Читалищата на територията на община „Родопи“ получиха ценно дарение - книги, доказващи значимостта на 3-ти март в българската история. Дарителят е академик Иван Юхновски – учен и общественик, един от най-видните членове на инициативния комитет за запазване на Трети март като национален празник.

акад. Юхновски е гост в община „Родопи“ по поканата на председателя на Об С „Родопи“ Владимир Маринов. Заедно със заместник-кмета Емилия Иванова и кмета на село Брестовица Мария Манолова те го посрещнаха в емблематичната за община „Родопи“ Влахова къща.

Владимир Маринов връчи поредните събрани подписки за провеждането на референдум за национален празник Трети март на акад. Юхновски. Събитието продължава с тематична беседа за това, колко е важно да съхраним националното си достойнство и родова памет.

Трети март обединяваше цялото общество. Българският народ не бива да допусне промяна на националния празник. Иначе директно се оскърбява подобно действие чрез каузата на Ботев, на Левски“, коментира акад. Иван Юхновски.

От името на кмета на община „Родопи“ Павел Михайлов видимият учен и общественик акад. Юхновски получи плакет и благодарствено писмо, с което ръководството на общината засвидетелства воля, че ще продължи да работи за съхранение на българския дух и традиции. 

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  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap stockpile management Aluminium scrap stockpile management Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: An Efficient and Sustainable Solution for Aluminum Waste

    In recent years, the importance of recycling has gained significant recognition due to its positive impact on the environment and the economy. One area that has seen remarkable progress in recycling efforts is aluminum scrap. As one of the most widely used metals, aluminum is found in a variety of products, from beverage cans to building materials. The process of recycling aluminum scrap offers numerous benefits, including conserving natural resources, reducing energy consumption, and generating economic opportunities. Aluminum scrap recycling is a vital component of the overall recycling industry. By diverting aluminum scrap from landfills, valuable resources can be conserved. It is estimated that recycling one ton of aluminum scrap saves approximately four tons of bauxite, the primary raw material used in aluminum production. Additionally, recycling aluminum scrap reduces greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution that result from mining and refining ores. The process of aluminum scrap recycling involves collecting, sorting, and processing scrap materials. Aluminum scrap can be classified into two primary categories: old scrap and new scrap. Old scrap refers to aluminum products at the end of their useful life, such as beverage cans, window frames, and automotive components. On the other hand, new scrap comprises industrial by-products, such as metal shavings and leftover materials from manufacturing processes. Once collected, aluminum scrap is transported to recycling facilities or aluminum scrap yards. At these facilities, the scrap is sorted based on its alloy composition and cleanliness. It is crucial to ensure that the aluminum scrap is free from contaminants, such as dirt, paint, or other metals. Clean aluminum scrap commands higher prices in the market, as it requires less processing and offers better quality for subsequent reuse. The recycling process begins with shredding or shearing the aluminum scrap into smaller pieces. These shredded or sheared materials are then melted down in furnaces to separate the aluminum from any impurities or coatings. Once the aluminum is purified, it is transformed into ingots or billets, ready to be used in the production of new aluminum products. The recycled aluminum can be utilized in various industries, including automotive, construction, packaging, aerospace, and electronics. The economic benefits of aluminum scrap recycling are significant. The recycling industry generates jobs and revenue, contributing to local and national economies. Moreover, recycling aluminum scrap helps stabilize prices in the market, as it reduces the reliance on primary aluminum production. Aluminum scrap prices are influenced by various factors, including market demand, availability of scrap materials, and global economic conditions. Scrap metal recycling prices, including those for aluminum scrap, fluctuate based on market trends. However, aluminum scrap recycling remains a financially viable option for both consumers and businesses. Aluminum scrap yards serve as essential hubs for the collection, processing, and trading of aluminum scrap. These yards provide a convenient and efficient way for individuals and industries to dispose of their scrap materials responsibly while receiving fair compensation based on the current market rates

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium waste reduction Scrap aluminium waste reduction Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Boosting Sustainability and Profitability

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in the overall recycling effort, as aluminum is one of the most widely used metals in various industries. Recycling scrap aluminum not only helps conserve natural resources but also reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In this text, we will explore the importance of aluminum scrap recycling, the process involved, and the factors that influence the aluminum scrap price. Aluminum scrap, also known as secondary aluminum, refers to discarded aluminum products or materials that can be melted down and reused in the production of new aluminum products. Common sources of aluminum scrap include used beverage cans, construction materials, automotive parts, and packaging materials. The process of aluminum scrap recycling begins with the collection of scrap aluminum from various sources, such as recycling centers, households, and industries. The collected scrap aluminum is then sorted to remove any impurities, such as paint, plastic, or other metals. This is usually done through manual sorting or by using machines like shredders and magnetic separators. Once sorted, the clean aluminum scrap is then melted in a furnace, reaching temperatures around 660 degrees Celsius. During this melting process, impurities are removed, and the molten aluminum is shaped into ingots or billets for further processing. These ingots or billets can be used in the production of new aluminum products, such as vehicle parts, construction materials, and packaging. The price of scrap aluminum is influenced by various factors, including market demand, global aluminum prices, and the quality of the scrap. Clean aluminum scrap usually fetches a higher price compared to contaminated or mixed scrap, as it requires less processing and reduces the loss of valuable aluminum during recycling. Furthermore, the price of scrap aluminum is also influenced by the alloy composition. Different aluminum alloys have varying market values due to their specific properties and applications. High-demand aluminum alloys, such as those used in aerospace or automotive industries, tend to command higher prices compared to more common alloys. In addition to the aluminum scrap price, it is also important to consider the scrap metal recycling prices as a whole. The market value of scrap metal fluctuates based on factors like global economic conditions, supply and demand dynamics, and the recycling industry's overall performance. To efficiently recycle aluminum scrap, several players are involved in the process, including scrap metal dealers, recycling centers, and aluminum smelters. Aluminum scrap yards serve as collection points where individuals or businesses can sell their scrap aluminum. These yards often pay individuals based on the weight or volume of the scrap, along with the prevailing aluminum scrap price. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a crucial part of the circular economy, as it reduces the demand for virgin aluminum, conserves natural resources, and minimizes environmental impact. By understanding the process of aluminum scrap recycling and the factors that influence the aluminum scrap price, individuals and industries can contribute to a more sustainable and efficient recycling system

  • Comment Link High-quality aluminium scrap High-quality aluminium scrap Фев 05, 2024

    Howdy, miss

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminum lifecycle analysis Scrap aluminum lifecycle analysis Фев 05, 2024

    My name's Ralph, and I'm a bad guy

  • Comment Link Aluminium ScrapYard Aluminium ScrapYard Ян 26, 2024

    It’s great to see you!

  • Comment Link Nature Nature Ян 25, 2024

    Heeey, baaaaaby.

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