ice maker fill tube.

    Why Choose JustCare for Your Dryer Repairing Needs?
    We offer washer dryer repair and dishwasher repair service of most major appliance brands from Whirlpool to Kenmore, and from Maytag to Amana, and many more!

    We go to your home and complete dishwasher repair, stove
    repair, garbage disposal repair, dryer repair and
    washer repair. Rarely cook in your home? This
    brings us to the end of this article about common Hisense refrigerator problems and some specific information about their worth, quality, and viability as a home friend.We hope you can quickly
    diagnose and repair your Hisense refrigerator.Remember to contact
    a specialist if the solution requires opening the machine and accessing internal components.
    Our specialist can announce the preliminary cost of repairs over the phone.

    You can do this even if you have the newest model
    that has just hit the market.

    They may not have any insulation at all, or have large cracks in the walls that let in sharp, cold breezes.
    Noise Levels: Although noise levels can vary depending on the specific model, some Hisense refrigerators may produce slightly more noise compared to premium brands.

    Fridge doors that do not close properly and damaged
    or worn-out seals are common causes of refrigerators not cooling.
    Cold air can escape, and warm air can enter the compartment if the
    refrigerator door does not close tightly or create a proper seal.Condensation can form inside the refrigerator, causing the compressor to work harder than required.The majority of these repairs are neither difficult nor expensive.
    Common reasons for Beko refrigerators or any fridge for that matter not cooling are that it is not plugged in, that the door is not closing tightly, that the seals
    are broken, that the vents are clogged, or that the condenser is unclean or broken. Hisense refrigerators are very

    Apart from all these technical faults, what needs to be
    inspected is whether the door seals of the refrigerator are intact or not.
    Check the door switch, since most refrigerators
    prefer not to run the condenser unless the door is positively closed.
    Affordability: Hisense refrigerators are known for their competitive
    pricing. There are also three gradient magnets inside the
    MRI machine. Cold air can escape, and warm air can enter the
    compartment if the refrigerator door does not close
    tightly or create a proper seal.Condensation can form inside the refrigerator,
    causing the compressor to work harder than required.The majority
    of these repairs are neither difficult nor expensive.Your user manual will detail
    any adjustments you can make safely and without voiding your
    warranty, but if in doubt, consult a specialist.Hisense fridge door not closing properly due to worn seals, tilted hinges,
    crisper drawers sticking out, or misaligned
    shelves. This issue can be a switch turned off, or the plug is incorrectly lodged inside the
    socket. Whether you prefer a traditional or contemporary look, you
    can find a Hisense fridge that matches your style and complements your kitchen decor.
    Many Hisense models are ENERGY STAR certified, ensuring optimal energy consumption. Hisense refrigerators offer several advantages,
    including affordability, energy efficiency, stylish designs, spacious storage, and advanced features.

  • Comment Link https://Qna.Lrmer.com/index.php?qa=339115qa_1=email-bomber-D184D0BBD183D0B4-D0BFD0BED187D182-D0BED0BDD0BBD0B0D0B9D0BD-online-service-email-flood https://Qna.Lrmer.com/index.php?qa=339115qa_1=email-bomber-D184D0BBD183D0B4-D0BFD0BED187D182-D0BED0BDD0BBD0B0D0B9D0BD-online-service-email-flood Ное 17, 2023

    We all have a love-hate relationship with emails. We love it when we receive emails from our friends and family, but we hate those unwanted spam emails that waste
    our time. However, this is not the only reason why you
    should declutter your inbox. Even though you might
    have several folders in your email account and delete emails regularly,
    your inbox can still get messy and cluttered. 1. There are too many emails that clog up your inbox.
    2. It saves time and makes it easy to find your most important e-mails and respond
    super quickly. 3. You are more likely to open emails that interest you.
    4. It prevents distractions and procrastination. 5.
    It increases productivity in your day-to-day work.
    6. It’s easy to find your most important e-mails and respond super quickly.
    7. It saves your email storage space. 8. Helps you to
    avoid spam emails. Now that we get that cleared up, let’s share our tips to declutter your inbox by managing
    it more effectively.

