Владислав Христов е един от 100-те поети влезли в престижната класация на най-креативните хайку автори в Европа през 2023-та година. Независимата класация се повежда за 13-ти път от полския поет Кржищоф Кокот съвместимо с всички признати експерти в жанра. Критерият на комисията за класиране се отличава от европейските хайку автори в международни конкурси и ги публикувате в престижни англоезични издания. Владислав Христов показва вече за шести път в тази класация. Той е сред световните майстори на хайку, негови стихотворения са публикувани на 18 езика, печелил е десетки международни конкруси, в това число най-голямата награда на Музея „Башо” – Токио. Текстовете му се изучават от студентите в университета Кумамото, Япония. Пловдивският поет е съставител на първия учебник по хайку на български език „Основи на хайку”.


Специално за Под тепето, Владислав Христов сподели: „Интересът към хайку поезията през последните няколко години е много голям. Заради своята краткост и достъпност в момента хайку е най-популярният поетичен жанр в целия свят. Тази най-къса литературна форма е създадена преди няколко века в Япония, но отдавна е напуснала пределите на страната на изгряващото слънце. Десетки хиляди души от всички континенти се опитват да пишат хайку, малцина обаче успяват да създадат добри и запомнящи се образци, които да останат през годините. Радостен е факт, че българските майстори на хайку трайно присъстват в световните издания и редовно печелят престижни конкурси. В Евро ТОП 100 освен мен има още 6 български поети, които ясно показват, че страната не е сила, която никой не може да пренебрегне”.

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  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap quaternary processing Aluminium scrap quaternary processing Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Promoting Sustainability and Reaping Rewards

    In today's world, where sustainability and environmental consciousness are becoming increasingly important, recycling has become an integral part of our lives. One area where recycling plays a significant role is in the aluminum industry, particularly in the recycling of aluminum scrap. Aluminum scrap recycling offers numerous benefits, both economically and environmentally, making it a crucial aspect of the overall recycling efforts. Aluminum scrap, also known as secondary aluminum, refers to discarded aluminum products or waste that can be reused to create new aluminum products. It includes items like beverage cans, vehicle parts, construction materials, and packaging materials, among others. Instead of ending up in landfills, these aluminum scraps can be recycled and transformed into valuable resources. Aluminum scrap recycling is a highly efficient process that begins with the collection and sorting of the discarded aluminum items. These items are then transported to the recycling facility, where they undergo various processes to extract aluminum and separate it from other materials. The scrap is shredded into smaller pieces and melted down to remove impurities. The molten aluminum is then shaped into ingots, ready to be used in the manufacturing of new aluminum products. The recycling of aluminum scrap brings several advantages. Firstly, it helps conserve natural resources. Aluminum is derived from bauxite ore, which requires significant energy and resources for extraction and processing. By recycling aluminum scrap, we reduce the need for mining raw materials and thereby minimize environmental impact. Secondly, aluminum scrap recycling helps to reduce energy consumption. Manufacturing new aluminum from extracted bauxite requires a considerable amount of energy, compared to recycling existing aluminum. It is estimated that recycling aluminum saves up to 95% of the energy that would be required to produce the same amount of aluminum from raw materials. This energy saving results in a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to combating climate change. Moreover, aluminum scrap recycling has economic benefits. It helps to create job opportunities in the recycling industry and related sectors. The demand for aluminum scrap has led to the establishment of aluminum scrap yards, specialized facilities that collect, sort, and process the scrap. These facilities play a critical role in the efficient management of aluminum scrap recycling. The price of aluminum scrap is influenced by various factors, including market demand, global supply, and quality of the scrap. Different types of aluminum scrap, such as clean aluminum scrap and aluminum alloy scrap, may fetch different prices. The scrap metal recycling industry often provides competitive prices for aluminum scrap, incentivizing individuals and businesses to participate in recycling efforts. In recent years, the aluminum industry has witnessed significant growth in aluminum scrap recycling. Governments and organizations worldwide have recognized the importance of recycling and have implemented policies and regulations to encourage and support recycling efforts. This has resulted in increased awareness and participation in aluminum scrap recycling, leading to a more circular economy and reduced dependence on virgin aluminum. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is an essential component of the overall recycling efforts, offering significant environmental and economic benefits. It helps conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The establishment of aluminum scrap yards and competitive prices for aluminum scrap further encourage individuals and businesses to participate in recycling. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can turn waste into valuable resources and contribute to a more sustainable future

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminum handling Scrap aluminum handling Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: An Efficient and Sustainable Solution for Aluminum Waste

