Една от най-ярките театрални школи за младежи в Пловдив празнува 10-годишен юбилей с празничен спектакъл на 22 декември от 19ч. в театър “Хенд”.


Театралната школа „Червени Носове“ към театър „Хенд“ е създадена през 2013 година от Ивомир Игнатов-Кени- актьор, режисьор и директор на театър “Хенд”, по-познат на пловдивчани като клоуна от Главната. Вече десет години той работи с деца на възраст 12-18 години, развива техния талант и потенциал, помага им да бъдат мислещи и чувствителни хора, като възпитава в тях искрена любов към изкуството и театъра. Децата от школата на Кени, някои вече отдавна пораснали, остават свързани завинаги, благодарение на магията, с която той успява да ги вдъхнови.


Всяка година негови възпитаници заемат челни места в класиранията за най-престижните университети по изкуства в България и чужбина. Школата е и домакин на най-новия, но изключително успешен младежки театрален фестивал “Гледай Ти” в Пловдив, който ще има своето второ издание през следващата година.


“Постиженията, наградите, успешните кариери и развитие на децата са огромна гордост и признание за мен. Но това е само бонус, не всички трябва да станат професионални актьори. С годините се убеждавам, че най-важно е школата “Червени Носове” да продължи да бъде една сигурна и приятелска среда, в която младите хора да откриват и развиват себе си чрез изкуството. “- споделя Кени.


Занятията се провеждат всеки вторник и четвъртък от 19 до 21ч. в театър “Хенд”, а представленията на школата се радват на широк публичен интерес.


Юбилеят ще бъде отбелязан с празничния спектакъл “Крал Юбю” на 22 декември 2023 от 19ч. в театър “Хенд”. Програмата продължава с официална церемония и грандиозно Коледно парти. Входът е свободен, а заради очаквания интерес организаторите препоръчват  резервация по телефона или на място в театъра. Събитието се осъществява с подкрепата на Община Пловдив.


  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap refurbishment Aluminium scrap refurbishment Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: The Key to Sustainable Aluminum Production

    Aluminum is one of the most widely used metals in the world due to its versatile properties and numerous applications across various industries. However, the production of aluminum from its primary source, bauxite, requires significant energy and resources. To mitigate the environmental impact and address the growing demand for this metal, aluminum scrap recycling has emerged as an important solution. Aluminum scrap recycling involves the collection, sorting, processing, and reprocessing of discarded aluminum materials to produce secondary aluminum. This process helps conserve valuable resources and reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with primary aluminum production. It also saves energy, as recycling aluminum requires only about 5% of the energy needed for primary production. The aluminum scrap recycling industry has seen significant growth over the years, driven by factors such as increasing awareness of environmental issues, government regulations promoting recycling, and the economic benefits of reprocessing aluminum scrap. Today, an extensive network of scrap yards and recycling facilities is dedicated to collecting, sorting, and processing aluminum scrap. The value of aluminum scrap is determined by various factors, including the type of scrap, its cleanliness, and market conditions. Scrap aluminum can come in various forms, such as beverage cans, automotive parts, building materials, and packaging. Different types of aluminum scrap have varying levels of purity and may require different processing methods to be recycled effectively. The price of aluminum scrap fluctuates depending on market demand, supply, and other market factors. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap, are influenced by global economic conditions, the cost of energy, currency exchange rates, and the overall demand for recycled materials. It is essential for scrap metal dealers and consumers to stay updated on market trends to make informed decisions. Aluminum scrap recycling offers numerous benefits to both the environment and the economy. By diverting aluminum scrap from landfills and incineration, recycling helps reduce the volume of waste and prevents the release of hazardous substances into the environment. The recycled aluminum can be used to manufacture new products, reducing the need for virgin materials. Additionally, the aluminum recycling industry contributes to job creation and economic growth. It supports a range of activities, including collection, sorting, processing, transportation, and manufacturing. Furthermore, the recycling industry provides a reliable supply of secondary aluminum, which helps stabilize prices and reduce dependence on primary aluminum production. To effectively facilitate aluminum scrap recycling, various initiatives and programs have been implemented worldwide. These include public awareness campaigns, recycling incentives, legislation promoting recycling practices, and the development of advanced sorting and processing technologies. These efforts aim to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of aluminum scrap recycling, ensuring a sustainable supply of secondary aluminum

  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling policies Aluminium recycling policies Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: A Sustainable Solution for a Growing Market

    Aluminum scrap recycling is a vital component of the global effort towards a more sustainable and circular economy. With an ever-increasing focus on reducing waste and maximizing resource efficiency, the recycling of aluminum scrap plays a crucial role in minimizing environmental impact and conserving valuable natural resources. Aluminum scrap recycling involves the collection, sorting, and processing of various aluminum waste materials, such as beverage cans, car parts, window frames, and industrial scrap. These scrap items are diverted from landfills and transformed into new aluminum products through a series of refining and smelting processes. One of the key advantages of aluminum scrap recycling is its energy-saving potential. Recycling aluminum requires only 5% of the energy needed to produce primary aluminum from raw materials, such as bauxite ore. This significant energy reduction not only conserves natural resources but also contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions associated with primary aluminum production. Furthermore, aluminum scrap recycling helps to lower production costs for manufacturers. By using recycled aluminum scrap as a feedstock, manufacturers can reduce their reliance on expensive primary aluminum, resulting in significant savings. This cost-effectiveness is particularly important for industries that heavily rely on aluminum, such as the automotive, construction, and packaging sectors. The aluminum scrap recycling industry also plays a crucial role in job creation and economic growth. It provides employment opportunities in various areas, including collection, sorting, processing, and manufacturing. Additionally, the growth of the aluminum recycling sector stimulates the demand for related industries, such as the transportation and logistics sector for scrap collection and the machinery manufacturing sector for recycling equipment. When it comes to aluminum scrap recycling, the value of the material largely depends on factors such as purity, quantity, and market demand. Aluminum scrap prices are influenced by global market conditions, including fluctuations in the price of primary aluminum, demand from manufacturers, and the overall health of the economy. It is important for individuals and businesses involved in aluminum scrap recycling to stay updated on market trends and pricing to make informed decisions and optimize their recycling operations. To facilitate the process of aluminum scrap recycling, many regions have established dedicated aluminum scrap yards. These facilities serve as collection points for various aluminum waste materials and provide necessary infrastructure for sorting, processing, and storing scrap. Aluminum scrap yards play a crucial role in the efficient and organized management of aluminum scrap recycling, ensuring that valuable materials are properly handled and directed towards recycling facilities

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium conservation Scrap aluminium conservation Фев 05, 2024

    I come in peace!

  • Comment Link Ecology Ecology Ян 26, 2024

    Be happy today, dude :)

  • Comment Link Recoverymr Recoverymr Ян 23, 2024

    At least, we meet for the first time for the last time!

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