И през 2023 образователният проект на АМТИИ  „Проф. Асен Диамандиев“ – Пловдив представя ярки звезди на българската артистична сцена

Предстои поредното издание на мащабния образователен проект на АМТИИ „Проф. Асен Диамандиев“ – Пловдив ПРОЕКЦИИ НА ДИАЛОГА, в което гост ще бъде виртуозният цигулар Васко Василев.


Първото издание на ПРОЕКЦИИ НА ДИАЛОГА стартира през есента на 2021, продължи през 2022 година и премина при изключителен интерес от аудиторията. Този проект е част от основната мисия на Академията да бъде посредник в културния живот, да стимулира обмена на творчески идеи и съпреживяването на художествените процеси и да трансформира представите и разбиранията за изкуство. 


Васко Василев ще изнесе публична лекция на тема „Преплитането на границите в най-универсалния език – музиката“, ще проведе майсторски клас и ще бъде интервюиран в подкаст. 


Лекцията на Васко Василев е с вход свободен и ще се проведе на сцената на Концертна зала АМТИИ, ул. „Тодор Самодумов“ №2, на 17.10.2023г. (петък) от 13:00 часа. Линк към събитието във фейсбук ТУК. 


От 18:30 часа е началото на уъркшопа, в който Васко Василев ще сподели богатия си професионален опит с Академичен народен хор към АМТИИ и Академичен смесен хор „Гаудеамус“.


Партньор на Васко Василев ще бъде Карлос Йаве, китарист от Севиля, ученик на Пако де Лусия, преподавател по китара и концертиращ музикант.


Подкаст епизодът ще разкрие още от вълнуващия поглед на музиканта към изкуството и живота и скоро ще бъде достъпен във всички популярни платформи за слушане на АМТИИ.


Васко Василев завършва средното си образование в Москва, а години по-късно и висше образование в Академията за музикално, танцово и изобразително изкуство в Пловдив. Той има богат репертоар и е известен със своята гъвкавост в много музикални жанрове. Соловите му изпълнения са го отвели по целия свят в повече от 30 страни. Като концертиращ солист, Васко Василев изпълнява широк спектър от стандартни класически произведения, както и съвременни произведения и се отличава както като солист, така и в сътрудничество с артисти от различни жанрове като фламенко, поп и джаз. Едноименните концерти на Васко са разпродадени събития, кулминиращи със задължителните овации на стадиони и концертни зали. Освен като концертиращ музикант, прочутият цигулар се занимава успешно и с дирижиране, режисура и продуциране. Води мастер класове в Royal Academy of Music в Лондон и Conservatori Superior de Musica de Castello, Валенсия. През 2023-та е поканен за концерт майстор на специално подбрания оркестър за коронацията на Чарлз III в Westminster Abbey.


Звездни гости на първото издание на Проекции на диалога са били маестро Найден Тодоров – диригент на Софийска филхармония, виртуозният акордеонист Петър Ралчев, проф. Петър Луканов – доайенът на българската хореография. След пролетното издание, което ни среща със световноизвестния кавалджия Теодосий Спасов, предстои нова вдъхновяваща среща през есента на 2023 г.



Проекции на диалога е проект на АМТИИ „Проф. Асен Диамандиев“ – Пловдив, част от програма „Наследство“ на Пловдив – Европейска столица на културата.


  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium import regulations Scrap aluminium import regulations Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: The Key to a Sustainable Future

