Книгата е продукция на фондация „Пловдив 2019“, създадена по международния проект Cultart– академия за културен мениджмънт


Cultart Book е резултат от двугодишната работа на „Пловдив 2019“ в партньорство с 6 организации от 5 държави и включването на 125 културни мениджъри на възраст от 20 г. до 35 г. в процеса на управление на културата и изкуството в Европа.

Книгата представя в 188 страници моделa на Cultart чрез местата, лицата, институциите, артистите и възможните решения как на практика да подобрим творческата среда в нашите градове. Книгата Cultart / Cultart Book е на английски език и е достъпна в хартиено и дигитално издание с мотивацията да свързва професионалисти в културния и творчески сектор, както и да достига широка публика, да стимулира въображението, общуването и участието на европейско ниво.


Дигиталният вариант на книгата дава възможност за лесен достъп до съдържанието чрез вътрешни линкове и показалци, а и препраща към уебсайтове и страници за допълнителна информация. Ще откриете и директна връзка към YouTube канала на Cultart, където може да чуете и видите някои от видео тестимониалите на участниците за програмата в Пловдив.


Изданието представя за първи път в детайл „5×5“ обучителния модел, създаден от Clearly Culture, Леони Ходкевич и преподавателски екип на Университета във Виена, който Cultart адаптира и разработи в 5-те партньорски държави по проекта. В основата на обучението е работата на 125-те участници върху управленските казуси на конкретна културна институция в градовете. Обобщеният вариант на техните разработки е част от резултатите на всяка от петте мениджмънт програми в книгата. Акцент са профилите, снимките и думите на участниците, тяхната визуална история, обратна връзка и препоръки.


Графичният дизайн на Книгата Cultart / Cultart Book е от студио Punkt. Изданието е оформено спрямо динамиката на визуалната идентичност на Cultart, създадена от същия дизайнерски екип в началото на проекта.


Cultart е проект на стойност 262 105 евро, който фондацията спечели по програма Еразъм+, сектор Младеж – партньорства за сътрудничество, администрирана от Центъра за Развитие на Човешките ресурси – Национална агенция по програма Еразъм+ през 2021.


В проекта Cultart участват 6 организации от 5 държави. Освен водещата „Пловдив 2019“ в консорциумът са и Clearly Culture – Виена и екипът от експерти създал магистърската програма по Културен Мениджмънт на Университета във Виена, също Търговско- промишлена камара на град Лече, Италия, „Алианс за иновативни практики“ – България, „Еду-център“ – Скопие, Северна Македония, „Международен център за устойчиво развитие“ – Йоанина, Гърция.


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  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap baling Aluminum scrap baling Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Unlocking the Potential of a Valuable Resource

    In the quest for a more sustainable future, recycling plays a crucial role in reducing waste and conserving valuable resources. Aluminum scrap recycling is one such practice that has gained significant importance in recent years. With the soaring demand for aluminum across various industries, the need to recycle aluminum scrap has become more essential than ever. Aluminum scrap refers to any discarded aluminum material or product that can be recycled to create new aluminum products. This can include everything from cans, foil, automotive parts, construction materials, to household items like window frames and kitchen utensils. By recycling aluminum scrap, the energy and resources required to extract and process virgin aluminum are saved, contributing to a lower carbon footprint and decreased environmental impact. The process of aluminum scrap recycling involves several stages. Initially, the collected scrap is sorted and processed to remove contaminants such as plastic, paint, and other non-aluminum materials. This is crucial to ensure pure and quality aluminum scrap that can be used for manufacturing new aluminum products. Once the scrap is cleaned, it is shredded and melted in a furnace, transforming it into molten aluminum. The molten aluminum is then shaped into ingots, sheets, or other forms, ready to be used in the production of new aluminum products. One significant factor that drives the recycling of aluminum scrap is the economic incentive. The scrap aluminum industry offers a lucrative market for buying and selling recycled aluminum. The scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap prices, fluctuate based on various factors such as market demand, availability of scrap, and global economic conditions. However, in recent years, the scrap aluminum market has witnessed a steady increase in prices due to the rising demand for recycled aluminum across industries. The recyclability of aluminum does not compromise its quality or performance. Recycled aluminum has the same properties as virgin aluminum, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. In fact, recycling aluminum requires only around 5% of the energy needed to produce virgin aluminum from bauxite ore, making it a highly energy-efficient process. To facilitate the efficient recycling of aluminum scrap, numerous aluminum scrap yards and recycling centers have emerged. These facilities serve as collection points for aluminum scrap, where individuals, industries, and businesses can drop off their scrap aluminum for recycling. The aluminum scrap yards play a vital role in the segregation, processing, and onward sale of the recycled aluminum. It's not just the environmental and economic benefits that make aluminum scrap recycling an attractive option; it also contributes to conserving valuable resources. Aluminum is a finite resource, and its extraction from bauxite reserves requires massive energy consumption and causes significant environmental degradation. By recycling aluminum scrap, we extend the lifespan of this valuable resource, reducing the need for extensive mining operations. Furthermore, the recycling of aluminum scrap also plays a role in promoting a circular economy. Unlike the linear economy, which follows a "take-make-dispose" model, a circular economy aims to keep resources in use for as long as possible. By recycling aluminum scrap and incorporating it back into the production cycle, we minimize waste generation and maximize resource efficiency. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling offers numerous benefits to both the environment and the economy. It reduces the carbon footprint, conserves energy and resources, and fosters a circular economy. The growing demand for recycled aluminum and the increasing scrap metal recycling prices make it an attractive proposition for individuals, industries, and businesses alike. By embracing aluminum scrap recycling, we contribute to a more sustainable future and pave the way for a greener and more efficient world

