Есенното издание на XIV Международен фестивал “Дни на музиката в Балабановата къща” ще предложи на пловдивчани и на гостите на града богата палитра от уникални концерти с участието на знаменити музиканти със световна слава.

„Летвата” е вдигната още със самото му откриване на 21 септември в Епископската базилика на Филипопол, където “Барокови солисти” и именитата цигуларка Зефира Вълова представят прочутия италиански кларинетист Франческо Спендолини – един от малкото изпълнители на исторически кларинет в съвременния свят.

Ярък акцент и безспорен принос в програмната политика на Фестивала е първият гастрол в България на легендарния дългогодишен соло тромпетист на Берлинската филхармония Габор Таркьови.

Следва поредица от оригинални класни концерти с участието на италианския флейтист Масимо Мерчели, вдъхновил великия композитор Енио Мориконе да му посвети свои творби, самобитното гръцко мецосопрано Александра Ахилея – Пута, изтъкнатите пианисти Людмил Ангелов, Катя Сканави, Виктория Василенко, Георги Черкин, Ивелина Кръстева, прочутите концертмайстори на европейски симфонични оркестри Мила Георгиева и Яна Дешкова, цигуларят Ержан Кулибаев – лауреат на международните конкурси “Виенявски” и “Джордже Енеску”, клавирното дуо “Атмосфери” – носител на Първа награда от международния конкурс “Сибелиус“ – Финландия, майсторите джазмени Атанас Миладинов (пиано), Цветан Недялков (китара), Димитър Шанов (контрабас), Петя Станчева (вокал), Стефан Кожухаров (перкусии), в партньорство с млади таланти в областта на джаза.

Международният фестивал “Дни на музиката в Балабановата къща” е част от Календара на културните събития на Община Пловдив и се осъществява с подкрепата на Община Пловдив, Министерство на културата, Фондация “Музикартисимо” и др.

Билети в мрежата на Ивентим.бг и на място преди концертите.


  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap buyback Aluminium scrap buyback Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Maximizing Sustainability and Economic Value

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in today's efforts towards sustainable waste management and resource conservation. With the increasing global demand for aluminum and the finite nature of its primary production, the effective recycling of aluminum scrap has become imperative. This comprehensive article aims to provide you with valuable insights into the process of aluminum scrap recycling, its benefits, and key factors influencing the aluminum scrap market. Aluminum scrap recycling, also known as aluminum recycling, refers to the process of recovering and reusing aluminum metal from discarded products and industrial wastes. This practice not only conserves natural resources but also minimizes the energy-intensive and environmentally destructive process of primary aluminum production. Furthermore, recycling aluminum scrap reduces landfill space utilization and mitigates the environmental impact associated with the extraction, processing, and transportation of raw materials. The aluminum scrap recycling industry has witnessed remarkable growth due to its economic and environmental advantages. The industry offers various opportunities for economic growth, job creation, and innovation. Companies involved in aluminum recycling contribute towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving energy, and enhancing sustainability efforts. Additionally, the recycling sector provides a reliable supply of secondary aluminum, thus reducing dependence on costly and carbon-intensive primary aluminum production. Factors such as aluminum scrap price, scrap metal recycling prices, aluminum alloy scrap price, and clean aluminum scrap price significantly influence the aluminum scrap market. The prices and demand for different types of aluminum scrap may vary depending on factors like regional recycling infrastructure, market conditions, and purity of the scrap. It is important for individuals and businesses engaged in aluminum scrap recycling to stay informed about these price fluctuations and market trends to effectively manage their operations and maximize profitability. Aluminum scrap recycling facilities, commonly referred to as aluminum scrap yards, serve as essential centers for collection, sorting, and processing of aluminum scrap. These facilities employ advanced technologies and equipment to segregate the various types of aluminum scrap, remove impurities, and prepare it for further processing. Aluminum scrap yards provide a valuable link in the recycling supply chain by connecting scrap generators, like manufacturers and individuals, with aluminum scrap buyers and processors. It is worth noting that not all aluminum scrap is created equal. Scrap aluminum can vary in its composition, form, and contamination levels. Therefore, it is crucial to properly sort and identify different aluminum alloys to ensure efficient processing and maximize the value of the recycled material. Aluminum scrap recycling facilities utilize advanced techniques, such as spectroscopy and material testing, to accurately identify the various aluminum alloys and their suitability for different applications. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling offers significant environmental benefits and economic opportunities. By diverting aluminum scrap from landfills and reusing its valuable properties, we can conserve natural resources, minimize energy consumption, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The economic viability of aluminum recycling is bolstered by factors such as aluminum scrap prices and the development of robust recycling infrastructure. With the increasing demand for sustainable solutions, aluminum scrap recycling serves as a vital component of our efforts towards creating a circular economy and mitigating the impacts of climate change

