Тази вечер от 19:00 часа в Дом на културата „Борис Христов“ гостува един от най-успешните спектакли на Драматичен театър „Рачо Стоянов“ – Габрово. „Салиери“ е постановка на режисьора Петринел Гочев, която разказва познатата ни история от пиесата „Амадеус” на Питър Шафър за живота на Моцарт, през погледа на най-големия му съперник Антонио Салиери. Изпълнението на актьора Димо Сама Димов като Салиери му донесе 3 награди и не спира да вълнува публиката, където и да е представено.


Спектакълът „Салиери“ е по пиесата „Амадеус” на Питър Шафър. Художник е Гергана Лазарова-Рънкъл. Участват: Димо Сава Димов, Таня Йоргова, Петко Койчев, със специалното участие на Инес Симеонова (пиано). Продължителност – 120 минути.


Легенда, слух или съдба свързват името на Салиери с това на Моцарт. В спектакъла на Петринел Гочев акцентът е върху Салиери и преживяването на музиката като начин на общение и възхвала на Бог. Божествената дарба на Моцарт да създава музикални шедьоври и способността на Салиери да чува и разбира езика на музиката, така както малцина умеят, се сливат в непреодолима борба между възторга, опиянението, радостта, завистта и огорчението. В спектакъла са вплетени откъси от музикални произведения на Моцарт, Салиери, Хендел, Й. С. Бах и Шопен.


„Салиери“ на Драматичен театър „Рачо Стоянов“ – Габрово е носител на Специална награда на журито от Европейския фестивал на пътуващия театър в Сливница 2022 г., Награди от Международния фестивал „Хомо луденс“ 2021 – Николаев, Украйна: Най добър спектакъл, Главна мъжка роля за актьора Димо Сава Димов, Главна мъжка роля за актьора Димо Сава Димов (алтернативно жури).


Билети можете да намерите на касата на Дома на културата „Борис Христов“, както и преди представлението.


  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap buyers Aluminum scrap buyers Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Transforming Waste into Value

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a vital role in the global effort towards sustainability and resource conservation. By reusing and repurposing aluminum scrap, we can reduce the need for primary aluminum extraction, which has a significant environmental impact. In this article, we will delve into the world of aluminum scrap recycling, exploring the process, its benefits, the aluminum scrap market, and more. Aluminum scrap encompasses various forms of aluminum waste, including discarded aluminum products, empty beverage cans, car parts, and construction materials. This scrap can be effectively recycled through a series of steps, starting from the collection and sorting of the scrap, to the melting and purification process, and finally, the production of new aluminum products. The first step in aluminum scrap recycling is the collection and segregation of the scrap. Aluminum scrap can be sourced from various channels such as individual consumers, businesses, construction sites, and industrial facilities. It is essential to properly sort the scrap by type and alloy composition to ensure efficient recycling and minimize contamination. Once the scrap is collected and sorted, it is then melted down in a furnace. Aluminum has a significantly low melting point compared to other metals, making it an economically viable option for recycling. The molten aluminum is then purified to remove any impurities or contaminants. This purification process ensures that the recycled aluminum meets the quality standards necessary for its reintroduction into the production cycle. The recycled aluminum is then transformed into new products. Aluminum is known for its exceptional properties, making it a sought-after material across various industries. The automotive, construction, packaging, and aerospace sectors heavily rely on recycled aluminum to meet their production needs. From car parts to beverage cans, recycled aluminum finds its way into everyday items we use. The benefits of aluminum scrap recycling are multifaceted. Firstly, recycling aluminum requires significantly less energy compared to producing aluminum from raw materials, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conserving natural resources. Additionally, recycling aluminum scrap reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills, helping to alleviate the burden on the environment and promote a circular economy. The aluminum scrap market is influenced by various factors, including global demand, economic conditions, and market dynamics. The price of scrap aluminum is subject to fluctuation, similar to other commodities. Factors such as the quality and quantity of the scrap, as well as market demand and supply, contribute to the determination of scrap aluminum prices. It is advisable to stay updated on the market trends to make informed decisions regarding scrap metal recycling prices. Aluminium scrap yards are essential components of the recycling infrastructure. These facilities serve as collection points for aluminum scrap and provide services such as sorting, processing, and storage. Aluminium scrap yards play a crucial role in facilitating the efficient recycling of aluminum scrap and ensuring its quality and value are maintained throughout the process. The price of clean aluminum scrap is generally higher compared to contaminated or mixed scrap due to the increased ease of processing. Similarly, the price of aluminum alloy scrap may vary depending on the specific alloy composition and market demand. It is crucial to engage with reputable scrap metal dealers to obtain fair prices for your aluminum scrap. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a sustainable and environmentally responsible practice. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, and minimize waste. Understanding the aluminum scrap market dynamics, proper segregation and collection, and engaging with reputable aluminum scrap yards are vital aspects of effective recycling. Let us embrace the importance of aluminum scrap recycling and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future