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap material traceability Aluminium scrap material traceability Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: A Sustainable Solution for Economic and Environmental Benefits

    Aluminum scrap recycling has gained significant importance in recent years due to the growing emphasis on sustainability and resource conservation. As the demand for aluminum continues to rise, recycling scrap aluminum has become a viable and eco-friendly solution to meet this demand while reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. Aluminum, known for its excellent properties such as strength, lightweight, and corrosion resistance, is widely used in various industries. However, its extraction and production from raw materials are energy-intensive processes that contribute to environmental degradation and greenhouse gas emissions. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can minimize the need for primary aluminum production and reduce its environmental impact. The process of aluminum scrap recycling involves collecting and sorting aluminum waste materials, such as cans, foils, extrusions, and automotive components. These materials are then processed to remove impurities and converted into reusable aluminum. The recycling process requires significantly less energy compared to primary aluminum production, resulting in substantial energy savings and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. One of the key advantages of aluminum scrap recycling is its economic viability. Scrap aluminum has a market value and can be sold to aluminum recycling companies or scrap yards. The price of aluminum scrap varies based on its purity, quality, and market demand. Clean aluminum scrap, free from impurities and contaminants, generally commands a higher price in the market. The aluminum recycling industry plays a crucial role in the global economy. It not only provides a sustainable source of aluminum but also generates employment opportunities and stimulates economic growth. Moreover, by recycling scrap aluminum, we can reduce dependence on imported aluminum, enhancing domestic self-sufficiency and promoting a circular economy. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap, can also fluctuate based on market conditions, demand-supply dynamics, and global metal prices. Various factors, such as geopolitical situations, trade policies, and industry trends, can influence the aluminum scrap price. However, the long-term trend indicates a positive outlook for aluminum scrap recycling, as the environmental benefits and cost savings associated with recycling are increasingly recognized. To ensure effective aluminum scrap recycling, it is essential to establish proper collection and sorting systems, promote awareness among individuals, businesses, and industries, and invest in advanced recycling technologies. Additionally, governmental support through favorable policies, incentives, and regulations can further encourage the growth of the aluminum recycling industry and motivate stakeholders to actively participate in the circular economy. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling offers a sustainable solution for meeting the growing demand for aluminum while minimizing its environmental impact. By recycling scrap aluminum, we conserve valuable resources, reduce energy consumption, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to a greener future. The aluminum recycling industry plays a significant role in boosting the economy, creating jobs, and fostering sustainable development. Embracing aluminum scrap recycling is a collective responsibility that can drive positive change and pave the way for a more sustainable and prosperous future

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap redistribution Aluminium scrap redistribution Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Unlocking Value and Sustainability

