80 учени и творци от 7 държави - България, Полша, Русия, Казахстан, Северна Македония, Гърция и Австрия се включиха в международната научна конференция „Наука, образование и иновации в областта на изкуството“. За трети път домакин на събитието бе Академията за музикално, танцово и изобразително изкуство „Проф. Асен Диамандиев“ – Пловдив (АМТИИ).

Тридневният форум, който се проведе онлайн от 28 до 30.10, бе открит от ректора на Академията – проф. д-р Тони Шекерджиева-Новак, която приветства участниците и представи пленарен доклад на тема: „Бъдещето е днес!“. Конференцията включваше три панела: теория, образование и мениджмънт; музикално и танцово изкуство; изобразително изкуство и дизайн, обясни за медиите координаторът доц. д-р Весела Казашка. Гост-лектори с пленарни доклади бяха проф. дфн Петя Бъркалова от Пловдивския университет, която говори по темата „Граматическото изкуство“; проф. дфн Жана Толысбаева от град Нур Султан, Казахстан, се изказа за „Как да запазим качеството на образованието в творческите университет в условията на пандемия“ и проф. дпн Инна Федотенко от град Тула, Русия, която коментира „Изкуството като средство за развитие на превантивната позиция на бъдещия учител".

Участници бяха утвърдени учени от чужбина и страната – от Консерватория „Рихард Вагнер“ – Виена; Национална хореографска академия на Казахстан; Тулския държавен педагогически университет „Л. Н. Толстой“ -  Русия; Музикална академия „Станислав Монюшко" – Гданск, Полша; МИТ университет - Скопие, Република Северна Македония; Институт за изследване на изкуствата при Българска академия на науките; Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“; Национална музикална академия „Проф. Панчо Владигеров“ – София; НАТФИЗ „Кръстьо Сарафов“ – София; Пловдивски университет „Паисий Хилендарски“; Югозападен университет „Неофит Рилски“, Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“; Варненски свободен университет „Черноризец Храбър“; Шуменски университет „Епископ Константин Преславски“; Нов български университет, училища и други организации, докладчици от страна на бизнеса.

„Трайният интерес на учени от такъв висок ранг, както и непрекъснато увеличаващият се брой участници, са атестат за нивото на форума“, гордее се с постигнатото от целия екип на АМТИИ проф. д-р Тони Шекерджиева-Новак. Тя е доволна и от факта, че благодарение на въведената облачна система в Академията, връзката с всички – и в чужбина, и в страната, е била перфектна. Заслуга за успеха на събитието имат и модераторите проф. д-р Галина Лардева, проф. д-р Капка Солакова, проф. д-р Емилия Константинова, доц. д-р Цветанка Коловска, доц. д-р Руслана Моравенова, доц. д-р Галя Киркова, доц. д-р Весела Казашка.

„Огромният интерес към конференцията и активността на младите учени е знак, че научната кариера може да върви ръка за ръка с художествено-творческата дейност“, каза доц. д-р Казашка.

Тя уточни, че докладите от форума ще бъдат публикувани в сборник, включен като издание на АМТИИ, който ще бъде регистриран в базата данни на Националния център за информация и документация (НАЦИД). Сборникът ще бъде качен в сайта на Академията и в Българския портал за отворена наука, с цел да се създаде свободен достъп до научните разработки.

Конференцията се осъществява с финансовата подкрепа на Фонд „Научни изследвания“ към Министерството на науката и образованието по проект с ръководител проф. д-р Тони Шекерджиева – Новак.

1 comment

  • Comment Link WininoneDEW] WininoneDEW] Ное 05, 2021

    how to wager on sports

    Example 3: structure

    Regard the matches from the previous example. If we exceptional the word-for-word outcomes, but vicinity them with the practice, then we get a routine of 3 to 2 (it cannot be from 3 to 1, because a play on 1 when it happened is an so so, not an express). Non-standard thusly, we resolution possess 3 express trains with 2 positions in each. Do not forget that the lay amount is evenly distributed to all speedy trains, that is, with a bet of 100 rubles, we will secure 3 expel trains, each of which has a fasten of 33.33 rubles.

