Теодор Караколев

Няма нужда от допълнителни археологически проучвания

Зоната може да е идеално свързващо звено между множество други ценни обекти

Източната част на Форума, която община Пловдив ще откупи обратно „Младост алфа“ ЕООД, е напълно проучена и готова за експониране. След дългогодишни разкопки, още през 80-те години зоната е изцяло разкопана от археолог Елена Кесякова и е във вид, в който след козметични действия може да бъде представена пред туристите. Това потвърди за „Под Тепето“ директорът на археологическия музей Костадин Кисьов.

Достатъчно е да се почисти от растителността и да се извърши анастилоза. Всичко останало е проучено, потвърди той.

В момента обектът е ограден от всички страни. При премахване на огражденита или почистване обаче може да бъде достъпен както от подлез „Тримонциум“, така и от подлезите около улица „Гладстон“. Изключително подходящ би бил и подход от площад „Централен“, но това ще стане ясно от бъдещите планове на общината, които за момента не са ясни.

Потенциалът на зоната е голям – ценният обект идеално може да се впише и да бъде свързващо звено между съседните разкрити пространства – Одеонът, Епископската базилика, както и новопроучената западна част на Форума. Все още няма конкретика кога и как ще се случи това. Със сигурност първата стъпка е да бъде завършена сделката между общината и досегашните собственици на терена.


  • Comment Link muicunited muicunited Фев 27, 2021

    License your cover songs, for life.
    Mix your style with a proven song and a creative cover can help you break down walls and reach a whole new world of listeners.
    We make it safe and affordable to legally license and distribute cover songs to the most popular music platforms.
    We have NO upfront or annual fee for distributing original music, and you can license covers (FOREVER) for a one-time fee of $9.99 per song.
    You always keep 85% of your net digital revenue and are free to release as much music as you want without worrying about the rising or repeating costs of keeping your catalog available online.

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  • Comment Link muicunited muicunited Фев 27, 2021

    License your cover songs, for life.
    Mix your style with a proven song and a creative cover can help you break down walls and reach a whole new world of listeners.
    We make it safe and affordable to legally license and distribute cover songs to the most popular music platforms.
    We have NO upfront or annual fee for distributing original music, and you can license covers (FOREVER) for a one-time fee of $9.99 per song.
    You always keep 85% of your net digital revenue and are free to release as much music as you want without worrying about the rising or repeating costs of keeping your catalog available online.

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  • Comment Link muicunited muicunited Фев 27, 2021

    License your cover songs, for life.
    Mix your style with a proven song and a creative cover can help you break down walls and reach a whole new world of listeners.
    We make it safe and affordable to legally license and distribute cover songs to the most popular music platforms.
    We have NO upfront or annual fee for distributing original music, and you can license covers (FOREVER) for a one-time fee of $9.99 per song.
    You always keep 85% of your net digital revenue and are free to release as much music as you want without worrying about the rising or repeating costs of keeping your catalog available online.

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  • Comment Link muicunited muicunited Фев 27, 2021

    License your cover songs, for life.
    Mix your style with a proven song and a creative cover can help you break down walls and reach a whole new world of listeners.
    We make it safe and affordable to legally license and distribute cover songs to the most popular music platforms.
    We have NO upfront or annual fee for distributing original music, and you can license covers (FOREVER) for a one-time fee of $9.99 per song.
    You always keep 85% of your net digital revenue and are free to release as much music as you want without worrying about the rising or repeating costs of keeping your catalog available online.

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  • Comment Link muicunited muicunited Фев 27, 2021

    License your cover songs, for life.
    Mix your style with a proven song and a creative cover can help you break down walls and reach a whole new world of listeners.
    We make it safe and affordable to legally license and distribute cover songs to the most popular music platforms.
    We have NO upfront or annual fee for distributing original music, and you can license covers (FOREVER) for a one-time fee of $9.99 per song.
    You always keep 85% of your net digital revenue and are free to release as much music as you want without worrying about the rising or repeating costs of keeping your catalog available online.

    license to cover a song[/url]

  • Comment Link muicunited muicunited Фев 27, 2021

    License your cover songs, for life.
    Mix your style with a proven song and a creative cover can help you break down walls and reach a whole new world of listeners.
    We make it safe and affordable to legally license and distribute cover songs to the most popular music platforms.
    We have NO upfront or annual fee for distributing original music, and you can license covers (FOREVER) for a one-time fee of $9.99 per song.
    You always keep 85% of your net digital revenue and are free to release as much music as you want without worrying about the rising or repeating costs of keeping your catalog available online.

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  • Comment Link akrilvannv akrilvannv Фев 27, 2021

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  • Comment Link akrilvannv akrilvannv Фев 27, 2021

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  • Comment Link akrilvannv akrilvannv Фев 27, 2021

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  • Comment Link akrilvannv akrilvannv Фев 27, 2021

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