    Aluminum scrap recycling is an essential part of the global effort to promote sustainability and reduce waste. With the rising demand for aluminum in various industries, recycling scrap aluminum has become not only an environmentally responsible choice but also a lucrative business opportunity. In this article, we will explore the importance of aluminum scrap recycling, its process, and the factors that influence aluminum scrap prices. Firstly, let's delve into why aluminum scrap recycling is crucial. Aluminum is a highly versatile metal with numerous applications in sectors such as construction, automotive, aerospace, and packaging. However, the extraction of primary aluminum from bauxite ore is energy-intensive, causing significant carbon emissions. Recycling aluminum scrap not only reduces the need for primary production but also saves up to 95% of the energy required to produce aluminum from ore. By recycling aluminum scrap, we conserve natural resources and reduce landfill waste. The process of aluminum scrap recycling involves several stages. First, the collected aluminum scrap undergoes sorting to separate it from other types of scrap metal. This step ensures the purity of the aluminum scrap, which is crucial for achieving high-quality recycled aluminum products. Once sorted, the aluminum scrap is cleaned to remove any impurities such as paint, coatings, or contaminants. This clean aluminum scrap is then melted down in furnaces and shaped into ingots or billets, ready for use in various manufacturing processes. The price of aluminum scrap is influenced by several factors. The global demand for aluminum, market conditions, and the quality of the scrap all play a role in determining its value. Clean aluminum scrap commands higher prices due to its purity, as it can be easily recycled into new aluminum products. On the other hand, scrap aluminum contaminated with other materials may require additional processing, resulting in a lower price. Other factors that affect aluminum scrap prices include the current prices of primary aluminum, transportation costs, and the overall supply and demand dynamics in the scrap metal market. Many countries have established dedicated aluminum scrap recycling facilities, commonly known as aluminum scrap yards. These facilities serve as collection centers and processing units for scrap aluminum. They employ specialized equipment and technologies to efficiently sort, clean, and process the collected aluminum scrap. Aluminum scrap yards often work closely with manufacturers and industries that rely on aluminum to ensure a steady supply of recycled aluminum. Additionally, they play a crucial role in setting fair market prices for different grades of aluminum scrap based on its quality and market demand. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap, can fluctuate based on various economic factors. Global trends, geopolitical events, and changes in government regulations can impact the demand and supply of recycled aluminum. Therefore, it is important for aluminum scrap recyclers and buyers to stay updated on market dynamics and adjust their pricing strategies accordingly. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling offers numerous benefits, including environmental conservation, energy savings, and economic viability. The process of recycling aluminum scrap involves sorting, cleaning, and melting the scrap to produce high-quality recycled aluminum. The pricing of aluminum scrap is influenced by factors such as its quality, global aluminum demand, market conditions, and transportation costs. By actively participating in aluminum scrap recycling, individuals and businesses can contribute to a more sustainable future while also capitalizing on the economic opportunities that this industry has to offer

  • Comment Link Aluminium bar recycling Aluminium bar recycling Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Maximizing Environmental Benefits and Economic Opportunities

    Aluminum scrap recycling is an essential process that plays a significant role in the overall aluminum recycling industry. With the growing awareness of environmental preservation and sustainable practices, recycling aluminum scrap has become a crucial aspect of reducing waste and preserving natural resources. Aluminum, being a lightweight and durable metal, is highly sought after in various industries such as automotive, construction, packaging, and aerospace. However, the production of new aluminum from raw materials is energy-intensive and can have a considerable negative impact on the environment. This is where the recycling of aluminum scrap comes into play. Aluminum scrap refers to any discarded or unwanted aluminum items or materials that can be further processed and recycled. These can include aluminum cans, window frames, doors, automotive parts, and various other aluminum-based products. Instead of being sent to landfills, these materials can be collected, sorted, and processed to extract the aluminum content. The aluminum scrap recycling process typically involves several stages. First, the collected scrap is sorted into different types and categories to ensure proper handling during processing. This sorting process is crucial as it helps in maintaining the quality and purity of the recycled aluminum. Once sorted, the scrap is cleaned, removing any contaminants that may be present, such as paint, coatings, or other non-aluminum materials. After the cleaning stage, the aluminum scrap is shredded or crushed into smaller pieces to facilitate melting. The shredded scrap is then melted in a furnace, where impurities are removed, and the aluminum alloy is obtained. This molten aluminum alloy can be further processed to produce new aluminum products, providing a sustainable alternative to using raw materials. The price of aluminum scrap is influenced by various factors, including market demand, global economic conditions, and the quality of the scrap. The clean aluminum scrap price refers to the value of scrap that has been properly sorted, cleaned, and prepared for recycling. The cleaner the scrap, the higher its value as it requires less processing to extract the aluminum content. The aluminum scrap recycling industry has witnessed significant growth in recent years, driven by the increasing demand for sustainable practices and the rising cost of raw materials. Additionally, government regulations and incentives to promote recycling have further stimulated the industry's expansion. Aluminum scrap recycling not only contributes to the conservation of natural resources but also helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling aluminum scrap requires only a fraction of the energy needed for primary aluminum production, resulting in significant energy savings and a reduced carbon footprint. Aluminum scrap recycling also plays a vital role in creating job opportunities and supporting local economies. Recycling facilities, known as aluminum scrap yards, are essential components of the recycling infrastructure. These yards serve as collection points for aluminum scrap, where it is processed, sorted, and prepared for recycling. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a crucial process that benefits the environment, conserves natural resources, and supports sustainable development. By participating in scrap metal recycling, including aluminum scrap recycling, individuals and industries can contribute to the circular economy and promote a greener future

  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling auditing Aluminium recycling auditing Фев 05, 2024

    Oh, yoooouhoooo!

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap segmentation Aluminium scrap segmentation Фев 05, 2024

    Howdy, howdy ,howdy!

  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling system optimization Aluminium recycling system optimization Фев 05, 2024

    You know who this is

  • Comment Link Aluminium recovery processes Aluminium recovery processes Фев 05, 2024

    My name's Ralph, and I'm a bad guy

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium compaction Scrap aluminium compaction Фев 05, 2024

    What's crackin'?

  • Comment Link Matel Matel Ян 26, 2024

    Have a nice day, bro :)

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