Спектакъл по любимата приказка на Андерсен „Малката русалка“ ще изнесат възпитаници от НУМТИ „Добрин Петков”, Национална гимназия за сценични и екранни изкуства и Регионалния център за подкрепа на процеса на приобщаващото образование в Пловдив. 

За спектакъла децата и младежите няколко месеца провеждаха репетиции с професионални преподаватели и режисьори, демонстрирали пред подрастващите тайни на сценично поведение. По време на творческите работилници подрастващи от 4 до 20 години със специални образователни потребности се подготвяха заедно със свои връстници от арт училищата в града.

За театралното представление децата  изработваха сценични костюми, рисуваха декорите, обучаваха се да правят артистичен грим, влизаха в ролите на героите от Андерсеновата приказка, адаптирана от директора на Ресурсния център д-р Катя Стоилова.

Докато част от децата работиха по създаването на спектакъла, в мобилното ателие по приложно изкуство към УМБАЛ „Свети Георги“ течеше сериозен творчески процес. Там пациентите от Детската клиника подготвяха поканите за представлението. Ръководител на заниманията бе художникът Ивелина Петрова, която е и арт терапевт в болничното заведение.

След първата артистична изява на сцената на Националната гимназия за сценични кадри,  децата се чувстват още по-уверени. Всеки откри актьора в себе си и голяма любов лъха от сцената. Щастлива съм, че с огромно желание очакват следващите две излизания на сцената – в Асеновград и в Медицински университет – Пловдив. Режисьорът Димитър Атанасов - Шърата е прекрасен професионалист и дава изключително голямо спокойствие, провокира артистичния потенциал на всеки един участник. Благодаря за професионализма на всички преподаватели и участници в „Заедно творим“ от Гимназията за сценични кадри, както и на психолозите и педагозите от Ресурсен център – Пловдив“, сподели организаторът на инициативата Ели Шопова. 

Детският спектакъл ще бъде представен на 21 септември 2023 г. от 15 часа в залата на Градската библиотека в Асеновград. Отново там ще бъде открита и изложба на изработените с много любов картини и апликации от малки пациенти на Детска клиника към УМБАЛ „Св. Георги“, както и на деца със специални образователни потребности. „Малката русалка“ ще може да бъде видяна и на 29 септември 2023 г. от 17 часа в Медицински университет – Пловдив.

Постановката се осъществява от Национално сдружение партньорство и единство, Община Пловдив, НУМТИ „Добрин Петков”, Национална гимназия за сценични и екранни изкуства, Медицински университет – Пловдив, Регионален център за подкрепа на процеса на приобщаващото образование – Пловдив и Детска клиника към УМБАЛ „Свети Георги“ и се реализира с финансовата подкрепа на Национален фонд „Култура“.

Автор: Екатерина Кючукова


  • Comment Link Efficient aluminium scrap handling Efficient aluminium scrap handling Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling and Its Importance

    Aluminum scrap recycling is an essential aspect of the metal recycling industry. With an increasing demand for aluminum in various industries, the importance of recycling aluminum scrap becomes even more significant. This article will explore the process of aluminum scrap recycling, its benefits, and the various factors that affect the aluminum scrap price. Aluminum scrap recycling involves collecting, sorting, processing, and remelting discarded aluminum products to produce new aluminum products. The collected scrap is first sorted based on its quality and composition. This sorting process ensures that only clean aluminum scrap is used for recycling, eliminating any impurities that might affect the quality of the recycled aluminum. One of the primary benefits of aluminum scrap recycling is the preservation of natural resources. Aluminum is derived from bauxite ore, and the extraction and refining of bauxite require considerable energy and resources. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can reduce the need for mining and processing new aluminum, conserving energy and reducing environmental impact. Another significant advantage of aluminum scrap recycling is the economic value it generates. Aluminum alloy scrap, for example, is highly sought after in the recycling industry due to its high recycling potential. Many industries, such as automotive, construction, and packaging, rely heavily on recycled aluminum scrap as a cost-effective alternative to virgin aluminum. Recycling aluminum scrap also creates employment opportunities within the recycling industry, further contributing to the economy. The price of aluminum scrap is influenced by several factors. Firstly, the market demand for aluminum plays a crucial role. When the demand for aluminum is high, the price of aluminum scrap tends to increase. Similarly, factors like global economic conditions, supply and demand dynamics, and changes in government policies and regulations can affect the price of aluminum scrap. The type and quality of aluminum scrap also impact its price. Clean aluminum scrap, free of any contaminants or alloying materials, commands a higher price in the market. The presence of alloying elements, such as copper or magnesium, can affect the value of aluminum scrap as well. In addition to the quality, the quantity of aluminum scrap also affects its price. Larger quantities of aluminum scrap are generally more valuable as they can be processed and remelted more efficiently. Therefore, recycling companies and scrap yards often offer competitive prices for bulk quantities of aluminum scrap. When selling aluminum scrap, it is advisable to consult multiple recycling centers or aluminum scrap yards to get the best price. Additionally, staying updated on the current market trends and prices can help maximize the returns on recycling aluminum scrap. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a crucial process that offers both environmental and economic benefits. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, and contribute to the circular economy. Understanding the factors that influence aluminum scrap prices, such as market demand, type, quality, and quantity, can help individuals and businesses make informed decisions when it comes to aluminum scrap recycling

