Как се промени един от малкото обекти в квартала, който не бе сменял предназначението си от предишния политически строй

Железарията - една от емблемите на популярния сред туристите и любим на местните айлякчии квартал на творческите индустрии в града под тепетата - вече има нов облик.

снимка: Tsanko Darakchiev

Старият магазин за строителни материали от десетина дни е превърнат в най-новото заведение в Капана.

Това бе един от изключително малкото търговски обекти в квартала, който не бе претърпявал генерални промени години наред. Той бе популярен сред всички в района, които в някакъв момент са правили ремонт.

Историческите анали на Капана сочат, че Железария "Марукян" до началото на 2023-а не е сменяла предназначението си. Тя си стоеше там непоклатима от предишния политически строй. Преди няколко месеца железарията затвори за ремонт.

Историята на Марукян

Обектът всъщност носи името на известна арменска фамилия, чийто родоначалник дошъл от Турция в Пловдив през далечната 1925 година. Къщата на малкото площадче, по-известно сред местните като Широкото, е дело на емблематичния арх. Христо Пеев.

Разходка в Капана по сградите на арх. Христо Пеев – ГАЛЕРИЯ

Сградата на фамилия Марукян е строена на две части, върху два отделни парцела и към днешна дата е съхранена, добре поддържана и запазена в стила си.

Ново - бар Железарията

Мястото отвори преди броени дни с елегантен коктейл, бял роял и изпълнения на Едит Унджиян.

С любопитство и малко носталгия надникнахме и останахме приятно изненадани от дизайнерските хрумки в интериора, които препращат към дългогодишната история на помещението. Собственикът на обекта ни разказа, че идеята дошла, след като всичко в Капана се променило.

"Трябваше и ние да отговорим на промяната", каза пред репортера ни Христо Борисов.

В части от интериора екипът, работил по проекта, е вплел историята с акценти, които да напомнят за железария. Лампите са от кофи и тесли, закачалките от мистрии. Дори в емблемата на бара има закачка с гайка. Изцяло е запазена и оригиналната дограма на магазина.

Цялата статия и галерия със снимки може да видите в Под тепето.


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  • Comment Link Aluminium can scrap collection Aluminium can scrap collection Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: The Benefits, Processes, and Pricing

    Aluminum is a widely used metal in various industries due to its lightweight, corrosion resistance, and high conductivity properties. However, the production of aluminum from raw materials has significant energy costs and environmental impacts. To mitigate these concerns, aluminum scrap recycling has emerged as a crucial practice in reducing energy consumption, conserving resources, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Aluminum scrap recycling refers to the process of collecting, sorting, and reprocessing discarded aluminum items or waste material into valuable secondary raw materials. This approach helps to minimize the extraction of primary raw materials and reduces the need for energy-intensive processes involved in primary aluminum production. The benefits of aluminum scrap recycling are multifold. First and foremost, it conserves natural resources as recycling aluminum scrap consumes only around 5% of the energy required for primary aluminum production. This saves energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and mitigates the associated environmental impacts, including air and water pollution. Secondly, aluminum scrap recycling contributes to the circular economy by keeping valuable resources in use for a longer period. By extending the lifespan of aluminum products through recycling, the need for extracting and processing virgin raw materials is reduced, leading to a more sustainable and resource-efficient approach. Moreover, aluminum scrap recycling also has significant economic advantages. The scrap aluminum industry offers employment opportunities, as collection centers, sorting facilities, and recycling plants require a skilled workforce to manage the recycling process. Additionally, recycling aluminum scrap helps reduce the demand for primary aluminum, which in turn can stabilize the aluminum market and potentially lower aluminum prices. Speaking of prices, aluminum scrap prices vary based on several factors such as the current market demand, the quality of the scrap, and its alloy specifications. Scrap metal recycling prices, in general, are determined by market dynamics and fluctuate over time. To obtain optimal returns for aluminum scrap, it is crucial to ensure that it is clean and free from contaminants such as dirt, oil, and other non-aluminum materials. Clean aluminum scrap is more desirable for recycling, as it requires less processing and can be directly melted and reused in manufacturing various aluminum-based products. Aluminum scrap recycling is supported by a wide network of aluminum scrap yards, recycling centers, and scrap metal dealers. These establishments play a pivotal role in collecting and processing aluminum scrap, providing a reliable supply of recycled aluminum to industries that utilize it as a raw material. Using advanced sorting technologies and processes, aluminum scrap yards aim to efficiently categorize and separate different grades of aluminum scrap, ensuring optimal efficiency in the recycling process. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling offers significant environmental and economic benefits. It contributes to the conservation of natural resources, reduction in energy consumption, and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. By embracing aluminum scrap recycling, industries can shift towards a more sustainable and circular approach, fostering a greener future while also realizing economic advantages

  • Comment Link Aluminum windows and doors scrap Aluminum windows and doors scrap Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Maximizing the Value and Sustainability of a Versatile Metal

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a vital role in promoting sustainability and conserving resources. The process of recycling aluminum scrap involves collecting, sorting, melting, and purifying aluminum waste materials to produce high-quality aluminum. This not only helps in reducing the demand for raw materials but also significantly reduces the environmental impact associated with primary aluminum production. Aluminum scrap, often referred to as scrap aluminum, includes a wide range of discarded or surplus aluminum materials such as cans, automotive parts, construction materials, and packaging. These scraps can be recycled repeatedly without losing their physical properties, making aluminum one of the most recyclable metals. The aluminum scrap recycling industry has witnessed tremendous growth in recent years due to its economic and environmental benefits. By recycling aluminum scrap, manufacturers can save up to 95% of the energy required to produce primary aluminum. Moreover, recycling aluminum emits fewer greenhouse gases compared to primary aluminum production, contributing to a reduction in air pollution and carbon emissions. One significant incentive for aluminum scrap recycling is the fluctuating aluminum scrap price. The price of scrap aluminum is influenced by various factors such as market demand, quality of the scrap, and global market dynamics. It is essential for businesses and individuals involved in scrap metal recycling to stay updated with current scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap prices, to maximize their profits and make informed decisions. To facilitate the efficient recycling of aluminum scrap, there are specialized facilities known as aluminum scrap yards. These yards serve as collection centers where individuals, businesses, and municipalities can drop off their aluminum scrap for recycling. The scrap is then sorted and processed to remove impurities and contaminants, ensuring the production of clean aluminum scrap suitable for recycling. Different grades and forms of aluminum scrap have varying prices in the market. Clean aluminum scrap, which is free from any impurities, typically commands a higher price compared to contaminated or mixed aluminum scrap. The price of aluminum alloy scrap also varies depending on the specific alloy composition and market demand for that particular alloy. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is an essential and environmentally responsible process that promotes sustainability and conserves resources. It is a cost-effective alternative to primary aluminum production and helps in reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Businesses and individuals involved in aluminum scrap recycling should stay informed about aluminum scrap prices and ensure the collection and processing of clean aluminum scrap for maximum profitability. By actively participating in aluminum scrap recycling, we can contribute to a greener and more sustainable future

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap end markets Aluminium scrap end markets Фев 05, 2024

    What's kickin's, little chicken?

  • Comment Link Sustainable practices in aluminium recycling Sustainable practices in aluminium recycling Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium Recycling Aluminium Recycling Ян 26, 2024

    Hi, honeybunch!

  • Comment Link Aluminium ScrapYard Aluminium ScrapYard Ян 25, 2024

    I like your site!

  • Comment Link Upcyclemr Upcyclemr Ян 23, 2024

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