In partnership with Biz Labs we introduce an exclusive interactive masterclass created by Romans Ivanovs - London based entrepreneur, transformative coach and speaker. The purpose of the masterclass is to help professionals and entrepreneurs to learn practical ways to build a business and career on their own terms.
For whom:
If you are an inspired entrepreneur, professional or student who wants to learn how to start pursuing and monetising your passion using your existing skill set then this event is for you. Romans has put together his coaching and business experience in a two-hour powerful masterclass to give you practical tools to create a business and career around your passion.
What will you learn:
- How to start persuing what you want in life and business
- How to align your skills with your interests and create real value for the market
- How to sell yourself and your projects
19:00 - 19:30 - Networking & Drinks
19:30 - 21:00 - Masterclass
21:00 - 21:30 - Q&A and a coaching session with the audinece
21:30 - 22:00 - Networking
Vintage House, which is located in Дом на културата "Борис Христов" - официална страница.
Early Bird Ticket - 20 BGN
Student Ticket - 10 BGN
Regular Ticket - 25 BGN
Who is Romans Ivanovs:
Romans Ivanovs runs a London-based coaching company that specialises in helping start-up entrepreneurs and skilled professionals to effectively launch business and creative projects. He also co-founded a travel company "Travel in Vision” with the mission to combine travel and personal development to help people inspire their lives for better.
As a result of Roman’s work, his clients have started new ventures, pursued dream careers and made a positive impact in their organisations. Some of his clients include serial entrepreneurs, business and creative leaders, actors, and A-level students from Harvard Business School and London Imperial College.
Recently he started working with one of the top executive education organisations in the UK to provide high-level business training to Directors and Senior Managers from companies like Tesla, Coca-Cola, Toyota, Lego, Unilever and Nike.
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We have a limited amount of spaces available for this event so grab your ticket before it’s sold out!