    Khelifa A, Remini B (2019) The sharing of flood waters in the Ksours of Ghardaia and Berriane
    (Algeria) hydraulic study. Korichi K, Hazzab A, Atallah M (2016) Flash floods risk analysis in ephemeral streams:
    a case study on Wadi Mekerra (northwestern Algeria).
    Lehbab-Boukezzi Z, Boukezzi L, Errih M (2016) Uncertainty analysis of HEC-HMS model using the GLUE method for flash flood forecasting of Mekerra watershed.
    Llasat MC et al (2010) High-impact floods and flash floods in Mediterranean countries:
    the FLASH preliminary database. Llasat MC, Llasat-Botija M, Petrucci O,
    Pasqua AA, Rosselló J, Vinet F, Boissier L (2013) Towards a
    database on societal impact of Mediterranean floods within the framework
    of the HYMEX project Nat Hazards Earth. Loudyi
    D, Kantoush SA (2020) Flood risk management in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Maref N, Seddini A (2018) Modeling of flood generation in semi-arid catchment using a spatially distributed model: case
    of study Wadi Mekerra catchment (Northwest Algeria).

    If you receive a “phishy” email from the ACS or
    one of our doctors, be sure to follow the tips above.
    Nothing can infect your computer if you don’t click any links or respond.
    If you’re running a classified ad, whether on the ACS website or your local paper, watch out for potential scam artists.
    The ACS office recently received word from someone running
    an ad through the ACS that they had someone call regarding their equipment for
    sale. They even sent a cashier’s check, but
    it was for $3,000 more than the asking price! They then asked the
    seller to return the overage with money orders, but
    the seller could keep a portion for the inconvenience. This type
    of scam is unfortunately not that uncommon. Luckily,
    it raised some red flags with our seller, and they still have their equipment, and
    no funds were sent out. Never accept a check for more than you are
    asking or for more than the item you are selling is worth.

    To prove this, all we have to do is look at ourselves in the company of our kids and know how our response is positive when children make a request in an exuberant, polite and eager manner.

    The same request, if made in an irritating or maudlin way, might elicit a negative response.
    The images that a charity uses will affect its charity
    ratings. Using uplifting and inspiring images will uplift and inspire people.
    Uplifted and inspired people give more and spend more.
    Social Enterprise is a new business pattern that evolved
    a few years ago. This combines trading with a social purpose.
    This pattern is a result of the interest of some businessmen who have social objectives but does not find the type of functioning of charitable enterprises satisfactory enough.

    Many socially conscious businessmen may find the ambiance of a full fledged commercial venture and its decision making mechanism unpalatable.

    For such people a social enterprise is an apt field where they can use their business acumen and inspiration effectively to solve social problems
    and usher in changes.

  • Comment Link http://www.Advices.ipt.pw/out/DOS-ATAKA-POCHTOVOGO-SERVERA/ http://www.Advices.ipt.pw/out/DOS-ATAKA-POCHTOVOGO-SERVERA/ Ное 01, 2023

    Если доменов несколько, то следует повторить процедуру создания для каждого из них.
    Если вы используете в теме сообщения
    спам-слова или чрезмерное количество восклицательных знаков,
    доставляемость вашей рассылки будет очень низкой.
    При создании необходимо руководствоваться
    правилом: количество IP-адресов
    сайта должно соответствовать количеству A-записей.
    При фильтрации по содержимому
    необходимо блокировать письма с похожим
    или одинаковым содержимым большого потока писем с одного
    или нескольких адресов. Удалить вложения сразу из
    нескольких сообщений невозможно.

    2. Удалить все SPF-записи. Удалить в открывшемся окне все MХ-записи.
    Он должен соответствовать
    IP-адресу сервера, на котором расположен
    интернет-ресурс. Если ее не указать,
    то интернет-ресурс не будет работать.

    Если вы пользуетесь веб-сайтом, предоставляющим почтовые услуги, то эта угроза вам не страшна.
    Если номер SMTP порта будет неправильным - письма отправляться не будут.
    В него нужно ввести номер телефона и нажать кнопку «Получить код».
    Указать все реквизиты в окне «Проверка и оплата» (адрес, номер карты и т.
    д.). Указать контактную информацию в соответствующих полях.
    Указать длину (рекомендуется 2048 бит).

