ДПХ открива Годишна изложба


Всяка година в навечерието на най-светлите празници – Коледните, Дружество на пловдивските художници представя своята най-голяма изложба, с която по своеобразен начин изпраща старата година, прави равносметка на постигнатото през настоящата и отбелязва успехите на свои изявени членове, които са демонстрирали ярко присъствие в културния живот на дружеството през годината.


Откриването е на 5 декември от 18:00ч. в Зала „2019“ към Градската художествена галерия на ул. „Гладстон“№ 32.  Ще бъдат връчени Годишните награди, които се определят от 5-членно жури в категориите:  живопис, графика, скулптура, N форми, млад автор. Един от художниците ще бъде отличен с „Наградата на Кмета на Пловдив“, традиция от последните 12 години.


Всички призьори, участници, гости и приятели ще бъдат поздравени от новоизбрания председател на ДПХ Лидия Симеонова.


Годишната изложба на Дружество на пловдивските художници се осъществява с финансовата подкрепа на Община Пловдив и е част от Културния календар за 2023г.  Изложбата е с вход свободен и може да се разгледа до 31 декември.


Дружеството на пловдивските художници, основано през 1990 г., е сдружение с идеална и нестопанска цел. Една от основните му задачи е да популяризира творчеството на своите членове. Дружеството е приемник на Групата на пловдивските художници – СБХ и понастоящем обединява над 400 творци на регионален принцип.


Членовете на Дружеството работят в областта на различните визуални изкуства: живопис, графика, скулптура, приложни изкуства, алтернативни форми, кураторски проекти. Дружеството на пловдивските художници е най-голямото творческо сдружение в Пловдив и най-голямото извънстолично творческо сдружение на художници.


Дружеството осъществява редица прояви, като основно място заемат изложбите: общи, групови, гостуващи и самостоятелни. Дружеството осъществява контакти както с подобни структури в страната, така и с такива извън страната.


  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium shearing Scrap aluminium shearing Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Benefits and Key Considerations

    Aluminum scrap recycling is an essential process in the metal recycling industry. With a wide range of applications and uses, aluminum is one of the most widely recycled materials globally. It is not only economically beneficial but also environmentally friendly. In this article, we will explore the importance of aluminum scrap recycling, aluminum recycling process, and the factors influencing the aluminum scrap price. Aluminum scrap is the term used for discarded or leftover aluminum-based materials, such as cans, foil, siding, automotive parts, and more. Instead of ending up in landfills, these materials are collected and sent to recycling facilities, where they undergo a series of processes to become reusable raw materials. The aluminum recycling process involves several steps. Firstly, the collected aluminum scrap is sorted into different categories, such as cast aluminum, sheet aluminum, extrusions, and more. This sorting process helps in segregating different grades of aluminum and ensures efficient recycling. Once sorted, the aluminum scrap is cleaned to remove any impurities, such as dirt, paints, or coatings. Clean aluminum scrap tends to have a higher value and can fetch a better price in the market. Cleaning can be done through various techniques, including mechanical, chemical, or thermal methods. After cleaning, the aluminum scrap is shredded or melted down into small pieces or molten form, respectively. The molten aluminum is then transformed into various forms, such as ingots, billets, or sheets, depending on the desired application. These recycled aluminum products can be used in various industries, including automotive, construction, packaging, aerospace, and more. The price of aluminum scrap is influenced by several factors. One of the crucial factors is the global demand for aluminum, which is driven by the growth in various end-use sectors. Higher demand leads to increased prices for aluminum scrap. Additionally, the quality of the aluminum scrap plays a significant role in determining its price. Clean aluminum scrap, free from contaminants, commands a higher price compared to heavily contaminated or mixed scrap. Furthermore, the market conditions and global economic factors also affect the aluminum scrap price. Fluctuations in currency exchange rates, trade policies, and supply-demand dynamics can lead to price volatility. Moreover, the price of primary aluminum, produced from raw materials, also impacts the aluminum scrap price. It is essential to note that the aluminum scrap price is often linked to other metal scrap prices, as they are interconnected within the scrap metal recycling ecosystem. Factors influencing scrap metal recycling prices, such as demand and market conditions, can exert a ripple effect on aluminum scrap prices. Aluminum scrap recycling offers several benefits. Firstly, it helps conserve natural resources as recycling aluminum consumes significantly less energy compared to primary aluminum production. It is estimated that recycling one ton of aluminum saves around five tons of bauxite ore, the primary raw material for aluminum production. Secondly, aluminum scrap recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Manufacturing aluminum from recycled scrap emits around 95% less greenhouse gases compared to primary aluminum production. This reduction in emissions helps combat climate change and contributes to a more sustainable future. Lastly, aluminum scrap recycling generates economic opportunities. The aluminum recycling industry creates job opportunities in collection, sorting, processing, and manufacturing stages. It also helps in reducing waste management costs and landfill space requirements. To participate in aluminum scrap recycling, individuals and businesses can collect their aluminum scrap and take it to authorized aluminum recycling centers or scrap yards. These facilities can weigh and pay for the scrap based on its quality and prevailing market prices. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a crucial aspect of sustainable waste management and the metal recycling industry. It not only conserves resources, reduces emissions, but also generates economic benefits. By understanding the aluminum recycling process and the factors influencing aluminum scrap prices, individuals and businesses can contribute to a circular economy by actively participating in aluminum scrap recycling