  • Comment Link Aluminum siding scrap Aluminum siding scrap Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: A Sustainable Solution for an Eco-Friendly Future

    Aluminum scrap recycling is a crucial aspect of sustainable waste management and resource conservation. With the ever-increasing demand for aluminum and the need to minimize environmental impact, it becomes essential to reutilize aluminum scrap effectively. Aluminum scrap, commonly referred to as scrap aluminum, is the discarded metal resulting from manufacturing processes, construction, or household items. This scrap material can be recycled and transformed into new aluminum products, reducing the reliance on primary aluminum production and minimizing the extraction of bauxite ore, the primary source of aluminum. The recycling of aluminum scrap offers several environmental benefits. Firstly, recycling aluminum consumes significantly less energy compared to primary aluminum production. It has been estimated that recycling aluminum requires only about 5% of the energy needed for primary production, resulting in reduced greenhouse gas emissions and conservation of natural resources. Furthermore, aluminum scrap recycling helps reduce the amount of waste going to landfills. By diverting scrap aluminum from landfills, we can alleviate the pressure on landfill capacities and mitigate the environmental risks associated with improper waste disposal. The scrap aluminum recycling industry plays a crucial role in facilitating the collection, sorting, and processing of aluminum scrap. Aluminum scrap yards serve as collection points where individuals, industries, and scrap metal dealers can drop off their aluminum waste. These yards play a vital role in the recycling chain, ensuring that valuable aluminum scrap is channeled towards recycling facilities and not wasted. Once collected, aluminum scrap is sorted into different grades based on its composition and purity. This sorting process ensures that the scrap can be recycled efficiently, as different aluminum alloys have specific properties and application requirements. The separated aluminum scrap is then processed through shredding, melting, and refining stages to remove impurities and transform it into usable raw material for the production of new aluminum products. The price of scrap aluminum is an important factor that influences the recycling industry. The price of scrap metal, including aluminum, fluctuates based on various factors such as market demand, global economic conditions, and the overall availability of scrap material. It is crucial for scrap metal dealers and recycling facilities to keep abreast of these price fluctuations to determine the feasibility and profitability of aluminum scrap recycling. Clean aluminum scrap, which refers to uncontaminated aluminum waste without any impurities, generally fetches higher prices compared to mixed or contaminated scrap. This is because clean aluminum scrap can be recycled more efficiently and requires less processing, resulting in higher-quality recycled aluminum. The value of aluminum alloy scrap also varies depending on the specific alloy composition. Different aluminum alloys have different properties and uses, and this influences their demand and pricing in the recycling market. As the demand for sustainable and eco-friendly practices grows, the importance of aluminum scrap recycling continues to increase. By participating in aluminum scrap recycling, individuals and industries contribute to the circular economy, where waste is minimized, resources are conserved, and the environmental impact of aluminum production is reduced. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a vital practice for sustainable waste management and resource conservation. Through proper collection, sorting, and processing, aluminum scrap can be transformed into new aluminum products, reducing the need for primary aluminum production. The price of aluminum scrap, including clean aluminum scrap and aluminum alloy scrap, influences the economics of recycling and the profitability of the industry. By embracing aluminum scrap recycling, we can reduce energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and the pressure on landfill capacities, while promoting a more sustainable future

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium trading options Scrap aluminium trading options Фев 05, 2024

    At least, we meet for the first time for the last time!

  • Comment Link Recycling regulations for aluminum scrap Recycling regulations for aluminum scrap Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap training programs Aluminium scrap training programs Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Greenmr Greenmr Ян 23, 2024

    Tenha um bom dia!

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