За 27-и път фестивалът за българско документално и анимационно кино „Златен ритон“ ще отвори врати за своите зрители в Пловдив от 14-и до 21-ви декември в уюта на Lucky Дом на киното, където ще гледаме рекорден брой филми – общо 90 документални и анимационни филми. Фестивалът се провежда с финансовата подкрепа на община Пловдив и е традиционна част от Културния календар на града от самото създаване до днес.


В състезателната програма участват 60 филма, от които 21 анимационни и 39 документални. В паралелната програма „Открити хоризонти“ ще бъдат показани 25 филма, невлезли в конкурса, но показващи любопитна тема или подход.  Още 4 филма ще ни припомнят творчеството на незабравимите Бинка Желязкова и Малина Петрова. Специална изненада за зрителите на Ритона е прожекцията на дигитално реставрирано копие на филма „Балканската война“ – част от проект на Националната Филмотека за дигитализация на стари филми.


Официалното откриване на фестивала „Златен ритон“ е на 14 декември, от 18.00 часа в зала 1 на Лъки Дом на киното с филма „100 години хвърча по камъните”, посветен на Атанас Кръстев – Начо Културата.


Филмът е създаден с подкрепата на Община Пловдив и Общински институт „Старинен Пловдив“. Премиерата му се състоя на 17.09.2022г., в деня на рождението на Атанас Кръстев, като част от официалната програма на „Празници на Стария град “2022. Изданието бе посветено на 100 години от рождението на Атанас Кръстев – Начо Културата.


Творчески екип на филма  „100 години хвърча по камъните”:

Режисьор – Станислава Калчева

Сценарий – Станислава Калчева, Йоана Буковска – Давидова

Оператор – Иван Тонев A.Б.О.

Музика – Георги Цветков

Режисьор по монтажа – Огнян Иванов

Звук на терен – Благомир Алексиев

Музикално- звукова концепция – Благомир Алексиев

Пост продукция – АРС Диджитъл студио


С участието на:

Йоана Буковска-Давидова

Иван Шишков – племенник на Атанас Кръстев

Рени Шишкова – галерист, галерия „Червеното пони“

Антоанета  Пердикацева – уредник в ОИ“Старинен Пловдив“

Мими Никова – бивш служител на Управление „Старинен Пловдив“

Галина Ропова – фондохранител в ОИ“Старинен Пловдив“

Русалия Кирова – балерина, съпруга на Димитър Киров

Стефан Мавродиев – актьор и приятел на Атанас Кръстев

Любо Маджунов – бивш служител на Управление „Старинен Пловдив“

Вежди Рашидов – художник, скулптор и приятел на Атанас Кръстев

Гласът на Начо Културата – Руси Чанев

Сянката на Начо Културата – Стефан Попов 

Креативен продуцент Йоана Буковска

Продуцент АРС Диджитъл студио


Времетраене 35 мин.


Програмата на фестивала е достъпна тук: www.zlatenriton.bg,

Билетите са в продажба онлайн тук: https://kinolucky.com/programing/index както и на касата на киното. 


  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap generation assessment Aluminium scrap generation assessment Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Maximizing Environmental and Economic Benefits

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a vital role in the overall process of sustainable waste management and resource conservation. With the growing emphasis on environmental conservation and the need for cost-effective materials, scrap aluminum recycling has become an essential industry. Aluminum scrap refers to discarded aluminum materials that are no longer useful or needed in their current form. These discarded materials can include aluminum cans, automobile parts, building materials, electronic components, and various other aluminum products. Instead of ending up in landfills and contributing to environmental pollution, these materials are collected, processed, and recycled to produce new aluminum products. The process of aluminum scrap recycling involves several steps. The first step is the collection of scrap aluminum from various sources such as households, industries, construction sites, and automotive workshops. There are also dedicated aluminum scrap yards and recycling centers where individuals and businesses can drop off their aluminum waste. Once collected, the aluminum scrap is sorted based on its type and alloy. This is important as different alloys have different melting points and properties. Sorting ensures that the recycled aluminum can be properly processed and used for specific applications. The next step is the processing of the scrap aluminum. This involves shredding, crushing, and melting the aluminum to remove impurities and contaminants. The melted aluminum is then cast into ingots or billets, which can be further processed into various aluminum products. One of the significant factors that drive the aluminum scrap recycling industry is the economic value associated with recycling. The price of scrap aluminum fluctuates depending on market conditions, demand, and supply. Many recycling centers and scrap yards offer competitive prices for clean aluminum scrap, which encourages individuals and businesses to participate in recycling efforts. In addition to the economic benefits, aluminum scrap recycling offers several environmental advantages. Recycling aluminum requires significantly less energy compared to primary aluminum production. It also reduces greenhouse gas emissions and saves precious natural resources, as recycling aluminum can save up to 95% of the energy needed to produce new aluminum from raw materials. The aluminum scrap recycling industry also contributes to job creation and economic growth. The process of collecting, sorting, and recycling scrap aluminum requires a skilled workforce, creating employment opportunities in both urban and rural areas. Moreover, the recycled aluminum can be utilized in various sectors, supporting industries such as construction, automotive, and manufacturing. To ensure the success of aluminum scrap recycling, it is crucial to raise awareness and educate the public about the importance of recycling and the impact of aluminum waste on the environment. Governments and organizations can also incentivize recycling efforts by providing tax benefits or financial rewards for individuals and businesses that actively participate in aluminum scrap recycling. As the demand for aluminum continues to rise, the need for scrap aluminum recycling becomes even more critical. By embracing the recycling of aluminum scrap, we can reduce dependency on natural resources, conserve energy, mitigate environmental pollution, and create a more sustainable future

