27-то издание на фестивала за документално и анимационно кино „Златен ритон“ приключи тържествено в Лъки – Дом на киното с  най-вълнуващата част, в която бяха обявени отличените филми. От 14-и до 21-ви декември публиката имаше възможност да гледа 90 документални и анимационни филма. В състезателната програма участваха 60 филма, от които 21 анимационни и 39 документални. В паралелната програма „Открити хоризонти“ бяха показани 25 филма, невлезли в конкурса. Организатор на “Златен Ритон” е ИА “Национален филмов център”. Фестивалът се провежда с финансовата подкрепа на община Пловдив и е традиционна част от Културния календар на града.


Тежката задача да определи най-добрите документален и анимационен филм в съответните категории бе поверена на авторитетно жури с председател Теодора Димова, писател и членове - Геновева Димитрова, кинокритик, Петя Накова, режисьор, Свилен Димитров, аниматор и Йоханес Артинян, визуален артист и уеб дизайнер. В продължение на една седмица журито на фестивала самоотвержено изгледа всички 60 филма от конкурсната програма, дискутира и взе своето решение.


Голямата награда „Златен ритон“ за най-добър анимационен филм получи филма „Следа“  на Аспарух Петров. Журито единодушно присъди тази награда на Аспарух Петров „за професионализма и вълнуващия минимализъм.


Голямата награда „Златен ритон“ за най-добър документален филм бе присъдена на „Последният гларус“ на Тонислав Христов за оригиналното отразяване на съвременното ни живеене чрез перипетиите на симпатичен маргинал. 


По традиция Община Пловдив също се включва с две награди. Наградата на Община Пловдив за документален филм получи филма за „Моралът е доброто“ сц. и реж. Веселин Диманов. Филмът проследява житейския път на доц. Кристиан Таков на фона на историческите събития от последните десетилетия в България.


Наградата на Община Пловдив за анимационен филм получи пълнометражния филм „Флорентинска нощ“ на братя Сотир и Пенко Гелеви. Това е поредната награда за талантливите братя. Към момента „Флорентинска нощ“ е спечелил: Награда за най-добър български филм на Световен фестивал на анимационния филм, Варна, 2022; Награда „Най-добър пълнометражен филм“ на МФАФ – „Златен Кукер“ 2023; Синелибри 2022; Международен София филм фест, 2022; Сербест Интернешънъл Филм Фестивал, 2023 Кишинев; Барселона Инди Филмейкърс Фестивал, 2023; АниМейт – Австралия Анимейшън Филм Фестивал, 2023 – Полуфиналист.


Наградите на победителите - картини на известния пловдивски художник Ангел Гешев и почетни грамоти бяха връчени от Пламен Панов, зам.- кмет по култура, археология и туризъм на община Пловдив.


 Ето и останалите награди в 27-то издание на фестивала за документално и анимационно кино „Златен ритон“:

  • Награда на Национална Филмотека  за екипа на филма „Киноекстремисти“ Станислав Дончев и Теодора Стоилова -Дончева.
  • Награда на Аудиовизия Орфей за дебют за Веселин Диманов и филма „Моралът е доброто“.
  • Награда на СБФД
  • Награда на Гилдия Критика
  • Почетна грамота за анимационен филм на „Да намериш дом“ сц. и реж. Мария Станишева, прод. АНИМАДОКС.
  • Специална награда на журито за пълнометражен анимационен филм ‚“Меко казано“, сц. Валери Петров, реж. Анри Кулев, прод. Канцелария филм ООД.
  • Награда за сценарий на документалния филм „1200 страници болка“ сц. и реж. Атанас Киряков, с прод. АРС ООД и Иван Тонев
  • Награда за операторско майсторство на Веселин Христов за „Герой на нашето време“ на Свестослав Овчаров и Светла Цоцоркова
  • Награда за режисура на „Моят чичо Любен“, реж. Николай Бошнаков и Джеки Стоев.
  • Награда за художник-постановчик в анимационното кино на Димитър Димитров за филмите: „Артистът“ „Война“ и „Дъщерята на художника“.
  • Награда за дебют в документалното кино на „Нямаш място в нашия град“ сц. Мариана Събева, Николай Стефанов и Ралица Големанова, реж. Николай Стефанов. Продуцент Смарти Пентс шуутър.
  • Награда за дебют в анимационното кино на „Обезличаване“. Сц. и реж. Спартак Йорданов, прод. Скийнинг имоушънс.
  • Почетна грамота за „Отскубнати до корен“ сц. и реж. Антоанета Бачурова и Владимир Люцканов, прод. ВИП МЕДИЯ ФИЛМ
  • Почетна грамота за анимационен филм на „Три птици“  на сц. и реж. Мария Николова, прод. ФОР ХЕНДС
  • Почетна грамота на „Оловният войник“ сц. Митко Новков, реж. Костадин Бонев, прод. Тривиум филмс.
  • Специалната награда на журито за документален филм за „Следеният човек“.