    Указать доменное имя, принадлежащее организации.
    Шаг 3. Подтвердить доменное имя.
    » - имя домена, на который привязывается почта).

    Несмотря на это, легкая почта выполняет важные задачи в рамках системы - отправка почты, получение почты
    и т.д. Маркет, онлайн-кинотеатр Кинопоиск, а также Музыка, Дзен, Такси, Карты, Переводчик, Практикум (платформа онлайн-обучения) и
    т.д. От этого же электричества зависит работа оборудования внутридомового
    провайдера, поэтому ИБП для домашнего
    сервера не решает проблему отключения провайдерского оборудования и
    интернета вместе с электричеством.
    2. Затем требуется настроить подпись
    по такому же алгоритму, что и для
    Яндекса. Затем вы можете войти
    в iCloud на компьютере через
    Apple ID, а затем открыть Mail для доступа
    к iCloud Mail. Особенно, если вы использовали сервис 10 Munite Mail.
    Привязать домен к почте посредством DKIM-подписи (от DomainKeys Identified Mail) - метода аутентификации, позволяющего отличить
    проверенного адресата от тех,
    чьи письма могут содержать вредоносный код
    или фишинговые ссылки. Необходимо, если подтвержденный домен уже подключен к «Яндекс Коннект».

    1. Перейти в панель «Яндекс Коннект».
    «Яндекс Коннект» не вносит изменения в А-запись, а только подставляет
    необходимые данные для связывания домена
    с его сервисами. 5. Дождавшись изменений, следует перейти в «Яндекс Коннект», нажать «Проверить».
    Нажать на кнопку «Создать новую запись».

    Вставить скопированную информацию
    в новую («Создать») или существующую («Изменить»)
    TXT-запись, а затем сохранить изменения.

    2. Добавить новую TXT-запись, используя следующую
    подсказку. 6. Добавить TXT-запись в настройках поддомена,
    вписать хост (стрелка №1), вставить скопированный DKIM-ключ (стрелка №2) и нажать кнопку
    добавления TXT-записи (стрелка №3).
    Шаг 6. Добавить DCIM-ключ. Шаг 2.
    Зарегистрироваться на сервисе G Suite,
    выбрав одну из его версий. Шаг 3.
    Произойдет проверка данных, после которых появится форма входа в аккаунт G Suite.

    Ввести регистрационные данные в форму G Suite и нажать «Далее».
    1. Нажать «Создать проект».
    5. Нажать кнопку «Создать проект» (стрелка №4).
    1. Нажать кнопку (стрелка №3).
    2. Нажать на кнопку «Записи». Более того, такие действия могут быть незаконными и преследоваться в судебном порядке.
    Более того, модератору рекомендуется
    не делать этого. Хотя это считается необходимым злом, рекламные объявления специально направлены на посетителей и пользователей, и для того, чтобы это реализовать, провайдерам нужно получить данные,
    чтобы подстроить рекламные
    объявления под вас. Владея определенными техническими
    навыками или имея выделенного
    технического специалиста, можете гибко настраивать программу под свои задачи.

    Он предполагает подстановку в заголовок From реального домена организации, под которую маскируется злоумышленник.
    А еще не стоит ее прятать:
    сливать с цветом фона, уменьшать шрифт
    или форматировать под обычный текст.

    SPF - список серверов, которым вы доверяете рассылать вашу
    почту. Заходим в почту, жмём "написать",
    а в строчку "кому" помещаем
    все адреса, которым хотите
    отправить письмо. В случае, если письмо уже было прочитано получателем, но содержит ошибки, можно воспользоваться функцией
    редактирования сообщения.
    Это могут быть поздравления с праздниками, с днем рождения, более подробные описание товаров, которые он просмотрел, но не купил.
    Количество аккаунтов определяется вашей рекламной
    кампанией, но это тот случай,
    когда лучше перебдеть. Многие службы также обеспечивают расширенное шифрование, так что только предполагаемый получатель может
    просматривать содержимое вашей
    электронной почты. Конечный результат вашей
    рассылки лучше измерять в тех KPI, которые вы установили сами.
    1. Для настройки SPF-записи требуется
    перейти в панель хостинга на вкладку управления доменами и создать новую TXT-запись.
    1. Перейти в панель управления хостингом на вкладку настройки домена.