  • Comment Link Aluminium plate recycling Aluminium plate recycling Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Unlocking the Potential for Sustainability

    In today's world, where sustainable practices are becoming increasingly important, recycling is gaining prominence. Among the numerous materials that can be recycled, aluminum scrap sits at the top of the list. As a lightweight and versatile metal, aluminum has vast applications across various industries, including automotive, construction, aerospace, and packaging. However, the production of aluminum from raw materials is energy-intensive, making recycling aluminum scrap a crucial practice for reducing environmental impact and conserving resources. Aluminum scrap recycling involves the collection, sorting, and processing of various forms of scrap aluminum, such as cans, automotive parts, window frames, and industrial waste. Through advanced technologies and efficient processes, these aluminum scraps are transformed into reusable materials, reducing the need for mining and refining new aluminum ores. This not only saves energy but also mitigates the environmental impact associated with these extraction processes. One of the primary drivers of aluminum scrap recycling is the economic incentive it provides. Scrap aluminum holds significant value in the market, and the aluminum scrap price varies based on factors such as quality, purity, and demand. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum, fluctuate due to market conditions, supply and demand dynamics, and even geopolitical factors. Reputable aluminum scrap yards offer fair prices for clean aluminum scrap, motivating individuals, businesses, and industries to participate in the recycling process. Moreover, aluminum scrap recycling contributes to reducing landfill waste. Aluminum is a non-ferrous metal, meaning it does not lose its properties when recycled repeatedly. Unlike other materials that degrade with each recycling cycle, aluminum retains its original quality. This characteristic enables aluminum scrap to be repeatedly melted and reprocessed without any loss in performance or strength. Consequently, scrap aluminum can be perpetually reused, diverting it from landfills and minimizing the need for new aluminum production. The recycling process of aluminum scrap typically involves several steps. First, the collected scrap is sorted based on alloy type, thickness, and cleanliness to maximize the efficiency of the recycling process. Following this, the scrap is usually cleaned to remove any contaminants, such as paint, plastic, or dirt, which might affect the quality of the recycled aluminum. Once cleaned, the aluminum scrap is shredded and melted in a furnace to obtain molten metal, which is then cast into various forms, such as ingots, sheets, or extrusions. It is worth noting that in addition to the environmental and economic benefits, recycling aluminum scrap also helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The energy required to produce aluminum from recycled scrap is significantly less compared to primary aluminum production. Estimates suggest that recycling aluminum can save up to 95% of the energy required to produce aluminum from raw materials. This energy saving translates to a substantial reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and other pollutants associated with aluminum production, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment. In summary, aluminum scrap recycling plays a vital role in achieving sustainable practices. By diverting aluminum scrap from landfills and reducing the need for primary aluminum production, the recycling process conserves resources, reduces energy consumption, and lowers greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, the economic incentive provided by aluminum scrap prices encourages individuals and businesses to actively participate in the recycling process. As the global demand for aluminum continues to rise, the importance of aluminum scrap recycling cannot be overstated, making it a win-win solution for both the environment and the economy

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium compaction Scrap aluminium compaction Фев 05, 2024

    Howdy, partner!

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap life cycle analysis Aluminium scrap life cycle analysis Фев 05, 2024

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminum baler Scrap aluminum baler Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium Scrap Aluminium Scrap Ян 26, 2024

    What's crackin'?

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