Фото: Владислав Христов


  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap inventory management software Aluminium scrap inventory management software Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling and Its Importance

    Aluminum scrap recycling is an essential aspect of the metal recycling industry. With an increasing demand for aluminum in various industries, the importance of recycling aluminum scrap becomes even more significant. This article will explore the process of aluminum scrap recycling, its benefits, and the various factors that affect the aluminum scrap price. Aluminum scrap recycling involves collecting, sorting, processing, and remelting discarded aluminum products to produce new aluminum products. The collected scrap is first sorted based on its quality and composition. This sorting process ensures that only clean aluminum scrap is used for recycling, eliminating any impurities that might affect the quality of the recycled aluminum. One of the primary benefits of aluminum scrap recycling is the preservation of natural resources. Aluminum is derived from bauxite ore, and the extraction and refining of bauxite require considerable energy and resources. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can reduce the need for mining and processing new aluminum, conserving energy and reducing environmental impact. Another significant advantage of aluminum scrap recycling is the economic value it generates. Aluminum alloy scrap, for example, is highly sought after in the recycling industry due to its high recycling potential. Many industries, such as automotive, construction, and packaging, rely heavily on recycled aluminum scrap as a cost-effective alternative to virgin aluminum. Recycling aluminum scrap also creates employment opportunities within the recycling industry, further contributing to the economy. The price of aluminum scrap is influenced by several factors. Firstly, the market demand for aluminum plays a crucial role. When the demand for aluminum is high, the price of aluminum scrap tends to increase. Similarly, factors like global economic conditions, supply and demand dynamics, and changes in government policies and regulations can affect the price of aluminum scrap. The type and quality of aluminum scrap also impact its price. Clean aluminum scrap, free of any contaminants or alloying materials, commands a higher price in the market. The presence of alloying elements, such as copper or magnesium, can affect the value of aluminum scrap as well. In addition to the quality, the quantity of aluminum scrap also affects its price. Larger quantities of aluminum scrap are generally more valuable as they can be processed and remelted more efficiently. Therefore, recycling companies and scrap yards often offer competitive prices for bulk quantities of aluminum scrap. When selling aluminum scrap, it is advisable to consult multiple recycling centers or aluminum scrap yards to get the best price. Additionally, staying updated on the current market trends and prices can help maximize the returns on recycling aluminum scrap. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a crucial process that offers both environmental and economic benefits. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, and contribute to the circular economy. Understanding the factors that influence aluminum scrap prices, such as market demand, type, quality, and quantity, can help individuals and businesses make informed decisions when it comes to aluminum scrap recycling

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium sourcing Scrap aluminium sourcing Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Maximizing Environmental and Economic Benefits

