Писателката Здравка Евтимова пристига в Пловдив идния вторник – 12 декември. Срещата ѝ с четящите хора в града под тепетата е част от инициативата на Литературния фестивал „Пловдив чете“ 2023 г. и ИК „Жанет-45“ в рамките на Литературен салон Spirt & Spirit. Модератор ще бъде журналистът Владислав Севов, а гостуването на Евтимова е по повод новия сборник „Луничави разкази“.


Книгата съдържа 20 истории, писани през последните три години. Едни от тях ще Ви разсмеят, други ще Ви натъжат, доколкото смехът и тъгата са главни ингредиенти на този сборник, а защо ли не и на живота ни извън книгата.




Здравка Евтимова е родена през 1959 г. в Перник. Завършва английска филология във ВТУ „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий“ (1995). Специализира художествен превод в Сейнт Луис, САЩ. Превела е над 25 романа от английски, американски и канадски автори на български език, както и произведения на български писатели на английски език.


Автор е на романи и сборници с разкази.


Нейни текстове са публикувани в литературни списания и антологии в 27 страни по света, между които САЩ, Канада, Великобритани, Австралия, Сърбия, Словакия, Германия, Франция, Китай, Япония, Индия, Иран, Полша, Аржентина, Нова Зеландия, Република Южна Африка и др.

Носител е на множество литературни награди.


През 2020 г. става носител на голямата награда Христо Г. Данов за цялостен принос в националната книжовна култура.


  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap trade Aluminum scrap trade Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Maximizing Sustainability and Profit

    In the ever-growing efforts to combat climate change and reduce carbon emissions, recycling plays a crucial role. Aluminum scrap recycling, specifically, offers a sustainable solution to minimize environmental impact and conserve valuable resources. With increasing emphasis on the circular economy, the aluminum recycling industry has gained significant momentum in recent years. Aluminum, a versatile and lightweight metal, is widely used in various industries such as automotive, construction, packaging, and aerospace. As a result, a substantial amount of aluminum scrap is generated through the manufacturing processes, end-of-life products, and demolition projects. Instead of treating this scrap as waste, recycling it offers numerous environmental, social, and economic benefits. The process of aluminum scrap recycling involves collection, sorting, cleaning, melting, and refining the scrap to produce high-quality aluminum. The scrap is usually sourced from industrial waste, used beverage cans, extrusions, and other aluminum-containing products. It is then sorted by type and alloy to ensure consistent quality in the final product. One of the key advantages of aluminum scrap recycling is its energy-saving potential. Compared to primary aluminum production, recycling aluminum requires significantly less energy. According to the Aluminum Association, recycling just one ton of aluminum saves up to five tons of bauxite ore and 14,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity. Another significant benefit of aluminum scrap recycling is the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling aluminum saves around 95% of the energy compared to primary production, resulting in a substantial reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. This contributes to the global effort to combat climate change and mitigate the environmental impact of industrial activities. The recycling industry also plays a vital role in creating job opportunities and supporting the local economy. Aluminum scrap recycling generates employment throughout the value chain, from collection and sorting to processing and manufacturing. It also fosters entrepreneurship and innovation through the establishment of small-scale aluminum recycling facilities. An important aspect of aluminum scrap recycling is the determination of its price. The price of aluminum scrap is influenced by various factors such as market demand, global aluminum prices, scrap quality, and the availability of advanced recycling technologies. Aluminum alloy scrap often commands a higher price compared to clean aluminum scrap due to the additional processing required to separate and refine the alloys. To maximize the value of aluminum scrap, industries and individuals can partner with reputable aluminum scrap yards or recycling centers. These facilities have the expertise and infrastructure to efficiently handle and process the scrap, ensuring its proper recycling and reintegration into the production cycle. Moreover, the scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap, are influenced by market dynamics and economic conditions. As the demand for aluminum and other metals fluctuates, so does the price of scrap. Staying informed about market trends and working with reputable recyclers can help individuals and organizations obtain competitive prices for their aluminum scrap. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is an essential component of the circular economy, contributing to sustainable resource management and environmental stewardship. By recycling aluminum scrap, we conserve energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create jobs, and preserve valuable resources. Furthermore, understanding the factors influencing aluminum scrap prices and collaborating with reliable recyclers ensures the optimal utilization of this valuable material

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap circular economy Aluminium scrap circular economy Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Maximizing the Value of a Valuable Resource

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in the sustainable management of metal resources and reducing environmental impact. As a highly versatile and valuable metal, aluminum is widely used in various industries, including construction, transportation, packaging, and electronics. However, the extraction and production of primary aluminum from bauxite ore consume significant energy and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling aluminum scrap can help mitigate these negative effects by conserving energy and reducing emissions. Aluminum scrap recycling involves collecting and processing various forms of scrap aluminum, such as cans, foil, extrusions, and automotive parts. These scrap materials are collected from different sources, including households, industrial processes, and demolition sites. The collected aluminum scrap is then sorted, cleaned, and processed into suitable forms for reuse in the production of new aluminum products. The recycling process for aluminum scrap requires much less energy compared to primary aluminum production. Recycling just one aluminum can saves enough energy to power a television for three hours. Additionally, recycling aluminum scrap reduces air and water pollution, as well as the need for mining raw materials. One of the key driving factors in aluminum scrap recycling is the economic value of recycled aluminum. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap prices, fluctuate based on market demand, global supply, and the overall economic conditions. Aluminum scrap yards and recycling centers serve as crucial hubs for collecting, sorting, and processing aluminum scrap. These facilities provide a vital link between industries generating aluminum scrap and the recycling sector. The value of clean aluminum scrap is typically higher compared to mixed or contaminated aluminum scrap. Clean aluminum scrap refers to uncontaminated aluminum materials that are free from other metal alloys or impurities. The purity of the aluminum scrap affects its price and suitability for recycling. Therefore, it is essential to properly sort and prepare aluminum scrap for recycling to maximize its value and minimize waste. In addition to providing environmental benefits, aluminum scrap recycling also offers economic advantages. Recycling aluminum scrap can create job opportunities and contribute to the growth of the recycling industry. It also reduces the dependence on imported primary aluminum and supports local manufacturing sectors that rely on aluminum as a raw material. Moreover, aluminum scrap recycling plays a vital role in achieving global sustainability goals. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognize the importance of responsible consumption and production, as well as the efficient use of natural resources. Aluminum scrap recycling aligns with these goals by promoting a circular economy approach, where materials are continuously recycled, reducing waste, and preserving natural resources for future generations. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is an essential practice that helps conserve energy, reduce emissions, and minimize environmental impact. The economic value of aluminum scrap, along with its versatile properties, makes it a highly valuable material for recycling. By promoting and supporting the aluminum scrap recycling industry, we can contribute to a more sustainable future while creating economic opportunities and reducing our carbon footprint

  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling solutions Aluminium recycling solutions Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap market dynamics Aluminum scrap market dynamics Фев 05, 2024

    Ello, gov'nor!

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap waste elimination Aluminium scrap waste elimination Фев 05, 2024

    Hello, sunshine!

  • Comment Link Aluminium Recycling Aluminium Recycling Ян 26, 2024

    Oh, yoooouhoooo!

  • Comment Link Aluminiummr Aluminiummr Ян 23, 2024

    Hi, honeybunch!

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