Съвет по туризъм – Пловдив и Община Пловдив канят пловдивчани и гости на града на 15-тото издание на „Дефиле на младото вино“, което ще се проведе на 24, 25 и 26 ноември 2023г. Участниците  в „Дефиле на младото вино“ 2023 г. са 67, сред които най-добрите производители на вина и вкусни храни.


“Дефиле на младото вино“ започва в петък  /24 ноември/ с Дионисиево шествие. В 13:00 ч. на пл. „Стефан Стамболов“ /пред Община Пловдив/ богът на виното – Дионис ще приветства всички присъстващи граждани и гости на Пловдив. Пъстро шествие с участието на фолклорен ансамбъл Тракия ще Ви поведе към началото на Стария град.


На ул. „Съборна“ 2-4 до бариерата в 14 часа ще бъде открит фестивал „Дефиле на младото вино“ 2023. Бог Дионис, заедно с официалните  гости ще отворят първата  бъчва младо  вино, реколта 2023 г. С песни, танци  и наздравици,  ще дадем старт  на  тридневна винена забава.  При лошо време – на Римския стадион.


Деветнадесет обекта, от които 3 нови, ще отворят врати по  време на „Дефиле на младото вино“ 2023. Това са: Ресторант – градина „Филипополис“, Ресторант „Граждански клуб”, Галерия Енчо Пиронков, Къща „Нишанян“ /нова локация/, Резиденция „Тракарт“, Къща „Бирдас“, Аптека „Хипократ“, Експозиция „Георги Божилов – Слона”, Галерия „Златю Бояджиев”, Андромеда Арт /нова локация/, Етнографски музей, Балабанова къща, Къща „Георгиади“, Къща „Недкович“, Къща „Иван Черноземски“, „Данчовата къща“, Ресторант „Алафрангите“, Къща „Верен Стамболян“ (Къщата на Художниците) /нова локация/ и  Хотел „Бел Вил“.


За Ваше улеснение, може да използвате дигиталната фестивалана карта в която ще откриете всички локации и участниците в тях. Дегустациите ще продължат три дни:


На 24 ноември – от 14 до 18 ч. 


На 25 ноември – от 11 до 18 ч. 


На 26 ноември – от 11 до 17 ч.


Винолюбителите ще имат възможността да опитат над 300 вида вина и десетки деликатесни вкуса. Дегустацията на вино се осъществява с жетони по 0.75 лв. /един жетон = на една дегустация/. Пред всяка фестивална локация ще има информационен пункт. От там посетителите ще могат да закупят жетони и дегустационни комплекти – брандирана стъклена чаша за дегустации, кожен държач за чашата, брандирана торба за вино и сувенирен магнит, изработени в ОП „Социално предприятие за хора с увреждания“ към Община Пловдив.


„Дефиле  на младото вино“ 2023 се организира от Съвет по туризъм – Пловдив и Община Пловдив в сътрудничество с общински институт „Старинен Пловдив” и Университет по хранителни технологии – Пловдив. Провежда се под патронажа на Министерство на туризма и с подкрепата на Министерството на земеделието. Фестивалът се финансира от „Годишната програма за развитие на туризма на Община Пловдив за 2023 г.“



  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium granulation Scrap aluminium granulation Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Unlocking the Potential

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in the sustainable management of metal resources. As one of the most widely used materials globally, aluminum has a significant impact on various industries, including transportation, construction, and packaging. The recycling of aluminum scrap helps reduce the consumption of raw materials, minimizes energy requirements, and decreases greenhouse gas emissions. Aluminum scrap is collected from various sources, such as manufacturing plants, construction sites, and even individual households. These scrap materials include a wide range of aluminum products, such as cans, foils, car parts, window frames, and more. To maximize the efficiency of the recycling process, it is essential to segregate and sort the scrap based on its grade, alloy, and level of contamination. This ensures that the recycled aluminum meets the required quality standards for various applications. The aluminum recycling process begins by shredding and melting the scrap materials. The molten aluminum is then refined and alloyed to produce the desired specifications. The recycled aluminum can be used to manufacture new products, including beverage cans, automotive parts, construction materials, and electrical wiring. This closed-loop recycling system ensures that aluminum waste is transformed into valuable resources repeatedly. A significant factor that influences the aluminum scrap recycling industry is the fluctuating price of scrap metal. The price of scrap aluminum is determined by various factors, such as global supply and demand, market conditions, and the quality of the scrap. Clean aluminum scrap, free from contaminants, fetches a higher price compared to mixed or contaminated scrap. The market price of recycled aluminum also depends on the prevailing market prices for primary aluminum produced from bauxite ore. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum, can vary from one region to another and can change over time. It is essential for recyclers and scrap metal yards to stay updated with market trends and pricing information to stay competitive. Many online platforms and industry publications provide real-time information on aluminum scrap prices, helping recyclers make informed decisions. Aluminum scrap recycling not only generates economic benefits but also contributes to environmental conservation. Recycling aluminum saves up to 95% of the energy required to produce aluminum from raw materials, resulting in substantial energy savings. Additionally, the recycling process reduces greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and water pollution associated with primary aluminum production. Aluminum scrap recycling facilities, also known as aluminum scrap yards, are crucial infrastructures for collecting, sorting, and processing aluminum scrap. These facilities use advanced technologies and state-of-the-art equipment to maximize the recovery of useful materials from the scrap. By investing in efficient recycling capabilities, aluminum scrap yards ensure that a larger percentage of scrap aluminum is diverted from landfills and utilized in the production of new aluminum products

