Снощи в уюта на  Лъки – Дом на киното, Пловдив беше открит за 27-ми път фестивала за документално и анимационно кино „Златен ритон“ !

С думи за значението на този най-голям форум за документални и анимационни филми приветстваха публиката заместник кметът на на града г-н Пламен Панов, директорът на НФЦ г-н Петър Тодоров, както и членовете на журито Петя Накова, Геновева Димитрова и Йоханес Артинян.


Програмата стартира ударно с филмите: „Васил Арнаудов – диригент на света“, „Ваймар експрес“ и „Моралът е доброто“.

Днес започва анимационната програма с два награждвани на междуанродни фестивали филма: „Следа“ на Аспарух Петров и „Флорентинска нощ“ на Сотир и Пенко Гелеви.

Следват документалните „Пътуване към прошката“ на Ясен Григоров, „Оловният войник“ на Костадин Бонев, „Съпричастност“  на Михаил Венков и дебюта на София Стойчева „Неравноделната душа“. 


„Неравноделната душа“ е филм който си задава въпроса какво привлича хората от най-богатите държави в света към една малка и бедна източноевропейска страна? Какво успяват да открият тук, когато в същото време много от българите емигрират в чужбина? Тук те се докосват до живата ни фолклорна традиция, която в техните страни отдавна се е загубила. 

В програмата „Открити хоризонти“ пък можете да видите филмът на Бистра Окереке „In Between“ . 


Експерименталният късометражен филм „In Between“ е поетично отражение върху темата за принадлежността. Бистра Окереке е поетеса и актриса от нигерийски и български произход. В своите стихотворения тя изследва универсални и специфични преживявания на човек от смесен произход. „In Between“ е експериментален филм с документални елементи, който засяга темата за самоличността. Чрез препрлитане на различни стилови похвати (документалени, танцови и визуално-абстрактни кадри), филмът разкрива на зрителя интимния свят на Бистра.


Провокативен и въздействащ е и филмът „Пъпна връв“ на Борис Пoпхристов. Това е филм, показващ мъдростта на живота в симбиоза с природата през призмата на природното земеделие.


Повече за програмата на фестивала: https://zlatenriton.bg/programa/

Снимки от откриването: Владислав Христов



  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium logistics Scrap aluminium logistics Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Unlocking the Value of Scrap Aluminum

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a vital role in preserving natural resources, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing environmental pollution. As one of the most widely recycled metals in the world, aluminum offers numerous benefits and opportunities for the recycling industry. Aluminum scrap, which includes various forms of used and discarded aluminum products such as cans, foils, gutters, window frames, and car parts, is collected and processed to extract the valuable metal for reuse. The process of aluminum scrap recycling involves sorting, cleaning, melting, and refining the scrap to obtain high-quality recycled aluminum. One of the significant advantages of aluminum recycling is its energy-saving potential. Recycling aluminum requires around 95% less energy compared to primary aluminum production from raw materials. This energy efficiency translates into reduced greenhouse gas emissions and less reliance on fossil fuels, thereby contributing to climate change mitigation efforts. Another crucial aspect of aluminum scrap recycling is the conservation of natural resources. Aluminum is derived from bauxite ore, which is extracted through mining activities. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can minimize the need for further mining, reducing the environmental impact caused by extraction and refining processes. Additionally, recycling aluminum can help preserve valuable landfill space, as aluminum scrap takes a significant amount of time to decompose. Aluminum scrap recycling also offers economic benefits to both individuals and businesses involved in the industry. The aluminum scrap price is determined by various factors, including the quality and quantity of the scrap, current market conditions, and demand-supply dynamics. Recycling aluminum scrap can provide a valuable income stream for individuals engaged in collecting and selling scrap, while businesses that specialize in scrap metal recycling can generate revenue by processing and selling recycled aluminum. The prices of aluminum scrap and other scrap metal recycling materials fluctuate based on market forces, such as global supply and demand, economic conditions, and trade policies. It is important for those involved in aluminum scrap recycling to stay updated on these market trends to make informed decisions and maximize their profits. Aluminum scrap can be further classified based on its cleanliness and alloy composition, each having its own specific price range. Clean aluminum scrap, such as beverage cans or aluminum sheet scraps free from contaminants, typically commands a higher price compared to dirty or mixed scrap. Similarly, aluminum alloy scrap, consisting of specific aluminum alloys like 6061 or 7075, may have a higher market value due to their specific properties and applications. To participate in aluminum scrap recycling, individuals and businesses can locate aluminum scrap yards or metal recycling facilities in their area. These facilities have specialized equipment and expertise to efficiently process and recycle aluminum scrap, ensuring the quality of the recycled metal. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is an essential practice for sustainable resource management, energy conservation, and environmental protection. By recycling aluminum, we can reduce energy consumption, conserve natural resources, mitigate climate change, and promote a circular economy. Moreover, participating in aluminum scrap recycling can offer financial opportunities for individuals and businesses alike. It is crucial for everyone to recognize the significance of recycling aluminum scrap and to support and promote this environmentally responsible practice