    1. Перейти в панель на вкладку «Доменные имена (DNS)» для виртуального
    хостинга (для веб-сервера следует перейти в биллинг-панель на вкладку «DNS-хостинг».

  • Comment Link Tammi Tammi Окт 30, 2023

    5. Do not open the door with the machine out of its
    bay, as it can tip forward and injure you.
    If your stove or oven is making strange noises, emitting abnormal smells, your food is always coming out burnt or under-cooked,
    your burners are acting strangely, your oven takes longer to preheat, or your oven door no longer shuts properly, don’t hesitate to contact us.
    That’s why we offer emergency oven and stove repair service so you don’t have
    to go without this necessity in your home. This refrigerator cooler will have a freestanding unit or a portable container.
    Do-it-yourself refrigerator repairs aren’t worth the
    risk of personal injury or further damage, and the high cost of replacing
    your refrigerator is simply unnecessary in most cases.
    With a stock of common replacement parts in our service vans, we should
    be able to repair most refrigerator problems on the spot!
    In summary, aging wine coolers can develop a number of problems that can affect their ability to store and cool wine.

    A dishwasher can make life easier by taking the hassle out
    of washing dishes. They make it easier to clean dishes without much effort.

    It can be a tough call to make. It’s worth checking your manual to see if you can recalibrate this yourself, but if not a serviceperson should be able to help without charging a large
    sum. No matter what your reservations are, it's worth figuring out if you really need
    a dehumidifier before you take the plunge and buy one.

    But before you buy a dishwasher, it is important to choose one that is both efficient and meets all your needs.
    Built to last, it is one of those devices that you don’t bother replacing once you buy.
    If your one of those … Our dishwasher is one of the important appliances we have inside our home.
    As dishwashers are daily-used appliances that should be running smoothly, it’s important to keep them
    in good condition. Every homeowner has to deal with certain appliances such as an oven or gas stove,
    which may experience some difficulties after some years
    and don't work properly. See the section:
    "SAFETY" if you will be troubleshooting a microwave oven.

    Sometimes we find issues with either the microwave oven’s high voltage.
    I suspect the remaining capacity of the battery
    would be depleted faster than the first half, since the
    voltage is lower and the demand on the battery increases to compensate.
    When you need a professional dishwasher repair NYC service,
    understanding how to locate trustworthy and reliable repair experts can be hard
    at first. It may seem counterintuitive to say that getting a dishwasher repair NYC
    professional is a budget-conscious move. However, a repair professional
    can save you a tremendous amount of money.
    Save on a new furnace this year! Hiring an expert to repair
    your dishwasher might be a budget-cautious move, but in reality, you
    can save hundreds of dollars. Are you considering hiring a professional dishwasher repair NYC company for
    your problem? Hiring professional services for dishwasher repair in NYC
    ensures that your dishwasher will be taken care of properly and that
    any repairs …

    Hiring a certified service technician is an easy
    way to make sure the job is done correctly. Our Fully Licensed & Insured Technicians
    provide service for all major brands including GE, Frigidaire, LG, Kitchenaid, Jenn Air, Lennox,
    Carrier, Samsung, Whirlpool, Amana, Bosch, and many more.
    Our certified technicians repair Amana Built-In Tall Tub Dishwashers, Tall Tub Dishwashers with hidden controls, and dishwashers with front controls.
    Our certified technicians repair Kitchenaid Built-In Tall Tub Dishwashers, Tall Tub
    Dishwashers with hidden controls, and dishwashers with front controls.
    Our certified technicians repair Samsung Built-In Tall Tub Dishwashers, Tall Tub Dishwashers with hidden controls, and dishwashers with front controls.

    Unfortunately, like any other appliance, dishwashers can experience malfunctions from time to time.
    Whatever your washing machine problem is, ASAP Appliance & Plumbing Services can help you.
    Either way, our team can fix almost any problem you are having and we always try and make sure that we come out at a time that suits you.
    The model/serial tag for your unit can be found
    on the unit itself. An integrated unit installed?

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