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium sorting and grading Scrap aluminium sorting and grading Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Maximizing the Value and Sustainability of a Versatile Metal

    In today's society, the increasing importance of sustainable practices and the conservation of valuable resources have led to a growing interest in aluminum scrap recycling. Aluminum, known for its versatility and lightweight nature, is one of the most widely used metals across various industries. However, like any other metal, aluminum undergoes wear and tear, leading to the generation of aluminum scrap. Aluminum scrap refers to discarded aluminum products or components that have reached the end of their useful lifespan or are no longer needed. Rather than letting these aluminum scraps end up in landfills or incineration plants, recycling them offers a multitude of benefits, including environmental preservation, resource conservation, and economic advantages. Aluminum scrap recycling plays a critical role in minimizing the environmental impact associated with traditional mining and primary aluminum production. The extraction and processing of virgin aluminum require significant energy consumption and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. By recycling aluminum scrap, the energy consumption can be reduced by over 90%, resulting in substantially lower CO2 emissions. Furthermore, recycling aluminum saves approximately 95% of the energy needed to produce aluminum from raw materials, making it a key player in combating climate change. One of the key drivers for aluminum scrap recycling is its economic value. The demand for recycled aluminum is rapidly increasing due to the energy and cost savings associated with its production. Recycled aluminum can be used in a wide range of applications, including automotive, construction, packaging, electronics, and aerospace industries. Aluminum scrap is collected, sorted, and processed to remove impurities before being melted down and transformed into new products. This closed-loop recycling process not only reduces the carbon footprint but also contributes to the circular economy, creating a sustainable and efficient supply chain. The price of aluminum scrap fluctuates based on various factors, such as market demand, global economic conditions, and the quality of the scrap. Different types of aluminum scrap, including clean aluminum scrap and aluminum alloy scrap, may command different prices. It is essential to work with reputable scrap metal recycling companies or aluminum scrap yards that offer competitive prices and adhere to proper recycling practices. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap prices, are typically determined by the weight or volume of the scrap material. It is crucial to check the current market prices and stay updated on industry trends to ensure you receive fair compensation for your aluminum scrap. Additionally, working with a reliable recycling partner can help you navigate the complexities of the recycling market and provide you with the necessary guidance and expertise. If you have aluminum scrap to recycle, consider reaching out to local recycling facilities or aluminum scrap yards in your area. These specialized facilities have the expertise and equipment to handle the collection, sorting, and processing of aluminum scrap efficiently. They will assess the quality of your scrap and offer you a competitive price based on its composition and market conditions. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a sustainable and economically viable solution in the modern world. By diverting aluminum scrap from landfills and reintroducing it into the production cycle, we can conserve energy, protect the environment, and reduce our dependence on virgin resources. Whether you are an individual or a business, recycling your aluminum scrap not only contributes to a greener planet but also offers financial benefits. Embrace the practice of aluminum scrap recycling and be part of the solution for a brighter and more sustainable future

  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap pricing Aluminum scrap pricing Фев 05, 2024

    Have a nice day, dude!

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium trading dynamics Scrap aluminium trading dynamics Фев 05, 2024

    Ello, mate

  • Comment Link Casting aluminum scrap Casting aluminum scrap Фев 05, 2024

    This is very interesting, You're a very skilled blogger

  • Comment Link Aluminium ScrapYard Aluminium ScrapYard Ян 26, 2024

    Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans

  • Comment Link Ecology Ecology Ян 25, 2024

    Have a nice day, dude :)

  • Comment Link Recyclingmr Recyclingmr Ян 23, 2024

    Buy today, save tomorrow

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