Ценители и приятели на Янко Ненов изпълниха първия етаж на Градската галерия (ул. „Княз Александър I“ №15, за да се порадват на най-новата му изложба „Dolce far niente или Сладостта от безгрижието“. Публиката винаги очаква изненади от художника и той отново я сюрпризира с новите си произведения. Този път многофигурните му игриви композиции са рисунки с японски акварелни бои и моливи, акцентирани с преге върху върху ръчна хартия Fabriano Artistico.


Въпреки пъстрите сюжети, наситени с лекота и завладяваща динамика, заглавието на експозицията е сякаш подвеждащо. Създаваните цели три години персонажи са впримчени в причудливи движения, впрегнати са в действия, които по-скоро създават безпорядък. А дали безгрижието не е измамно и забавлението – лукаво?


Както проницателно отбеляза в словото си на откриването на изложбата Мария Капон – отдавнашна ценителка на творчеството на Янко Ненов:


„Сладостта от безгрижието винаги стои отстрани, но то обикновено е родено от много загрижен човек, който ни разказва, че можем да бъдем разноцветни, персонално свободни, плуващи, летящи и може би лично щастливи…Моят превод е такъв – авторът ни дава цялото щастие, цветове и вкус към живота, и своята ирония, че не успяваме да видим свободата на хората като общност. Може би сега е времето да се видим в неговото огледало. Защото лодката е от картон, ние имаме точно толкова време, колкото има картона, да се стопи във водата на живота ни. И имаме само посоката на светлината, а къде е брегътът? Това ни пита той. И всички пак трябва да видим това огледало. Защото сме заедно в лодката.“


Изложбата може да се види до 31 декември.


  • Comment Link Construction aluminum scrap Construction aluminum scrap Фев 10, 2024

    The Importance and Benefits of Aluminum Scrap Recycling

    Aluminum scrap recycling is an essential process that not only helps in reducing landfill waste but also conserves valuable resources and energy. Aluminum is one of the most widely used metals due to its numerous desirable properties, such as being lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and highly conductive. However, like any other metal, it can be recycled, and aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in extracting its value. Aluminum scrap, also known as scrap aluminum or aluminum scrap metal, refers to discarded aluminum materials that are no longer in use, such as old cans, car parts, machinery, or construction materials. Instead of ending up in landfills, these materials can be collected, sorted, and processed to reclaim the aluminum content for reuse. This process not only helps in conservation but also reduces the need for mining and extracting new aluminum from raw materials. The recycling process of aluminum scrap involves various stages. First, the scrap is collected from sources like aluminum scrap yards or through community recycling programs. It is then sorted to separate different types of aluminum alloys and remove any contaminants, such as plastics or iron. Clean aluminum scrap commands a higher price due to its purity, whereas contaminated aluminum may require further processing. After sorting, the aluminum scrap is typically shredded or crushed into smaller pieces to increase its surface area. This allows for easier melting and further processing. The shredded scrap is then fed into a furnace, where it is melted at high temperatures. The molten aluminum is then refined, removing any impurities, before being cast into various forms, such as ingots or billets. These can be used to manufacture a wide range of products, from automotive parts to beverage cans or even aircraft components. Aluminum scrap recycling offers several benefits, both for the environment and the economy. By recycling aluminum scrap, significant amounts of energy are saved compared to primary aluminum production. The recycling process typically requires only 5% to 10% of the energy needed for smelting new aluminum from bauxite ore. This energy savings translates into reduced carbon emissions and a smaller carbon footprint. Furthermore, aluminum scrap recycling helps in conserving natural resources. Bauxite, the primary source for aluminum extraction, is a limited resource. By recycling scrap aluminum, we can reduce the dependence on mining and extend the lifespan of these finite resources. Moreover, aluminum scrap recycling also reduces waste generation, as aluminum can be recycled indefinitely without degradation in quality. The value of aluminum scrap fluctuates depending on market conditions and the quality of the scrap. Several factors influence the price of aluminum scrap, such as the demand and supply dynamics, global aluminum prices, and the purity of the scrap. Clean aluminum scrap generally fetches a higher price compared to contaminated or mixed metal scrap. For individuals or businesses interested in aluminum scrap recycling, it is essential to locate reliable aluminum scrap yards or recycling facilities. These facilities specialize in collecting, sorting, and processing aluminum scrap, ensuring that it is properly recycled and reused. It is advisable to research local aluminum scrap recycling centers to understand their pricing policies, accepted materials, and any specific requirements they may have. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a sustainable and profitable way to manage waste and conserve valuable resources. By recycling aluminum scrap, not only are we reducing environmental impacts, but we are also contributing to the circular economy. Recycling reduces the need for mining, saves energy, and lowers greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, with the growing demand for recycled materials, aluminum scrap recycling presents an opportunity for individuals and businesses to participate in a thriving market while making a positive impact on the environment

