27.10., петък


19:00 ч. в бар „Контрабас“ ще бъде открита изложбата “Jazz Portraits” на  фотографа Константин Зайков, която включва селекция от портрети на джаз музиканти, заснети по време на фестивали, концерти и на клубните сцени. 


20.00 часа в ДК „Борис Христов“ – Официалната откриваща вечер на фестивала ще започне с награждаването за цялостен принос в джаза на контрабасиста Веселин Веселинов-Еко. Вечерта ще продължи с неговото дуо Das Weltschmerz Duett, заедно с пианиста Милен Кукошаров. Концертът ще бъде със специалното участие на Мартин Ташев.  Вечерта ще продължи с още едно дуо. За първи път в България пристига Джулиан Лаж –  един от най-характерните и важни китаристи на съвременната сцена, когото Ню Йоркър нарича „китарист от най-висока класа в импровизационната музика“. Той ще бъде на сцената заедно с перуанския контрабасист Хорхе Родер.


23.00 часа – По традиция, всяка вечер след концертите на голяма сцена, фестивалът се пренася на сцената на Bee Bop Café със страхотни джемсешъни. На 27 октомври от 23:00 ч. преди джемсешънът обаче ни очаква още един концерт – на триото на китариста Николай Карагеоргиев с авторската музика на Александър Леков и интерпретации на джаз класики.


28.10., събота


16:00 ч. в Bee Bop Cafe започва изключителната среща с двама музиканти, които имат значителна роля в развитието и историята на българския джаз – Пъшо Конов и Петър Джурков. Те са първите членове на „Бели, зелени и червени“, а повод за разговора е 75-годишният юбилей на музикантите. Събитието ще бъде с участието на Веселин Койчев.


18:00 ч. отново в Bee Bop Cafe, ще настъпи и времето за най-младите в джаза, което фестивалът отделя във всяко издание. Тази година то ще бъде отбелязано с концерт на децата от “Art Voice Center” с ръководител Руми Иванова и с участието на Иван Гърбачев (пиано).


20 часа в ДК „Борис Христов“ Първият концерт от нея ще бъде на едно от водещите имена в съвременната европейска джаз сцена – Волфганг Мутшпил. Артист на ECM Records, Мутшпил е смятан за един най-влиятелните китаристи от своето поколение. Последните му проекти включват колаборация с музиканти като Браян Блейд, Брад Мелдау, Лари Гренадиър, Амброуз Акинмусир и Крис Чийк. Вечерта ще завърши с квартета на още един неочакван и виртуозен китарист – Шико Пинейро. Шико Пинейро е избиран три пъти за изгряваща звезда в категория „Китара“ на списание Downbeat, заедно с Джулиан Лаж, Питър Бърнстейн и Адам Роджърс и е номиниран за „Грами“ през 2021 г. за „Най-добър латино джаз албум“. Участва в проекти на Пласидо Доминго, Брад Мелдау, Кърт Елинг, Дейв Грусин, Данило Перес, Боб Минцър, Хърби Хенкок, Браян Блейд и много други.


  • Comment Link Aluminium metal reclaiming Aluminium metal reclaiming Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: A Sustainable Solution for Environmental and Economic Benefits