    In recent years, we have witnessed a growing global concern for the environment and a strong push towards sustainable practices. As a result, industries are increasingly turning to recycling as a means of minimizing waste and conserving valuable resources. One such industry at the forefront of this movement is aluminum scrap recycling. Aluminum scrap recycling involves the collection, processing, and reuse of aluminum scrap materials. This process not only helps in reducing the need for primary aluminum production but also conserves energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, the recycling of aluminum scrap is economically beneficial, as it provides a cost-effective way of obtaining aluminum for various industries. The aluminum recycling process begins with the collection of aluminum scrap from various sources, such as manufacturing plants, construction sites, and even households. This scrap can be categorized into different types, including clean aluminum scrap and aluminum alloy scrap. Clean aluminum scrap refers to uncontaminated aluminum waste, while aluminum alloy scrap consists of aluminum mixed with other metals. Once collected, the aluminum scrap is sorted and processed to remove any impurities and contaminants. This step is crucial in ensuring the quality of the recycled aluminum. The processed scrap is then melted down in a furnace, where it is heated to high temperatures until it reaches its liquid form. The molten aluminum is then cast into ingots or other forms suited for the specific application. One of the key factors that drive aluminum scrap recycling is the fluctuating price of aluminum. The market demand for aluminum, coupled with factors like energy costs, availability of raw materials, and global economic conditions, determines the price of aluminum scrap. Scrap dealers and aluminum alloy yards play a vital role in establishing prices based on these market dynamics. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap, are subject to change due to a variety of factors. It is prudent for recyclers and buyers to stay updated with current pricing trends to make informed decisions. Additionally, the cleanliness and quality of the aluminum scrap significantly impact its price. Clean aluminum scrap, free of any impurities or mixed metals, often commands a higher price due to its ease of processing. Understanding the value of aluminum scrap recycling extends beyond the monetary benefits. By diverting aluminum scrap from landfills and reducing the need for primary aluminum extraction, this process helps minimize environmental impact. Aluminum production consumes a significant amount of energy and emits greenhouse gases, making the recycling of aluminum scrap a much more sustainable alternative. Moreover, the recycling of aluminum scrap conserves natural resources. Aluminum is derived from bauxite ore, which is a finite resource. Therefore, the more aluminum scrap that can be recycled effectively, the greater the preservation of these valuable resources. Additionally, recycling aluminum requires significantly less energy compared to primary aluminum production, resulting in a considerable reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. To facilitate efficient aluminum scrap recycling, governments, businesses, and individuals must collaborate to establish comprehensive recycling programs. Implementing proper collection and sorting systems, educating the public about the benefits of recycling, and supporting research and development efforts are crucial for a successful recycling industry. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling has emerged as a valuable process that delivers both economic and environmental benefits. By recycling aluminum scrap, we minimize waste, conserve energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and protect finite resources. As the demand for aluminum continues to grow, embracing recycling practices will be instrumental in shaping a sustainable and prosperous future

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap traceable sourcing Aluminium scrap traceable sourcing Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: A Sustainable Solution for a Growing Demand

    Aluminum scrap recycling is a vital aspect of the metal recycling industry. As the demand for sustainable practices continues to grow, the recycling of aluminum scrap plays a significant role in reducing the need for primary aluminum production and minimizing the environmental impact of the metal industry. Aluminum scrap refers to the discarded aluminum materials such as cans, foils, automotive parts, electrical wires, and more, that can be converted into valuable raw materials through recycling processes. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can save energy, conserve natural resources, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to producing aluminum from bauxite ore. The process of aluminum scrap recycling involves several steps. First, the collected aluminum scrap is sorted according to its alloy type and cleanliness. This step is crucial as different aluminum alloys have varying compositions and properties, making it important to separate them appropriately for further processing. Cleanliness of the aluminum scrap is also vital, as contaminants can affect the quality of the recycled aluminum. Once sorted, the aluminum scrap goes through a process called shredding or shearing, where it is reduced into smaller pieces. These smaller pieces undergo melting in a furnace, transforming them into molten aluminum. The impurities and contaminants are removed during this melting process, and the resulting clean aluminum is then solidified into ingots or billets, ready to be used as raw materials for various applications. The pricing of aluminum scrap depends on several factors. The market demand for aluminum, the type and quality of the scrap, and the current market conditions all influence the price of aluminum scrap. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap, can fluctuate due to market forces, such as global supply and demand, currency exchange rates, and trade policies. Aluminum scrap prices are generally determined based on the prevailing market rate for aluminum, known as the LME (London Metal Exchange) price, which serves as a benchmark for metal prices worldwide. Other factors, such as the level of cleanliness, the alloy type, and the quantity of the scrap, can also affect the final price offered by aluminum scrap buyers. It is essential to work with reputable aluminum scrap yards or recycling companies to get the most accurate and competitive pricing. In addition to the economic benefits, aluminum scrap recycling has substantial environmental advantages. Recycling aluminum requires significantly less energy compared to primary aluminum production. It saves up to 95% of the energy used in the extraction and refining processes, helping to conserve fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, recycling aluminum scrap helps reduce the strain on natural resources, as aluminum is infinitely recyclable without any loss in quality. Ultimately, aluminum scrap recycling is an essential practice that contributes to sustainable resource management and environmental protection. By implementing efficient recycling processes and staying updated on aluminum scrap prices, individuals and businesses can play their part in promoting a circular economy and reducing our dependency on primary aluminum production. So, whether you are an individual or a business looking to dispose of aluminum scrap, consider recycling it instead to benefit both the environment and your pocket. Connect with local aluminum scrap yards or recycling companies to get accurate pricing and ensure that your scrap is recycled responsibly, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap documentation Aluminium scrap documentation Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium product reclamation Scrap aluminium product reclamation Фев 05, 2024

    Howdy, miss

  • Comment Link Nature Nature Ян 25, 2024


  • Comment Link Upcyclemr Upcyclemr Ян 23, 2024

    Hi, honeybunch!

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