  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling equipment Aluminium recycling equipment Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: An Essential Contributor to Sustainability

    In today's era of environmental awareness and resource management, recycling has become an essential practice. One significant sector in recycling is aluminum scrap recycling, which not only helps in conserving natural resources but also provides economic benefits. This article explores the importance of aluminum scrap recycling, the process involved, and the economic viability of this industry. Aluminum scrap recycling refers to the collection, processing, and reusing of discarded aluminum materials. This practice plays a crucial role in reducing the demand for primary aluminum extraction, leading to significant energy and cost savings. Moreover, recycling aluminum scrap requires only a fraction of the energy needed for primary aluminum production, making it a much more sustainable choice. The process of aluminum scrap recycling typically involves several stages. First, the aluminum scrap is collected from various sources, including manufacturing industries, households, and construction sites. These scraps are then sorted and segregated based on their alloy composition, size, and condition. This sorting process ensures that the aluminum scraps can be used efficiently and effectively in the recycling process. Once sorted, the aluminum scraps are crushed and shredded into smaller pieces. This step increases the surface area of the scrap, allowing for better melting efficiency. The shredded aluminum is then melted in a furnace, which transforms it into molten aluminum. This molten aluminum can be further processed and cast into various forms, such as ingots, sheets, or extrusions, depending on the specific requirements. The economic viability of aluminum scrap recycling is a significant factor driving its popularity. The value of aluminum scrap is determined by various factors, including the purity, alloy composition, and market conditions. Aluminum scrap prices fluctuate based on the market demand and supply dynamics, making it an attractive option for both individuals and businesses looking to make a profit from their scrap materials. The scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum, are influenced by multiple factors in the global market, such as the supply and demand dynamics, commodity prices, and economic conditions. As a result, it is essential for scrap metal recyclers to stay updated on market trends and price movements to optimize their revenue. For those looking to recycle aluminum scrap, finding a reliable and reputable aluminum scrap yard is crucial. These yards specialize in the collection, processing, and trading of aluminum scrap materials. By working with a reputable yard, individuals and businesses can ensure that their aluminum scrap is properly handled and recycled, maximizing its value and minimizing environmental impact. Clean aluminum scrap, which consists of uncontaminated aluminum materials, typically fetches a higher price due to its purity and ease of processing. On the other hand, aluminum alloy scrap, which may contain other elements or impurities, is generally sold at a slightly lower price. However, even alloyed aluminum scrap is highly sought after, as it can still be recycled and reused in various industries. In summary, aluminum scrap recycling plays a vital role in the conservation of natural resources, energy savings, and economic benefits. By recycling aluminum scraps, individuals and businesses contribute to a more sustainable future while also capitalizing on the economic opportunities provided by the scrap metal industry. Whether it's clean aluminum scrap or alloyed aluminum scrap, the recycling process offers both environmental and financial benefits. So, let's embrace aluminum scrap recycling and be a part of the solution to create a greener and more prosperous world

  • Comment Link Aluminium sheet recycling Aluminium sheet recycling Фев 05, 2024

    Howdy, howdy ,howdy!

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminum recycling challenges Scrap aluminum recycling challenges Фев 05, 2024

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Comment Link Ecology Ecology Ян 26, 2024

    I come in peace!

  • Comment Link Aluminium ScrapYard Aluminium ScrapYard Ян 25, 2024

    Top of the mornin to ya!

  • Comment Link Ecologymr Ecologymr Ян 23, 2024

    Hi, mister!

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