    Aluminum scrap, due to its numerous benefits and wide-ranging applications, has become one of the most valuable and sought-after materials in the recycling industry. With the growing emphasis on sustainability and the increasing demand for aluminum, recycling has become an essential component of the supply chain. In this article, we will explore the importance of aluminum scrap recycling, its benefits, the factors influencing aluminum scrap prices, and the role of aluminum scrap yards in the process. Aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in reducing the environmental impact of aluminum extraction and production. Aluminum is derived from bauxite ore through an energy-intensive process that releases substantial greenhouse gas emissions. By recycling aluminum scrap, significant energy savings can be achieved - up to 95% compared to primary aluminum production. Furthermore, recycling aluminum scrap helps preserve natural resources, as it avoids the need for additional bauxite mining. The recycling process begins with the collection of aluminum scrap, which can be sourced from various industries, including automotive, construction, packaging, and electronics. Once collected, the aluminum scrap is sorted according to its quality and alloy composition. This step ensures that the recycled aluminum meets the specifications required by manufacturers. The next stage involves shredding and melting the aluminum scrap. Shredding reduces the scrap into smaller pieces, while melting purifies the material for reuse. The molten aluminum is then cast into different forms, such as ingots, billets, or sheets, depending on the desired application. One of the significant factors influencing aluminum scrap prices is the purity and quality of the scrap. Clean aluminum scrap, free from contaminants such as dirt, paint, or other metals, commands a higher price due to the reduced processing required. Aluminum alloy scrap, which contains specific combinations of elements, may also have varying values, depending on the demand for those alloys by manufacturers. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap, are influenced by market conditions. Factors such as global supply and demand dynamics, commodity prices, and economic conditions impact the overall pricing of aluminum scrap. It is important for those involved in the industry to stay informed about market trends to make informed decisions regarding the buying and selling of aluminum scrap. Aluminum scrap yards play a critical role in the aluminum recycling process. These facilities serve as collection centers where individuals, businesses, and industries can sell or dispose of their aluminum scrap. Scrap yards typically have the necessary equipment and expertise to sort, process, and store aluminum scrap safely and efficiently. They also provide market intelligence, offering competitive prices based on prevailing market conditions. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is paramount in maximizing the value of this valuable material and ensuring its sustainable use. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can conserve energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and minimize the need for primary aluminum production. Clean aluminum scrap commands higher prices, and the market for aluminum scrap is influenced by various factors. Finally, aluminum scrap yards play a crucial role in the collection, processing, and redistribution of aluminum scrap. Together, these efforts contribute to a circular economy, benefiting both the environment and the economy

  • Comment Link Industrial aluminium waste solutions Industrial aluminium waste solutions Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Unlocking the Potential of an Infinite Resource

    In today's global economy, recycling has become an essential practice for industries aiming to reduce waste and minimize their impact on the environment. Aluminum scrap recycling is a prime example of this, as it offers tremendous benefits in terms of sustainability and profitability. In this article, we will delve into the world of aluminum scrap recycling, exploring its importance, the process involved, the market value, and the overall impact on the aluminum industry. Aluminum scrap, also known as scrap aluminum, refers to discarded or unused aluminum materials that can be reused in the production of new aluminum products. This includes everything from aluminum cans and packaging materials to construction scraps and industrial waste. Instead of ending up in landfills, these valuable resources can be collected, processed, and recycled into new products, reducing the reliance on primary aluminum production. Aluminum recycling is a closed-loop system, meaning it can be recycled infinitely without any loss in quality. The process starts with collection, where individuals, businesses, and even dedicated aluminum scrap yards gather and sort aluminum scrap based on its type and grade. The scrap is then transported to recycling facilities, where it undergoes a series of steps to extract and refine the metal. The recycling process begins with cleaning the aluminum scrap to remove any non-metallic impurities, such as paper, plastic, or rubber. Once cleaned, the scrap is shredded into smaller pieces before being melted down in a furnace. During this melting process, impurities are removed, and the aluminum is transformed into a liquid form. The molten aluminum is then solidified into ingots or other forms ready for reuse in various manufacturing applications. The market value of aluminum scrap fluctuates based on several factors, including global demand, supply availability, and the quality of the scrap. Prices for aluminum scrap are generally higher compared to other scrap metals due to the energy savings and environmental benefits associated with recycling aluminum. Scrap metal recycling prices, especially for aluminum, offer attractive returns for both individuals and businesses involved in recycling activities. The pricing of aluminum scrap is influenced by its cleanliness and purity. Clean aluminum scrap, such as aluminum cans, typically fetches a higher price compared to contaminated or mixed scrap. Additionally, the price of aluminum alloy scrap can vary depending on the alloy composition, with certain alloys commanding higher values due to their specific characteristics and functionality in different industries. Aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in the aluminum industry's sustainability efforts. By recycling scrap aluminum, substantial energy savings are achieved, as the production of aluminum from recycled scrap requires significantly less energy compared to primary aluminum production. Moreover, recycling aluminum reduces greenhouse gas emissions and conserves valuable natural resources like bauxite ore, which is the primary source of aluminum

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap document control Aluminium scrap document control Фев 05, 2024

    Heeey, baaaaaby.

  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling process optimization Aluminium recycling process optimization Фев 05, 2024

    Greetings and salutations!

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium dealers Scrap aluminium dealers Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium Recycling Aluminium Recycling Ян 26, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminummr Aluminummr Ян 23, 2024

    Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans

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