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a vital role in the sustainable management of resources and energy conservation. As one of the most commonly used metals in various industries, aluminum has a high recycling value. In fact, it is one of the few materials that can be infinitely recycled without losing its inherent properties. Aluminum scrap refers to discarded or waste aluminum products, such as beverage cans, automobile parts, construction materials, and household items. These discarded items, if not properly recycled, can end up in landfills and contribute to environmental pollution. The process of aluminum scrap recycling involves collecting, sorting, processing, and reusing aluminum materials. The collected aluminum scrap is typically sorted into different categories, such as cast aluminum, extrusion scraps, aluminum turnings, and aluminum cans, based on their composition and shape. This sorting step ensures an efficient recycling process and maximizes the value of the recycled material. Once sorted, the aluminum scrap is processed through various techniques, such as shredding, crushing, and melting. Shredding and crushing convert the scrap into smaller pieces, while melting helps to separate impurities and create aluminum ingots or billets, which can be used as raw materials for various applications. The demand for recycled aluminum is growing steadily due to its numerous economic, environmental, and energy-saving benefits. Aluminum scrap recycling not only conserves natural resources but also reduces the energy consumption associated with primary aluminum production. Recycling aluminum requires only a fraction of the energy needed to produce aluminum from bauxite ore, which is the primary source of aluminum. Moreover, the scrap metal recycling industry contributes significantly to the economy by creating jobs, supporting local businesses, and providing a sustainable solution for waste management. Aluminum scrap recycling also helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as recycling aluminum produces around 95% fewer emissions compared to primary production methods. The price of aluminum scrap varies depending on several factors, including market conditions, demand, and quality of the scrap. Scrap metal recycling prices fluctuate based on global commodities markets, making it essential for scrap yard owners and individuals to stay updated with market trends. Clean aluminum scrap, which is free from contaminants such as paint, plastic, or other metal alloys, usually commands a higher price. Similarly, aluminum alloy scrap with specific compositions may have a higher value due to its desired properties for certain applications. To ensure successful aluminum scrap recycling, it is crucial to work with reputable aluminum scrap recycling facilities or scrap yards. These facilities have the expertise and equipment to process the scrap efficiently and obtain the highest value from the recycled material. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is an integral part of the circular economy and sustainable resource management. It offers numerous environmental, economic, and energy-saving benefits. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, and mitigate environmental pollution. Stay updated with the market prices and choose reliable recycling facilities to maximize the value of your aluminum scrap

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap inventory management Aluminium scrap inventory management Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: A Sustainable Solution for Environmental Conservation

    Aluminum scrap recycling is a vital process that helps in conserving resources, reducing waste, and generating economic benefits. With the increasing global focus on sustainable practices, aluminum scrap recycling has gained significant importance in recent years. This article explores the various aspects of aluminum scrap recycling, including its benefits, the aluminum scrap market, pricing, and the role of scrap yards in this process. Aluminum recycling involves the collection, sorting, and processing of aluminum scrap to extract its valuable components. The scrap can come from various sources such as manufacturing waste, construction materials, automotive parts, and beverage cans. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It takes considerably less energy to recycle aluminum than to produce it from raw materials. Moreover, recycling aluminum scrap avoids the need for mining and refining, which can have significant environmental impacts. The aluminum scrap market is dynamic and influenced by factors such as supply and demand, global economic conditions, and government policies. The demand for aluminum scrap comes from industries like automotive, construction, aerospace, and packaging. As these industries continue to expand, the demand for recycled aluminum increases, making aluminum scrap recycling a profitable business. The global aluminum scrap market is expected to witness steady growth in the coming years. Pricing is a crucial aspect of aluminum scrap recycling. The price of scrap aluminum fluctuates depending on various factors such as the purity of the scrap, market conditions, and the value of aluminum on the commodities market. Scrap dealers use various pricing methods, such as spot prices or formula-based pricing, to determine the value of aluminum scrap. It is essential to stay updated with current scrap metal recycling prices and closely monitor market trends to maximize profitability. Aluminum alloy scrap also holds significant value in the recycling market. Aluminum alloys are widely used in industries due to their strength, corrosion resistance, and light-weight properties. The recycling of aluminum alloy scrap allows for the recovery of valuable alloys for reuse in various applications. Hence, scrap yards often specialize in the recycling of both clean aluminum scrap and aluminum alloy scrap. These scrap yards serve as collection points for aluminum scrap, where individuals or businesses can sell their scrap for a reasonable price. Clean aluminum scrap, free from any contaminants, fetches a higher price in the recycling market. It is important to properly sort and clean aluminum scrap to ensure its purity and maximize its value. Scrap yards often have facilities to process and separate different types of aluminum scrap, ensuring that it meets the required quality standards for recycling. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in achieving sustainability goals and generating economic benefits. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can reduce waste, conserve resources, and minimize environmental impacts. The aluminum scrap market offers opportunities for businesses to engage in profitable recycling practices. Staying updated with aluminum scrap prices, understanding the different types of scrap, and partnering with reliable scrap yards are key to maximizing returns in this industry. Let's contribute to a greener future by embracing aluminum scrap recycling

