Поетът Пейчо Кънев ще представи двете си нови книги „Писма до Цветаева” и „Излизане от тъмното” и ще чете избрани стихотворения от тях на 05.12 (вторник) от 19:00 ч. в „Петното на Роршах”, Пловдив.



За книгите:


„Не е въпрос на вкусове и на харесване, когато Поезията те блъсне челно. Когато думите не са хубави или лоши, оптимистични или суицидни, слънчеви или в затъмнение, а единствено възможните, разбираш, че си срещнал Поет и че тази среща всъщност е… неизбежна. Такава ще е съдбата на бъдещите читатели на „Писма до Цветаева“ на Пейчо Кънев. Твърдя го от пресен личен опит. Това не е е книга, която ще затвориш на 13-а страница и ще продължиш следобед или вдругиден. Сгъстената емоция просто не те пуска, докато те разхожда през света и хората, без да напуска в същото време килията на сърцето.”


Камелия Кондова за „Писма до Цветаева”


„Излизане от тъмното“ е озаглавил най-новата си стихосбирка Пейчо Кънев. Тъмнината в нея е многогодишна, сложноцветна, увлича те с аромата си, понякога те смачква… И точно като Орфей Пейчо Кънев не спира да се обръща назад, към тъмното, от което излиза, докато се качва нагоре, при живите… И много любов има в поезията на Пейчо Кънев. Вероятно любовта е тази, която винаги чака излизащия от мрака, навлизащия в него… „Излизане от тъмното“ е книга за живеенето в светлосенките на думите поради някого. Книга за пораженията и провалите, и въпреки тях. Обезпокоена, обезпокояваща поезия.”


Йорданка Белева за „Излизане от тъмното”


Пейчо Кънев е поет, преводач и редактор. Автор е на 12 книги с поезия и един сборник с разкази, издадени в България, САЩ и Индия..Той е сред най-публикуваните съвременни български поети на английски с множество публикации в литературни списания и антологии в САЩ, Великобритания, Канада, Австралия, Индия и други страни. Превел е от английски език 40 книги, като сред тях са нобеловите лауреати Сол Белоу, Джон Максуел Кутсѝ и Ърнест Хемингуей. За себе си твърди, че е „единствено поет, а всички други неща, с които се занимава, са приятно допълнение“.


Събитието във Фейсбук




  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap price Aluminum scrap price Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Maximizing Value and Protecting the Environment

    Aluminium scrap recycling plays a crucial role in the global effort to promote sustainability and reduce reliance on virgin aluminium production. The recycling process not only conserves energy and resources but also helps to offset the environmental impact associated with extracting and refining primary aluminium from bauxite ore. Aluminium scrap, such as discarded beverage cans, industrial scrap, and construction materials, holds immense value in terms of its potential for recycling. The process of aluminum scrap recycling involves collecting, sorting, processing, and remelting aluminium waste to produce high-quality secondary aluminium for various industries. One of the key benefits of aluminium scrap recycling is its energy efficiency. Recycling aluminium scrap consumes only 5% of the energy required to produce primary aluminium. This energy-saving advantage significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions and promotes a more sustainable future. Moreover, aluminium scrap recycling helps to conserve precious natural resources like bauxite. Bauxite mining, the primary source of aluminium production, has significant environmental impacts, including deforestation and land degradation. By recycling aluminium scrap, we can reduce the demand for new bauxite extraction, thereby minimizing the ecological footprint associated with primary aluminium production. The aluminium scrap price is another important aspect of the recycling industry. Due to its high demand and versatility, scrap aluminium holds considerable value in the market. The price of scrap aluminium is influenced by various factors, such as market conditions, global aluminium prices, and the quality and cleanliness of the scrap material. Clean aluminium scrap, free from contaminants and other metals, usually fetches higher prices due to its ease of processing and higher purity levels. The scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminium, are determined by the supply-demand dynamics of the global market. As the demand for aluminium continuously grows across sectors like automotive, aerospace, and construction, the scrap metal price tends to remain stable or even increase. This highlights the economic viability and profitability of aluminium scrap recycling. An aluminium scrap yard serves as the central hub for collecting and storing various types of aluminium waste. These yards are equipped with advanced sorting and processing technologies to efficiently handle and separate different grades of scrap aluminium. Once sorted, the aluminum scrap is transported to recycling facilities where it undergoes cleaning, shredding, and melting processes. The recycled aluminium obtained from scrap undergoes rigorous quality checks to ensure it meets industry specifications. It can then be used in a wide range of applications, including beverage cans, car parts, construction materials, packaging, and electrical components. The versatility of recycled aluminium makes it a sought-after material in various industries. In conclusion, aluminium scrap recycling is a sustainable and eco-friendly solution that not only conserves energy and resources but also contributes to a circular economy. By recycling aluminium scrap, we can reduce the reliance on primary aluminium production, minimize environmental impact, and promote the efficient use of resources. With its high demand, aluminium scrap holds economic value, making recycling a viable and profitable industry. Together, let us embrace aluminium scrap recycling to create a greener and more sustainable future

