Мюзикхолен театър Пловдив кани своите приятели, почитатели, любимата пловдивска публика и гостите на града на 19 ноември 2023г., неделя, от 19:00 часа в ДК „Борис Христов“, където със спектакъла „ОТНОВО ЗАЕДНО“ ще бъде честван 30-годишния юбилей на танцовия театър.


Специални гости на събитието ще са „Керана и космонавтите“, Антония Маркова, Илюзии Артисти ,,Валермо“ и квартет „ИНТРО“. Водещи на възхителното шоу ще са Иванка Шекерова, Стефан Лозанов и Васил Караманлиев.


„В нашия юбилеен празник участват над 60 танцьори на различна възраст – от създаването на театъра ни досега! Освен танцьорите ни, участват още и нашите любимци и съратници Диан и Гергана Райчеви, както и дългогодишните ни приятели и колеги – актьорите Танчо Агушев и Павлин Шуманов. Косвено участват и всички онези, които нямаха възможност да се включат в това събитие, а също и всички други, които през годините са творили заедно с нас – режисьори, композитори, музиканти, хореографи, сценографи, дизайнери, осветители, актьори и танцьори! Очакваме ви! Благодарим на любимата пловдивска публика за подкрепата през тези 30 години!“, разказа ръководителят, създател, хореограф и двигател на Мюзикхолен театър Пловдив – Николай Серафимов.


Събитието се осъществява с подкрепата на община Пловдив и е част от Културния календар на града за 2023 година.


Мюзикхолен театър Пловдив съществува от 1993г и има зад гърба си многобройни участия в собствени и чужди спектакли. Номиниран е 5 пъти за Награда „Пловдив“, която спечелва през 2006г. И 2022г. Тази година получиха и “Награда ИКАР 2023” за спектакъла “Прераждане”.


Малките танцьори, участващи в Мюзикхолен театър са носители на престижни награди от танцови национални конкурси. В школата по съвременен танц се обучават деца от 4 до 20 годишни, има и група 25+, като се изучават различни стилове: Джаз, Шоуденс, Контемпорари, Хип хоп, народни танци и др.


Билети за спектакъла „ОТНОВО ЗАЕДНО“ се продават в цялата мрежа на Ивентим, на каси и онлайн.


  • Comment Link Aluminum engine scrap Aluminum engine scrap Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Tapping into the Sustainable Future

    In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on the importance of recycling to promote a sustainable environment. One area that has received significant attention is aluminum scrap recycling. Aluminum, a lightweight and highly versatile metal, is extensively used in various industries, including construction, automotive, packaging, and aerospace. However, extracting and refining aluminum from bauxite ore is energy-intensive and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling aluminum scrap not only conserves natural resources and reduces emissions but also offers economic benefits. Aluminum scrap, also known as scrap aluminum or aluminum alloy scrap, refers to discarded aluminum products or materials that can be reprocessed into usable aluminum. These include beverage cans, window frames, automobile parts, industrial machinery, and other aluminum-based products. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can divert these materials from landfills and reduce the need for primary aluminum production. Aluminum scrap recycling involves several essential steps. First, the collected scrap is sorted and separated according to its alloy composition, cleanliness, and intended applications. Next, the scrap is processed through various methods to remove impurities, such as coatings, paints, and other contaminants. This ensures that the resulting recycled aluminum meets the desired quality standards. Finally, the purified aluminum is melted and shaped into ingots or other forms for reuse in manufacturing processes. The benefits of aluminum scrap recycling are manifold. First and foremost, recycling aluminum can significantly reduce energy consumption. It takes up to 95% less energy to recycle aluminum compared to extracting it from bauxite ore. This energy savings results in lower carbon emissions and a reduced environmental impact. In fact, recycling just one ton of aluminum saves approximately 10 tons of CO2 emissions. Additionally, aluminum recycling helps conserve natural resources. By reusing existing aluminum, we decrease the demand for mining and processing raw materials, such as bauxite ore. This conserves precious resources and protects natural habitats that would otherwise be impacted by mining operations. According to studies, aluminum scrap recycling can save up to 95% of the energy required for primary aluminum production. Furthermore, aluminum scrap recycling has economic advantages. The aluminum scrap market has experienced steady growth in recent years, driven by the increasing demand for recycled aluminum, both domestically and globally. Scrap aluminum has a market value, and its price is influenced by factors such as market demand, prevailing aluminum prices, and the quality of the scrap. Recycling centers and scrap yards serve as collection and processing hubs, providing a convenient and profitable solution for individuals and industries to turn their aluminum scrap into cash. Moreover, the scrap metal recycling industry offers employment opportunities and contributes to the local economies. Recycling facilities provide jobs in sorting, processing, and transportation, supporting a sustainable green economy. Additionally, recycling aluminum reduces the reliance on imported aluminum, helping to balance trade deficits and further supporting local industries. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling plays a critical role in promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship. By recycling aluminum scrap, we conserve resources, reduce energy consumption, lower carbon emissions, and stimulate economic growth. The aluminum scrap market continues to grow, driven by the increasing demand for recycled aluminum and the numerous benefits associated with its use. As individuals, communities, and industries, we should embrace aluminum scrap recycling as a fundamental step towards a greener future