  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling certification Aluminium recycling certification Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Unlocking the Potential of a Sustainable Future

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a vital role in sustainable waste management and resource conservation. With the increasing demand for aluminum products in various industries, the recycling of aluminum scrap has become an essential practice worldwide. In this article, we will explore the importance of aluminum scrap recycling, the benefits it offers, and the key factors affecting the aluminum scrap price and the overall scrap metal recycling prices. Aluminum scrap refers to the discarded or surplus aluminum materials that can be reused or recycled. Common sources of aluminum scrap include manufacturing waste, construction debris, automotive parts, beverage cans, and household items. Instead of disposing of these materials in landfills, recycling them conserves valuable resources, reduces energy consumption, and minimizes environmental impact. One of the primary benefits of aluminum scrap recycling is the significant energy savings it provides. Producing aluminum from raw materials requires a large amount of energy, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and increasing our carbon footprint. However, recycling aluminum scrap consumes only around 5% of the energy needed for primary aluminum production. This energy efficiency not only reduces environmental pollution but also saves precious natural resources. Another advantage of aluminum scrap recycling is its positive impact on the economy. The recycling industry generates employment opportunities and stimulates economic growth. Moreover, by recycling aluminum scrap, manufacturers can obtain a cost-effective source of raw material, reducing their reliance on expensive primary aluminum and, consequently, keeping the overall production costs low. The aluminum scrap price and scrap metal recycling prices are influenced by various factors. Market demand and supply dynamics play a crucial role in determining the price of aluminum scrap. Particularly, the demand for recycled aluminum varies across different sectors such as automotive, construction, aerospace, and packaging. Moreover, the global aluminum market trends, geopolitical factors, and economic conditions can impact the scrap metal prices. The quality and type of aluminum scrap also affect its price. Clean aluminum scrap, which is free from contamination and alloys, fetches a higher price compared to mixed or impure scrap. Aluminum alloy scrap, such as 6063 or 6061 aluminum, may have varying price levels due to its specific composition and market demand. Furthermore, the quantity of aluminum scrap available can influence the pricing, as larger volumes often lead to lower prices due to economies of scale. To ensure proper aluminum scrap recycling, it is essential to establish an efficient collection and sorting system. Many regions have established aluminum scrap yards or recycling centers where individuals or businesses can sell their aluminum scrap. These centers employ various sorting methods to separate different grades and types of aluminum, ensuring that the recycled metal can be used in the appropriate applications. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling offers numerous benefits to society and the environment. It conserves energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, conserves natural resources, and supports the economy. Understanding the factors influencing the aluminum scrap price and scrap metal recycling prices is crucial for stakeholders involved in the recycling industry. By promoting and practicing aluminum scrap recycling, we can contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium refurbishment Scrap aluminium refurbishment Фев 05, 2024

    Have a nice day, bro :)

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap safety measures Aluminium scrap safety measures Фев 05, 2024

    I come in peace!

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap financing Aluminium scrap financing Фев 05, 2024

    Ghostbusters, whatya want?

  • Comment Link Aluminium Scrap Price Aluminium Scrap Price Ян 26, 2024

    Ello, mate

  • Comment Link Aluminium Scrap Price Aluminium Scrap Price Ян 25, 2024

    Have a nice day, buddy!

  • Comment Link Upcyclemr Upcyclemr Ян 23, 2024

    You know who this is

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