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium safety procedures Scrap aluminium safety procedures Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Promoting Sustainability and Reaping Rewards

    Aluminum is a highly versatile and recyclable material, and recycling scrap aluminum offers numerous benefits. With the growing awareness about sustainability and the increasing demand for aluminum in various industries, recycling aluminum scrap has become an integral part of the recycling industry. This article explores the importance of aluminum scrap recycling, its economic implications, the factors affecting aluminum scrap prices, and the value of clean aluminum scrap. Aluminum scrap recycling plays a significant role in conserving natural resources and reducing energy consumption. The production of aluminum from raw materials, such as bauxite, requires a considerable amount of energy and resources. Recycling aluminum scrap significantly reduces energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and the need for virgin aluminum production. According to the Aluminum Association, recycling one ton of aluminum saves approximately 8 tons of CO2 emissions. This reduction in carbon footprint is crucial in the fight against climate change. Additionally, recycling aluminum scrap helps in conserving natural resources. Aluminum is 100% recyclable without any loss in quality. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can reduce the need for mining bauxite, which is a non-renewable resource. Furthermore, recycling aluminum scrap saves up to 95% of the energy required to produce aluminum from raw materials. This conservation of resources and energy is essential for a sustainable future. The economic implications of aluminum scrap recycling are also noteworthy. The aluminum recycling industry creates jobs and contributes to economic growth. According to the Aluminum Association, the U.S. aluminum scrap recycling industry generates approximately $3.5 billion in direct economic activity and supports around 26,000 jobs. Recycling aluminum scrap also reduces the reliance on imports for aluminum, thereby improving trade balance and reducing the trade deficit. The price of aluminum scrap is influenced by various factors, such as market demand, global aluminum prices, location, and the quality of the scrap. Like other scrap metal recycling prices, the price of aluminum scrap fluctuates based on market dynamics. Higher demand for aluminum in industries such as automotive, construction, and packaging can drive the prices up. Similarly, fluctuations in global aluminum prices affect the value of aluminum scrap. Additionally, the location of the aluminum scrap yard can also impact the prices as transportation costs are considered. The value of clean aluminum scrap is higher compared to contaminated scrap. Clean aluminum scrap refers to aluminum free from any impurities, coatings, or other materials. The cleaner the aluminum scrap, the higher its value. Therefore, it is crucial to separate and prepare aluminum scrap properly before selling it to maximize its value. Removing non-aluminum materials, such as steel or plastic, from scrap aluminum through sorting and proper recycling procedures increases the value of the scrap. In conclusion, recycling aluminum scrap is a vital practice with significant economic and environmental benefits. It conserves natural resources, reduces energy consumption, and lowers greenhouse gas emissions. The aluminum scrap recycling industry creates job opportunities and contributes to economic growth. The price of aluminum scrap is influenced by market demand, global aluminum prices, and the quality of the scrap. Maximizing the value of aluminum scrap requires proper separation and preparation to obtain clean aluminum scrap. By actively participating in aluminum scrap recycling, individuals and businesses can contribute to a more sustainable and efficient use of resources while reaping economic benefits

  • Comment Link Eco-conscious aluminium recycling Eco-conscious aluminium recycling Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Scrap aluminum processing Scrap aluminum processing Фев 05, 2024

    Greetings and salutations!

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap value maximization Aluminium scrap value maximization Фев 05, 2024

    Sup, homeslice?

  • Comment Link Aluminium Metal Aluminium Metal Ян 26, 2024

    Have a nice day, dude!

  • Comment Link Recycling Recycling Ян 09, 2024


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