  • Comment Link Recycling aluminium alloys Recycling aluminium alloys Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: A Sustainable Solution

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a vital role in the global effort towards sustainable development and resource conservation. With aluminum being one of the most widely used metals in the world, its recycling not only helps to reduce the energy and environmental footprint but also provides economic benefits. In this article, we will explore the importance of aluminum scrap recycling, its process, and the factors that affect the aluminum scrap price. Aluminum scrap, also known as secondary aluminum, refers to the discarded aluminum products or waste generated during the manufacturing, fabrication, or consumption of aluminum goods. This includes aluminum cans, automotive parts, household items, construction materials, and more. Instead of ending up in landfills, these aluminum scraps are collected and recycled to produce new aluminum products, thereby reducing the need for virgin aluminum extraction. The aluminum scrap recycling process consists of several stages. Firstly, the collected aluminum scraps are sorted based on their alloy composition, contamination level, and form. This ensures that only the clean aluminum scrap is used for recycling. The sorted scrap is then melted in a furnace, and impurities are removed. The molten aluminum is cast into ingots or billets, which are further processed to manufacture various products, including aluminum sheets, coils, extrusions, and cans. This closed-loop recycling process can be repeated indefinitely without compromising the quality of the aluminum. The price of aluminum scrap fluctuates depending on various factors. One of the key factors is the demand and supply dynamics of the aluminum market. When the demand for aluminum is high, the price of scrap aluminum also tends to increase. Conversely, during periods of low demand or economic downturns, the scrap aluminum price may decline. Other factors that influence the price include the quality of the scrap, the global economic conditions, exchange rates, and government policies related to recycling and scrap metal exports. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap, are influenced by the overall market conditions. These prices can fluctuate daily or weekly, driven by factors such as the cost of raw materials, production capacity, and global trade dynamics. It is advisable for individuals or businesses involved in aluminum scrap recycling to monitor the market conditions and price trends to make informed decisions. An aluminum scrap yard is a specialized facility that collects, processes, and sells aluminum scrap. These yards serve as intermediaries between scrap collectors and aluminum manufacturers. They play a crucial role in ensuring the efficient and responsible recycling of aluminum scrap. Aluminum scrap yards provide a convenient platform for individuals and businesses to sell their aluminum waste and contribute to the circular economy. Clean aluminum scrap, which refers to aluminum scrap without any contaminants or foreign materials, fetches a higher price in the market. The price paid for clean aluminum scrap is typically higher than that for mixed or contaminated aluminum scrap. This highlights the importance of proper sorting and segregation of aluminum scrap at the source to maximize its value in the recycling process. Opting for aluminum scrap recycling not only reduces the environmental impact but also offers economic benefits. Recycling aluminum scrap requires significantly less energy and emits fewer greenhouse gases compared to producing aluminum from virgin materials. Furthermore, aluminum recycling helps conserve natural resources, as it reduces the need for mining and extraction of bauxite, the primary source of aluminum. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is essential for sustainable development and resource conservation. The recycling process transforms discarded aluminum products into valuable raw materials, reducing the dependency on virgin aluminum extraction. Factors such as demand and supply dynamics, quality of the scrap, and market conditions influence the aluminum scrap price. By actively participating in aluminum scrap recycling, individuals and businesses can contribute to the circular economy and help build a more sustainable future

  • Comment Link Aluminum recycling operations Aluminum recycling operations Фев 05, 2024

    Hello, who's there, I'm talking

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminum buyers Scrap aluminum buyers Фев 05, 2024

    Que pasa

  • Comment Link Aluminium Aluminium Ян 26, 2024

    Hi, mister!

  • Comment Link Ecologymr Ecologymr Ян 23, 2024

    Have a nice day, buddy!

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