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap industry certifications Aluminium scrap industry certifications Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: An Eco-friendly Solution for Sustainable Resource Management

    In today's world, where environmental concerns and sustainable practices are gaining more and more attention, recycling has become an integral part of our daily lives. Recycling not only reduces waste and conserves energy but also plays a vital role in the circular economy. One such recycling effort that holds immense potential is aluminum scrap recycling. Aluminum, being one of the most extensively used metals, has a high recycling rate due to its infinite recyclability and the economic benefits associated with aluminum scrap recycling. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can decrease the reliance on primary aluminum production, which is highly energy-intensive and contributes to the production of greenhouse gases. The process of aluminum scrap recycling begins with the collection of aluminum waste, such as used beverage cans, car parts, construction materials, and packaging. These aluminum scraps are then sorted and processed to remove impurities like dirt, paint, or other metals. The cleaned aluminum scrap is then melted and transformed into new products through various industrial processes. This closed-loop recycling system ensures that aluminum retains its properties even after multiple rounds of recycling, making it an infinitely recyclable material. One of the key advantages of aluminum scrap recycling is its positive impact on the environment. By recycling aluminum scraps, we can save up to 95% of the energy required to produce primary aluminum from bauxite ore. Additionally, recycling aluminum reduces the need for mining and extraction, conserving natural resources and minimizing the environmental impact caused by these activities. The economics of aluminum scrap recycling are also compelling. The market for aluminum scrap has been steadily growing, driven by increasing demand from various industries such as automotive, aerospace, construction, and packaging. The price of aluminum scrap is influenced by factors such as market demand, purity of the scrap, and the current prices of primary aluminum. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap, fluctuate based on these market dynamics. However, recycling aluminum scrap often proves to be a cost-effective alternative to primary aluminum production, making it an attractive option for both businesses and individuals. To facilitate the collection and processing of aluminum scrap, numerous aluminum scrap yards and recycling facilities are now operating worldwide. These facilities play a crucial role in efficiently managing and processing aluminum scrap, ensuring its proper separation, cleaning, and recycling. Aluminum scrap yards offer a convenient drop-off point for individuals and businesses looking to recycle their aluminum waste and provide fair prices for clean aluminum scrap. Moreover, specific aluminum alloys also hold value in the recycling market. Aluminum alloy scrap can have different prices depending on the composition and demand for specific alloys. Recycling aluminum alloy scrap contributes to the availability of high-quality secondary alloys that can be used in various industries, further driving the sustainability of the aluminum industry. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a vital practice that supports sustainable resource management and contributes to the circular economy. The process of recycling aluminum waste reduces energy consumption, minimizes environmental impact, and conserves natural resources. The market for aluminum scrap remains robust, with fluctuating prices based on market demand and the purity and composition of the scrap. Aluminum scrap yards and recycling facilities play a pivotal role in ensuring efficient collection and processing of aluminum scrap. By embracing aluminum scrap recycling, we can harness the full potential of this infinitely recyclable material and build a more environmentally conscious and sustainable future

  • Comment Link Aluminium waste reduction Aluminium waste reduction Фев 05, 2024

    Ello, mate

  • Comment Link Aluminium turning scrap Aluminium turning scrap Фев 05, 2024

    Have a nice day, dude :)

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap trading dynamics Aluminium scrap trading dynamics Фев 05, 2024

    Howdy, miss

  • Comment Link Aluminium Recycle Aluminium Recycle Ян 26, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium Aluminium Ян 25, 2024

    How you doin?

  • Comment Link Ecologymr Ecologymr Ян 23, 2024

    Be happy today, bro :)

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