  • Comment Link Construction aluminum scrap Construction aluminum scrap Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: A Sustainable Solution for a Growing Industry

    Aluminum scrap recycling is an essential practice in today's world due to its economic and environmental benefits. Aluminum is one of the most widely used metals, versatile and lightweight, making it ideal for various industries such as construction, automotive, packaging, and aerospace. However, the extraction and production of primary aluminum from bauxite ore requires a significant amount of energy and causes environmental degradation. Aluminum scrap recycling helps to conserve energy and natural resources while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By recycling aluminum, we can save up to 95% of the energy required to produce aluminum from raw materials. This energy-saving aspect makes the recycling process more sustainable and cost-effective in the long run. The process of aluminum scrap recycling involves collection, sorting, cleaning, melting, and refining the scrap metal. Aluminum scrap can come in various forms such as cans, construction materials, vehicle parts, and industrial waste. These scraps are collected from various sources like households, businesses, and manufacturing plants. Aluminum scrap is then sorted based on its alloy composition, cleanliness, and size to ensure proper recycling. The sorted aluminum scrap is usually cleaned to remove any contaminants like paint, dirt, or plastic coatings. Cleaning ensures a high-quality end product and improves the overall recycling process. Clean aluminum scrap commands a higher price in the market compared to contaminated scrap. Once the scrap is cleaned and sorted, it is melted in a furnace to convert it into molten aluminum. This molten aluminum is then refined to remove any impurities and achieve the desired properties. The refined aluminum can be used to manufacture new aluminum products, thus completing the recycling loop. The price of aluminum scrap depends on various factors such as market demand, purity, and quality. Scrap metal recycling prices fluctuate based on the global aluminum market and other economic factors. Different types of aluminum scrap, including clean aluminum scrap and aluminum alloy scrap, have their own price differentials. The market price for aluminum scrap can be obtained from scrap metal yards or online platforms that track commodity prices. Aluminum scrap recyclers play a crucial role in this process as they collect, process, and sell the scrap to manufacturers and other customers. These recyclers often operate aluminum scrap yards where individuals and businesses can sell their scrap in exchange for a fair price. These yards act as important intermediaries between scrap suppliers and manufacturers, facilitating the smooth flow of recycled aluminum into the market. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is an environmentally and economically sustainable practice. By recycling aluminum scrap, we conserve energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and minimize the need for primary aluminum production. The recycling process involves collection, sorting, cleaning, melting, and refining the scrap to produce high-quality aluminum. The market price for aluminum scrap fluctuates based on various factors, and scrap metal recyclers play a crucial role in facilitating the recycling process

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium supply network Scrap aluminium supply network Фев 05, 2024

    Ello, gov'nor!

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap material testing Aluminium scrap material testing Фев 05, 2024

    Hi, honeybunch!

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap purity Aluminium scrap purity Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium casting Scrap aluminium casting Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling rate optimization Aluminium recycling rate optimization Фев 05, 2024

    It’s great to see you!

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium business development Scrap aluminium business development Фев 05, 2024


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