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap purity Aluminium scrap purity Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Unlocking the Potential

    As industries continue to grow and expand, the importance of sustainable resource management becomes increasingly evident. One area where significant progress has been made is in the recycling of aluminum scrap. Aluminum is a widely used metal that can be found in various applications, from transportation and construction to packaging and electronics. The growing demand for aluminum has led to an increasing dependence on its primary production, which can have significant environmental impacts. However, recycling aluminum scrap provides a sustainable alternative that not only reduces environmental harm but also offers economic benefits. Aluminum scrap recycling involves collecting, sorting, processing, and remelting discarded aluminum products or manufacturing waste to produce new aluminum products. This process consumes significantly less energy compared to primary aluminum production, contributing to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and conserving natural resources. The recycling process also helps save valuable raw materials, as every ton of recycled aluminum can replace up to five tons of virgin bauxite ore. One crucial aspect of aluminum scrap recycling is the collection and sorting of the scrap material. Various types of aluminum scrap, such as aluminum cans, construction scrap, and automotive parts, need to be segregated and sorted based on their alloy composition, size, and cleanliness. This sorting process ensures that the recycled aluminum is of high quality and suitable for the production of new products. The aluminum scrap recycling industry has also grown significantly due to the economic benefits it offers. Scrap aluminum has a market value, and the scrap aluminum price is influenced by factors such as global supply and demand, quality of the scrap, and market conditions. The scrap aluminum price can fluctuate, but generally, aluminum scrap is considered a valuable commodity. This incentivizes individuals and businesses to collect and sell their aluminum scrap, fostering a thriving market for scrap metal recycling. Aluminum scrap recycling centers, often referred to as aluminum scrap yards, play a crucial role in the collection and processing of aluminum scrap. These facilities are equipped with specialized equipment and machinery to efficiently process and prepare the scrap for remelting. They ensure that the recycled aluminum meets the industry's quality standards and can be used as a feedstock by aluminum manufacturers. Additionally, aluminum scrap yards provide a convenient and accessible location for individuals and businesses to sell their scrap aluminum. Clean aluminum scrap, such as aluminum beverage cans, tends to have a higher value compared to contaminated or mixed-alloy scrap. Clean aluminum scrap is more readily accepted by aluminum manufacturers, as it requires less processing and has fewer impurities. The clean aluminum scrap price can be slightly higher to account for the reduced processing requirements. However, it is important to note that even lower-quality scrap aluminum still holds value and can be recycled into various products. The aluminum scrap recycling industry has also benefited from technological advancements and innovations. These advancements have improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the recycling process, enabling higher recovery rates and reducing waste. Furthermore, the development of advanced sorting techniques, such as automated sorting systems and electromagnetic separators, has increased the accuracy and speed of scrap aluminum segregation. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is an essential part of sustainable resource management. It offers environmental benefits by reducing energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and the need for primary aluminum production. Additionally, recycling scrap aluminum provides economic advantages, with the aluminum scrap price fluctuating based on market conditions and demand. The establishment of aluminum scrap yards and advancements in recycling technology further support the growth of aluminum scrap recycling. By actively participating in aluminum scrap recycling, individuals and businesses contribute to a more sustainable and circular economy

  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling certification standards Aluminium recycling certification standards Фев 05, 2024

    Hey, boo

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap coil processing Aluminium scrap coil processing Фев 05, 2024

    Be happy today, bro :)

  • Comment Link Ecology Ecology Ян 26, 2024

    What's crackin'?

  • Comment Link Nature Nature Ян 25, 2024


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