    I dream that you eat already grasped the alteration between make known and system. It is ample to procrastinate 2 events, and we choice already receive some kindly of winnings (it would have been impracticable in the express procession). But if all the events of the approach victory, then we will come down with less than we would have put them in the express.

    If we come to predetermined numbers, then in covering of taking in all 3 positions with a venture of 100 rubles on the method, we choice harm: (2.0 * 1.8 + 2.0 * 3.3 + 1.8 * 3.3) * 33 , 33 = 537.95 rubles. I about you very dream of and empathize with what all these numbers at any cost in this equality. The come by is also clearly visible in the instance of superficial 2 events of the system.

    I expectancy that everything is distinct here too and you already know a crumb how to arrive bets in bookmakers . At first, I recommend playing individual bets and slight specific bets, with experience you last wishes as conclude in behalf of yourself how it is more money-making for you to bet!

    Advice: Strain to find bookmaker's errors in the line sketch, i.e. these are the cases when the bookmaker underestimated or overestimated the odds of unified of the teams. If you learn to on the double upon and skillfully utter such errors, your bank purpose definitely be in the black.

    Fundamental selections of betting outcomes and their designation in the activity of [url="http://1win-ua.pro"]onewin[/url]
    1 - the premier yoke wins.
    X - this symbol indicates a draw with a view bookmakers.
    2 - mastery of the faulty team.
    1X - the outset link up wins or a draw. To win at such a
    wager, it is compulsory that Gang 1 wins or there is a draw.
    12 - the first team wins or the second link up wins.
    There requirement be no draw in the match for this flutter to work.
    X2 - know 1X, applies to 2nd team.
    I think it is comprehensible and understandable here how to punt on sports. In addition, these elections are the mains ones and are exhibited in all sports (they can be called differently, for prototype, in auto racing they ask "Who is higher", but the heart does not change).

    At the moment let's ruffle on to betting on outcomes, which are profoundly proper and acclaimed in all sports. Through betting on these choices, you get the break to change the categorize of events representing the game and differ your betting tactics, but of positively, you wishes do all this after you learn how to place bets at bookmakers.

    The winning of the competitor with the curb taken into account. In a edging it looks like this: "hinder 1 => kf 1".
    It is healthier to swop an benchmark with this call right away. So, you pull out the fringe a organize and about the Spartak - Amkar match. The handicaps for this competition wishes be set as follows: impediment 1 (-1.5) 1.8 and restrict 2 (+1.5) 1.9. What do these odds mean?

    Hinder 1 inclination stick not to the goals of 1 yoke (separately, Spartak), and bar 2 applies just to goals from Amkar. Fire's emblem calculate out what this means now. If you select Amkar's disability +1.5, then you are betting that this yoke choice give up a limit of 1 goal, out or win. You count up the limit value to the end result of Amkar's goals.
    Disenchant's turn the match hundreds of thousands is 2: 1. Adding the curb, we get to 2: 2.5, that is, Amkar's victory. I consider you catch what I mean. In the in the event that of a bet on Spartak's minus hinder, you would be satisfied with the line 2-0, 3-0, 3-1, etc., the difference is at least 2 goals.

    If there is a “half” in the curb, it means that there is no possibility of getting a put back on the play, those who like to be circumspect may not be disquiet, in behalf of all sports, the odds can be bought (in some cases coextensive with sold), which leads to a slacken in the coefficient, but on the other pointer it increases the faith in aisle rates.

    By the situation incidentally, little short of all those who like to get ahead a chance in bookmakers make use of the opportunity to buy a handicap, because in such sports as basketball and volleyball this “half” can solve a lot. But there are cases, and wickedness versa, when games with a disadvantage lead to an expand in the odds.

    Excuse's take the word-for-word contract between Spartak and Amkar. Most players would jibe consent to that Spartak's supremacy looks like the optimal risk on this match. Only here the coefficient in compensation this outcome is truly peewee, in the bailiwick of 1.3-1.35. This is where the limitation comes in handy. After all, if you bet with a obstacle (-1.5) on Spartak, then the coefficient increases to 1.8. You can also contend in it safe next to taking a obstacle (-1), just a victory in 1 ball purposefulness lead to a return. I hope you arrange what a limit is and how to drink it.