    With the increasing concern for the environment and the ever-growing demand for sustainable practices, recycling has become an essential part of our daily lives. One of the most commonly recycled materials is aluminum scrap. The process of aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in conserving natural resources, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing waste. Aluminum scrap, also known as scrap aluminum, refers to discarded or waste aluminum products, such as beverage cans, automotive parts, construction materials, and packaging materials. Instead of ending up in landfills, these aluminum scraps can be recycled to extract their valuable properties and used to manufacture new products, offering numerous environmental and economic benefits. Aluminum scrap recycling is a well-established industry that involves collecting, sorting, processing, and melting aluminum waste to produce new aluminum products. The recycling process begins with the collection of aluminum scraps from various sources, including households, industries, and construction sites. These scraps are then sorted based on their alloy composition, shape, and size to ensure the highest quality of recycled aluminum. Once sorted, the aluminum scrap is processed to remove any impurities such as paint, coatings, or other contaminants. This step is crucial in maintaining the quality of the recycled aluminum and ensuring its suitability for various applications. The processed aluminum scrap is then melted in furnaces to convert it into molten metal that can be used to manufacture new aluminum products. Aluminum recycling offers significant environmental benefits. Firstly, recycling aluminum scrap requires significantly less energy compared to producing primary aluminum from raw materials. It is estimated that recycling aluminum saves up to 95% of the energy required for primary aluminum production, resulting in a considerable reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, recycling one ton of aluminum can save approximately 8 tons of bauxite ore, the primary source of aluminum. In addition to environmental benefits, aluminum scrap recycling also has economic advantages. The aluminum scrap industry provides employment opportunities and stimulates economic growth. Recycling aluminum scrap also helps in reducing the demand for primary aluminum, thereby stabilizing aluminum prices. The aluminum scrap price is determined based on factors such as the quality of the scrap, market demand, and global aluminum prices. Scrap metal recycling prices vary depending on the type of metal, its quality, and the current market conditions. However, clean aluminum scrap tends to fetch a higher price compared to other types of scrap metals due to its high purity and ease of processing. Aluminum alloy scrap price also depends on the specific alloy composition and market demand for that particular alloy. To facilitate the recycling process, many cities have established aluminum scrap yards or recycling centers where individuals and businesses can drop off their aluminum scraps for proper recycling. These facilities ensure the efficient collection, sorting, and processing of aluminum scrap, promoting responsible waste management and resource conservation. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling plays a vital role in promoting a green and sustainable future. By recycling aluminum scraps, we can conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, and minimize waste. Furthermore, recycling aluminum scrap offers economic benefits by creating job opportunities and stabilizing aluminum prices. So, next time you come across an aluminum can or any other aluminum product, remember to recycle it and contribute to a cleaner and greener planet

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap segmentation Aluminium scrap segmentation Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: An Eco-Friendly Solution for Sustainability

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a vital role in environmental sustainability and resource conservation. Aluminum, being one of the most abundant metals on Earth, is highly recyclable and can be repurposed without losing its quality or properties. In this text, we will explore the importance of aluminum scrap recycling, its processes, and the factors that affect the price of aluminum scrap. Aluminum scrap refers to the waste or discarded aluminum materials that are no longer useful in their current form. This can include aluminum cans, construction materials, automotive parts, packaging materials, and more. Rather than sending these materials to landfills where they would take centuries to decompose, recycling aluminum scrap reduces the strain on natural resources and decreases energy consumption. Aluminum recycling involves a series of processes that convert scrap aluminum into reusable materials. The first step is collecting and segregating various types of aluminum scrap, such as cans, extrusions, or automotive parts. Next, the scrap is cleaned to remove any impurities such as dirt, paint, or coatings. This process is important as it ensures the quality of the recycled aluminum and maintains its value. Once cleaned, the aluminum scrap is shredded into smaller pieces and sorted according to its alloy type. Different alloys have specific characteristics and are used in various industries, so sorting the scrap allows for a more efficient recycling process. The sorted scrap is then melted and purified through a process called smelting. During this process, any remaining impurities are removed, and the aluminum is transformed into molten form. The molten aluminum is then poured into molds to create ingots, sheets, or other shapes, depending on the intended application. These recycled aluminum products can be utilized in manufacturing industries, construction projects, and more, reducing the need for virgin aluminum production. The price of aluminum scrap fluctuates based on several factors. The demand and supply dynamics of the metal, global market conditions, and the quality of the aluminum scrap all play a role in determining the price. Higher quality scrap, known as clean aluminum scrap, typically commands a higher price as it requires less processing, resulting in lower energy consumption and improved overall efficiency during recycling. Additionally, scrap metal recycling prices are influenced by the state of the economy, as well as the recycling infrastructure in a particular region. Areas with well-established aluminum scrap recycling facilities and infrastructure tend to have higher prices due to the ease of processing and transportation. Aluminium scrap yards are specialized facilities that accept, process, and trade aluminum scrap. These yards are equipped with the necessary machinery and expertise to handle different types of aluminum scrap and ensure proper recycling practices. They play a crucial role in facilitating the recycling process and maintaining the supply chain of recycled aluminum. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is essential for a sustainable future. By recycling aluminum scrap, we reduce the demand for virgin aluminum, conserve natural resources, and minimize energy consumption. The price of aluminum scrap is influenced by various factors, including demand, supply, quality, and economic conditions. Aluminum scrap yards and recycling facilities are vital in ensuring the proper collection, processing, and trading of aluminum scrap. Embracing aluminum scrap recycling as a society contributes to a greener and more resource-efficient future

  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap segregation Aluminum scrap segregation Фев 05, 2024

    Hey, howdy, hi!

  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap sorting and separation Aluminum scrap sorting and separation Фев 05, 2024

    Ello, gov'nor!

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap billet production Aluminium scrap billet production Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap separation Aluminium scrap separation Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling material valuation Aluminium recycling material valuation Фев 05, 2024

    You know who this is

  • Comment Link Aluminium Scrap Yard Aluminium Scrap Yard Ян 26, 2024

    What's cookin, good lookin?

  • Comment Link Aluminium Recycling Aluminium Recycling Ян 26, 2024

    At least, we meet for the first time for the last time!

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