тни. Центърът в подножието на едноименната могила доскоро обучаваше само деца от детски градини и учебни заведения с образователни цели. Заради проявения голям интерес и многобройни заявки, творческата работилница започна работа и с възрастни, които желаят да посещават курсовете по грънчарство.

Участници в работилница на Малтепе се учиха да правят кирпичена стена и плет

Занятията се провеждат на малки групи с до 10 участници.

„Творческата работилница на Културно-информационен център „Малтепе“ е предназначена за хората, които споделят страст към работата с керамика, каквито се оказа че има много“, коментира отговорникът на КИЦ „Малтепе“ Дияна Мачокова.

По думите й не е лесно да подчиниш глината, но под вещото ръководство на специалистите в Културно-информационен център „Малтепе“, това става възможно. Названието на курсовете е „От топката глина - до керамичното бижу“.

По време на уроците почитателите на грънчарството придобиват нови знания и умения, като в рамкате на две посещения всеки има възможност да измайстори произведение от керамика, според собствените си предпочитания и да украси дома си с творението си.

Работилниците за възрастни се провеждат по предварителен график, публикуван в профила на КИЦ „Малтепе“ във Фейсбук: Културно-информационен център „Малтепе“.  Необходимо е предварително записване на телефон 0888400792.

Още по темата четете в Археологическият комплекс Малтепе, край Пловдив, ще се превърне в световна туристическа атракция (ГАЛЕРИЯ).


  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap shredding Aluminum scrap shredding Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: An Overview of the Process, Benefits, and Market Trends

    Aluminum scrap recycling is an important process in the metal recycling industry. With the ever-increasing demand for aluminum and the growing focus on sustainable practices, recycling aluminum scrap has become essential to conserve resources and reduce environmental impact. Aluminum scrap includes various forms of discarded aluminum, such as cans, foil, wire, extrusions, and other aluminum products. These scraps are collected from residential, commercial, and industrial sources and sent to aluminum recycling facilities. The process of aluminum scrap recycling begins with the collection and sorting of the different types of scrap. Once collected, the scrap is transported to recycling yards or facilities specifically designed for aluminum recycling. At these facilities, the scrap is further sorted based on its form, alloy type, and level of contamination. After sorting, the aluminum scrap is cleaned to remove any impurities and contaminants. This step is crucial as it ensures that the recycled aluminum is of high quality and can be used to manufacture new aluminum products. The cleaned scrap is then shredded or crushed into smaller pieces to facilitate the melting process. Once the scrap is properly prepared, it is melted in a furnace at high temperatures. The molten aluminum is then cast into various shapes, such as ingots or billets, which can be used by manufacturers to create new aluminum products. The recycling of aluminum scrap offers several benefits. It significantly reduces the need for mining new aluminum ore, conserving natural resources, and reducing energy consumption. It also helps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of aluminum from virgin materials. Additionally, recycling aluminum scrap saves water and reduces landfill waste. The price of aluminum scrap varies depending on factors such as the quality of the scrap, market demand, and global aluminum prices. The scrap metal recycling industry often operates on a market-based pricing system, with prices fluctuating based on supply and demand dynamics. It is advisable to check with local scrap yards or recycling facilities to get an accurate estimate of the current aluminum scrap prices in your area. For businesses or individuals looking to sell aluminum scrap, it is essential to work with reputable scrap metal recycling facilities or aluminum scrap yards. These facilities have the expertise and equipment to determine the value of your scrap accurately and offer competitive prices. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling plays a vital role in conserving resources, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing environmental impact. By choosing to recycle aluminum scrap, you not only contribute towards a sustainable future but also have the opportunity to earn revenue by selling your scrap to reputable recycling facilities at competitive prices

  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap grading Aluminum scrap grading Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: A Sustainable Solution for a Greener Future

    In the quest for a more sustainable future, recycling plays a crucial role in reducing waste and conserving valuable resources. Aluminum scrap recycling is one such practice that has gained significant importance in recent years. With the soaring demand for aluminum across various industries, the need to recycle aluminum scrap has become more essential than ever. Aluminum scrap refers to any discarded aluminum material or product that can be recycled to create new aluminum products. This can include everything from cans, foil, automotive parts, construction materials, to household items like window frames and kitchen utensils. By recycling aluminum scrap, the energy and resources required to extract and process virgin aluminum are saved, contributing to a lower carbon footprint and decreased environmental impact. The process of aluminum scrap recycling involves several stages. Initially, the collected scrap is sorted and processed to remove contaminants such as plastic, paint, and other non-aluminum materials. This is crucial to ensure pure and quality aluminum scrap that can be used for manufacturing new aluminum products. Once the scrap is cleaned, it is shredded and melted in a furnace, transforming it into molten aluminum. The molten aluminum is then shaped into ingots, sheets, or other forms, ready to be used in the production of new aluminum products. One significant factor that drives the recycling of aluminum scrap is the economic incentive. The scrap aluminum industry offers a lucrative market for buying and selling recycled aluminum. The scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap prices, fluctuate based on various factors such as market demand, availability of scrap, and global economic conditions. However, in recent years, the scrap aluminum market has witnessed a steady increase in prices due to the rising demand for recycled aluminum across industries. The recyclability of aluminum does not compromise its quality or performance. Recycled aluminum has the same properties as virgin aluminum, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. In fact, recycling aluminum requires only around 5% of the energy needed to produce virgin aluminum from bauxite ore, making it a highly energy-efficient process. To facilitate the efficient recycling of aluminum scrap, numerous aluminum scrap yards and recycling centers have emerged. These facilities serve as collection points for aluminum scrap, where individuals, industries, and businesses can drop off their scrap aluminum for recycling. The aluminum scrap yards play a vital role in the segregation, processing, and onward sale of the recycled aluminum. It's not just the environmental and economic benefits that make aluminum scrap recycling an attractive option; it also contributes to conserving valuable resources. Aluminum is a finite resource, and its extraction from bauxite reserves requires massive energy consumption and causes significant environmental degradation. By recycling aluminum scrap, we extend the lifespan of this valuable resource, reducing the need for extensive mining operations. Furthermore, the recycling of aluminum scrap also plays a role in promoting a circular economy. Unlike the linear economy, which follows a "take-make-dispose" model, a circular economy aims to keep resources in use for as long as possible. By recycling aluminum scrap and incorporating it back into the production cycle, we minimize waste generation and maximize resource efficiency. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling offers numerous benefits to both the environment and the economy. It reduces the carbon footprint, conserves energy and resources, and fosters a circular economy. The growing demand for recycled aluminum and the increasing scrap metal recycling prices make it an attractive proposition for individuals, industries, and businesses alike. By embracing aluminum scrap recycling, we contribute to a more sustainable future and pave the way for a greener and more efficient world

  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling valuation Aluminium recycling valuation Фев 05, 2024

    You know who this is

  • Comment Link Aluminum waste disposal Aluminum waste disposal Фев 05, 2024

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap repurposing facilities Aluminium scrap repurposing facilities Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Ecology Ecology Ян 26, 2024


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