  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap metal recycling Aluminum scrap metal recycling Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: An Essential Approach to Sustainability

    In today's world, where sustainability and environmental responsibility are of paramount importance, the recycling of aluminum scrap has emerged as a crucial aspect of the global recycling industry. With the rising demand for aluminum, manufacturers and individuals alike have recognized the economic and environmental benefits of aluminum scrap recycling. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the significance of aluminum scrap recycling, its process, and its impact on the aluminum industry and the environment. Aluminum scrap refers to any discarded or used aluminum product that can be reused through recycling. It can come in various forms, including cans, foils, extrusions, wires, and more. These items, instead of ending up in landfills, can be transformed into valuable resources through the aluminum scrap recycling process. Not only does recycling save energy and raw materials, but it also significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to producing new aluminum from virgin materials. The aluminum recycling process begins with the collection and sorting of aluminum scrap. It is imperative to properly segregate and separate different types of aluminum to achieve high-quality recycled aluminum. The collected scrap is then sent to aluminum recycling facilities or scrap yards, where it undergoes meticulous sorting and cleaning. This process involves removing contaminants such as paint, plastic, or other non-aluminum materials. The cleaned aluminum scrap is then shredded or melted down to obtain aluminum ingots or other desired forms that can be used in various manufacturing applications. One crucial factor influencing aluminum scrap recycling is the price of scrap aluminum. The scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap, fluctuate based on market conditions, supply and demand, and the overall economic situation. The aluminum scrap price is frequently influenced by factors such as the quality, quantity, and purity of the scrap, as well as the state of the aluminum industry. Keeping a close eye on the aluminum scrap price is vital for both recyclers and consumers to ensure fair transactions and encourage the sustainable recycling of aluminum. The aluminum scrap recycling industry has also witnessed significant advancements in recent years. Sophisticated technologies and innovative processes have allowed for the recycling of even complex aluminum items, such as aluminum alloys. Aluminum alloy scrap, which was previously challenging to recycle due to its composition, can now be processed efficiently. This breakthrough has broadened the scope of aluminum scrap recycling, making it more inclusive and effective. Apart from the economic benefits, aluminum scrap recycling has substantial environmental advantages. Recycling aluminum saves up to 95% of the energy required to produce aluminum from raw materials. By using recycled aluminum, the mining and extraction of bauxite ore, which is responsible for significant environmental degradation, can be reduced. Additionally, recycling aluminum scrap significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide, compared to the primary aluminum production. This translates into a reduced carbon footprint and a positive contribution towards mitigating climate change. To ensure the seamless and efficient recycling of aluminum scrap, it is crucial to have well-established and accessible aluminum scrap recycling centers and facilities. Aluminum recycling facilities play a pivotal role in the aluminum industry's circular economy, providing a platform for aluminum scrap collection, processing, and distribution. These facilities contribute to local economies, create jobs, and promote sustainable practices within the community

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap inventory logistics Aluminium scrap inventory logistics Фев 05, 2024

    I come in peace!

  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling facility Aluminium recycling facility Фев 05, 2024

    It’s great to see you!

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap transportation Aluminium scrap transportation Фев 05, 2024

    Howdy, howdy ,howdy!

  • Comment Link Ecology Ecology Ян 26, 2024


  • Comment Link Greenmr Greenmr Ян 23, 2024

    Hello, who's there, I'm talking

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