Новото комедийно заглавие “Ревност“ на театрална къща „Вива арте“ с участието на звездния тандем Асен Блатечки и Мария Сапунджиева ще гостува на пловдивска сцена отново на 22 ноември 2023 г. от 19.00ч. в Дом на културата „Борис Христов“.


Комедията ще се играе в Пловдив за четвърти път, а пловдивчани ще се насладят на интелигентен хумор, енергичен сюжет и запомнящи се герои. Билетите през февруари се изчерпаха само за няколко дни и организаторите решиха да пуснат в продажба още едно представление в същия ден, с по-ранен час. През август, постановката беше част от афиша на театралния фестивал на комедиите „Завеса под звездите“ в лятно кино „Орфей“.


„Ревност“ е последната пиеса на популярния американски писател и сценарист Сам Бобрик. Тук той отново се занимава с проблемите на „средната възраст“. Един изключително атрактивен разказ за това как един въображаем бивш любовник може да възкреси за живот позавехналите семейни взаимоотношения.


В главните роли, след 17 години бляскаво партньорство, ще видим обичаните актьори – Асен Блатечки и Мария Сапунджиева. Забележително място в екипа намират и талантливият Стефан Иванов и младата звезда на ДТ „Адриана Будевска“ – Пепа Николова. А нюансите на тъга, смях и абсурд в сюжета са умело подчертани от режисьора Борислав Чакринов.


Билетите на цени 20, 25, 30 лв. са в продажба от днес на каса „МаскАрт“ в Дома на културата.


  • Comment Link Scrap aluminum market Scrap aluminum market Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: An Eco-Friendly Solution for Sustainable Metal Supply

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in the sustainable management of resources and reducing the environmental impact of aluminum production. With the growing demand for aluminum and its alloys in various industries, recycling scrap aluminum has become an essential part of the supply chain. Aluminum scrap refers to discarded aluminum materials that can be reprocessed into usable products. These include beverage cans, automotive parts, machinery components, construction materials, and many other aluminum-based items. Instead of ending up in landfills, these scrap materials are collected, sorted, and processed to extract the valuable aluminum content. The recycling process begins with the collection of aluminum scrap from various sources such as households, industries, and construction sites. Scrap dealers and recycling centers play a crucial role in this process by purchasing and processing the collected aluminum scrap. These facilities often have specific areas, known as aluminum scrap yards, where the scrap is segregated and stored based on its grade and type. Separating the aluminum scrap based on its alloy composition is important as different alloys have different recycling properties and market values. The scrap is then cleaned and shredded, removing any non-aluminum materials like paint, coatings, or plastic. This process is vital as cleaner scrap has higher recycling value and reduces the energy and cost required for further processing. Once cleaned and shredded, the scrap is melted in large furnaces to recover the aluminum. This molten aluminum is then cast into ingots or billets for further processing. The quality of the recycled aluminum is often comparable to that of primary aluminum, making it suitable for various applications in industries such as automotive, construction, packaging, and aerospace. The scrap aluminum recycling industry is also influenced by market factors, including aluminum scrap prices and scrap metal recycling prices. The prices of recycled aluminum are determined by the supply and demand dynamics in the market, global economic conditions, and factors such as energy costs and government policies. It is essential for scrap dealers and recyclers to stay updated with market trends to ensure profitability and sustainability. Clean aluminum scrap commands higher prices than contaminated or mixed scrap due to its higher recycling efficiency. The price of clean aluminum scrap is influenced by factors like purity, quantity, and market conditions. Scrap dealers often offer competitive prices to encourage individuals and businesses to recycle their aluminum waste instead of disposing of it. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a crucial process that contributes to resource conservation, reduced energy consumption, and environmental protection. By recycling scrap aluminum, we not only reduce the need for primary aluminum production but also minimize the impact of mining and extraction processes. The aluminum scrap recycling industry, with its efficient collection, sorting, and processing techniques, plays a vital role in the circular economy, promoting sustainable and responsible aluminum consumption

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium inventory Scrap aluminium inventory Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Unlocking the Value of Scrap Aluminum

    Aluminum scrap is a valuable resource that can be effectively recycled to promote sustainability and generate economic benefits. With increasing awareness of the environmental impact of mining raw materials and the need for resource conservation, aluminum scrap recycling is becoming more prevalent in the modern world. In this article, we will explore the importance of aluminum scrap recycling, its benefits, and the factors influencing aluminum scrap prices. Aluminum scrap recycling is the process of transforming discarded or unused aluminum products into usable materials through sorting, cleaning, and processing. This form of recycling not only conserves natural resources but also reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions compared to primary aluminum production. Every metric ton of recycled aluminum saves approximately 9 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions, making it a sustainable alternative to mining and refining raw aluminum ore. There are several significant benefits of aluminum scrap recycling. Firstly, recycling aluminum scrap reduces the demand for primary aluminum extraction, which requires substantial energy and has a considerable environmental impact. By reusing scrap metal, we can conserve energy and conserve valuable natural resources. Additionally, the recycling process can have economic benefits. Scrap aluminum has a high market value, and recycling it provides opportunities for businesses and individuals to profit from the sale of this valuable commodity. Aluminum scrap prices fluctuate depending on various factors such as market demand, scrap quality, and global economic conditions. The price of scrap can also be influenced by the type of aluminum alloy, with some alloys commanding higher prices due to their unique properties or scarcity. It is important to mention that different regions or countries may have different scrap metal recycling prices due to regional market dynamics and transportation costs. Clean aluminum scrap is generally more valuable than contaminated or mixed scrap as it requires less processing and sorting. Therefore, maintaining the purity of the scrapped aluminum is crucial in maximizing its value. Proper handling and storage of aluminum scrap can help ensure its quality and increase its market worth. Many companies and individuals turn to specialized aluminum scrap yards, where experts can help assess, sort, and process the scrap to optimize its value. Aluminum scrap recycling offers businesses and individuals an opportunity to contribute to the circular economy and reduce their environmental footprint. By choosing to recycle aluminum scrap, industries can save on raw material costs, decrease energy consumption, and promote sustainable practices. Moreover, individuals who collect and sell aluminum scrap can generate additional income while actively participating in environmental conservation efforts

  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling cost-effectiveness Aluminium recycling cost-effectiveness Фев 05, 2024

    What's crackin'?

  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap melt quality control Aluminum scrap melt quality control Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium ScrapYard Aluminium ScrapYard Ян 26, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium ScrapYard Aluminium ScrapYard Ян 25, 2024

    This is very interesting, You're a very skilled blogger

  • Comment Link Ecologymr Ecologymr Ян 23, 2024


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