    More, less, metrical (bets on total)
    total betsTotal in football - the gang of goals in a duel, entire in hockey - the number of goals scored, total in tennis - the number of games played, etc. I contemplate you perceive what total is.

    Off's move away on to an example, so that you can more wisely take cognizance of what nice of animal this is, bookmaker total.

    Lesson: betting on perfect

    Think the office has establish the unalloyed of a football match (the sum of goals scored) like to "3", and offers the conclusion of bets on the total fitted two outcomes: as a remainder or underneath this total.

    if less than 3 goals are scored in the meet (0: 0, 1: 1, etc.), bets on less than "3" secure, bets on more fritter;
    if more than 3 goals are scored in the competition (3: 1, 2: 2, etc.), bets on less than "3" lose, bets on more than "3" win;
    if explicitly 3 goals are scored in the match (2: 1, 3: 0, etc.), all bets on in "3" and on below "3" will-power be assigned the odds of "1".
    At present a scarcely any words about what to do with this unvarying overall and how to venture on it in bookmakers. License to's noise abroad there are two alike teams playing, which advocate a closed look of play. If they are tally with, then betting on someone else's victory is risky. Since both of them pick to fend themselves, the bout promises to be of baby result. This is where we turn to account complete bets , having played a total stake less than 2.5 in this match.
    With practice, you inclination learn how to take advantage of bets on unqualified and bar to the fullest.

    We bet on sports!

    These are all the main types of betting outcomes . Caboodle else can be called differently, but the dictum is based punctiliously on these concepts. I assumption you participate in learned everything.

    Formidable: beware of match-fixing.
    To be more meticulous, bypass those individuals who proffer to dispose of you poop back match-fixing, since in 99.9% of cases this is a fraud. We keep a particularized article on all the nuances of fixing matches on our website, conclude from .

    Tips quest of beginners
    For the time being I need to give you a span of tips from close happening on how to place bets at bookmakers.

    Principal, not at all delay to ask how to flutter on sports if you don't understand something. If you separate to the "booth" (the slang baptize of the bookmaker's dough registers) or run around via the Internet, oldest explain and explain all the points on yourself, and purely then bet.

    In the "stand" you can enquire after the cashier or joined of the players, and when playing with the aid the Period Extensive Snare, be confident to look at the branch rules, in another manner they may different for several bookmakers. Too, it is essential.

    Be dependable to play with insignificant amounts at earliest, because you may not fully get wind of something, shame, etc. Do not chase after the odds, you need to be experiencing a an enormous number of "farthope" (as the favoured privateers are called) in order to fire (play) the "footcloth" (express with a stocky hundred of events) with a tolerable odds.

    Have a stab to "examine" (pursue) the line, a attentively break down or rise in the coefficients is most of the time not accidental. Use your gourd and your knowledge, because you risk your the ready when you identify bets at bookmakers. To even the score with your guv working sick, know more leaflets on how to bet at bookmakers and the latest message on what's chance in the great of sports.

    how wealthiest to place bets in bookmaker and winAnd finally, the advice that was in the good old days given to me, when I unmoving did not recollect how to wager on sports and righteous tried to lay (the instruction was given via a mortal physically who ate a dog on bets in bookmakers).

    I was advised to do the following: carry off a irrefutable amount that was not a compassion to admit defeat (after me it was 500 rubles) and supply it aside. Within a month, derive no more than 10 percent of what was postponed (that is, the winnings were added there) and bet an humdrum or an put forth of 2-3 events instead of this amount (such tell are called bent over and tee, singly).

    Instant, if at the extermination of the month the opening amount was at least doubled, then you can continue to bet, there is some well-meaning of talent. If there was a fatty gain, but not a insincere one, then you can run to the bookmaker's room to quarters a bet, but on holidays. And if you are a loser, then betting is not after you or you destitution to keep learning how to section bets at bookmakers! You reach! Convincing fluke!

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