Водещото специализирано издание за музикална критика OPERNWELT публикува обширен материал за фестивала Opera Open в града под тепетата и премиерния спектакъл "Милосърдието на Тит".

Споделяме части от статията:

"Фестивалът в българския град Пловдив намира отзвук сред всички поколения.
В Пловдив думата „култура“ има много лица. Жителите са горди, че живеят в най-стария град на Европа – първите останки датират от преди шест хилядолетия. Източноправославни християни, евреи, мюсюлмани и католици са съжителствали дълго време предимно мирно; през XIX век тук е учредено първото българско издателство. През 2019 г. - както е известно – град Пловдив бе европейска столица на културата. За успешната кандидатура тогава не малко допринесе и тукашната опера, която през лятото изнася концерти в прекрасно съхранен римски амфитеатър...

Името "Opera Open“, пояснява Драгомир Йосифов – диригент на хора, е едва на възрастта, на която е и актуалният отговорен екип на операта: двамата главни диригенти - Диан Чобанов и Лучано ди Мартино, както и художественият директор – Нина Найденова. Те поемат ръководството в края на 2013 г. и преустройват основания още преди 35 години „Вердиев фестивал“ на Античния театър. Целта е отворено планиране на програмата, международна насоченост, привличане на нови слоеве публика.

В днешно време през двата летни месеца на фестивала към представленията се стичат гости от всички поколения. В публиката се чуват множество езици, вижда се елегантно вечерно облекло, също както и тениски. Найденова е значително горда с това: „Ние сме най-старият град в Европа, а с нашите 50 000 студенти – до известна степен и най-младият. И това може да се види, когато вечер погледнеш в публиката, независимо дали по време на опера, концерт, джаз или мюзикъл...

В програмата е включена премиерата на „Милосърдието на Тит“ от Моцарт. Художникът на постановката Юлиян Табаков е поръчал изграждането на сцена, подходяща за летни фестивали, която включва Амфитеатъра като оригинално място на действието – едно решение, което чувствително благоприятства прецизната режисура на Немирова. Императорът Тит не може да се справи с множеството заговори против него, а още повече и с въпроса кого може да облече в булчинската рокля, която носи като лайтмотив. Блестящият си център представлението намира в сензационната игра и пеене на Рей Шене.

Неговото изграждане на фигурата на Сесто е истинско събитие - с изцяло стопляща сърцевина на гласа и виртуозни преходи в цялата теситура на контратенора.

Диригентът Диан Чобанов ръководи оркестъра си ясно, моделира изразително парландо, както и фино очертани линии на дървените духови инструменти...

Новият слоган на институцията „Операта е тук!“ се изпълни за Амфитеатъра, също както и през останалите месеци на многобройните импровизирани места за представления в града.

За двойния юбилей на столицата на културата можем да пожелаем само Операта ѝ най-сетне да се сдобие със собствена сграда."


  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap collection points Aluminium scrap collection points Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: An Economically and Environmentally Beneficial Practice

    Aluminum scrap recycling is a vital process that plays a significant role in promoting a sustainable future. Aluminum is one of the most highly recycled materials globally, owing to its remarkable properties and high demand in industries such as automotive, construction, packaging, and aerospace. This article will explore the importance of aluminum scrap recycling, its benefits for the environment and economy, and the factors that influence aluminum scrap prices. Aluminum scrap is any discarded aluminum material, including cans, wire, extrusions, castings, and plates. Instead of ending up in landfills, recycling this scrap helps to conserve energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and minimize resource depletion. According to the Aluminum Association, recycling one ton of aluminum conserves around 8 tons of bauxite ore, 14 megawatt-hours of electricity, and eliminates 7.6 metric tons of CO2 emissions. Therefore, recycling aluminum scrap significantly reduces the environmental footprint of aluminum production. Aluminum scrap recycling is also economically beneficial. The recycling industry generates substantial employment opportunities, as collecting, processing, and reusing aluminum scrap require a labor-intensive approach. Recycling plants and aluminum scrap yards provide employment for thousands of individuals worldwide, contributing to local economies. Additionally, recycling aluminum offers cost savings compared to primary production. The energy required to recycle aluminum is significantly lower than that needed to produce aluminum from virgin materials. This reduction in energy consumption translates into lower production costs, making recycled aluminum a cost-effective alternative. One of the factors influencing aluminum scrap prices is the quality and cleanliness of the scrap. Clean aluminum scrap, free from contaminants like oil, paint, or other impurities, fetches higher prices in the recycling market. This is because clean scrap requires less processing and has a higher recycling efficiency, leading to better-quality recycled aluminum. Factors such as the global demand and supply of aluminum, market fluctuations, and the overall economic conditions also affect aluminum scrap prices. It is essential for individuals and businesses involved in the aluminum scrap market to stay updated with these factors to make informed decisions. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap, fluctuate based on various factors, including the global metal market, demand from industries that consume aluminum, and geopolitical influences. Monitoring these factors can help scrap metal recyclers and aluminum scrap yards anticipate market trends and adjust their operations accordingly. The aluminum scrap recycling industry has evolved over the years, with technological advancements improving efficiency and sustainability. State-of-the-art sorting and separation technologies enable proper classification and processing of different types of aluminum scrap. These advancements ensure that maximum value is extracted from each scrap material, minimizing waste and increasing the recycling rate. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a crucial part of the circular economy, contributing to environmental sustainability and economic growth. Recycling aluminum scrap helps conserve resources, reduce energy consumption, and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. It also offers economic benefits through the creation of jobs and cost savings. Factors such as the quality of the scrap and global market dynamics impact aluminum scrap prices. As the demand for aluminum continues to rise, investing in aluminum scrap recycling is a sustainable and profitable choice for individuals, businesses, and society as a whole

  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap sorting process Aluminum scrap sorting process Фев 10, 2024

    The Importance and Benefits of Aluminum Scrap Recycling

    In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on recycling and sustainability practices to protect the environment and conserve resources. One area that has seen significant advancements in recycling techniques is aluminum scrap recycling. Aluminum, known for its lightweight and corrosion-resistant properties, is one of the most recycled materials globally. Aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in reducing the demand for primary aluminum production, saving energy, and minimizing the environmental impact associated with mining and extraction. By recycling aluminum scrap, significant amounts of energy and greenhouse gas emissions can be conserved compared to producing virgin aluminum. Additionally, recycling reduces the amount of waste going to landfills, helping to address the global waste management challenge. The process of aluminum scrap recycling involves collecting various forms of scrap aluminum, such as cans, automobile parts, furniture, building materials, and more. These materials are sorted, cleaned, and processed to remove impurities and contaminants, ensuring the resulting recycled aluminum meets the required industry standards. Aluminum scrap recycling facilities utilize specialized equipment to shred, melt, and refine the scrap into new aluminum products or alloys. A crucial factor in aluminum scrap recycling is understanding the value of the scrap material. The price of aluminum scrap fluctuates based on various market factors, such as supply and demand, global economic conditions, and the quality of the scrap. Aluminum scrap price is typically determined by its composition, including alloy type, cleanliness, and size. For businesses and individuals looking to recycle aluminum scrap, it is important to collaborate with reputable and certified recycling facilities or aluminum scrap yards. These facilities have the necessary expertise, equipment, and processes to handle different forms of aluminum scrap and ensure proper recycling practices are followed. The profitability of aluminum scrap recycling has attracted many businesses to invest in this industry. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum, fluctuate based on market conditions and the value of the materials. In some cases, businesses can generate revenue by selling their aluminum scrap, providing a financial incentive for recycling. Moreover, the demand for recycled aluminum continues to grow, driven by industries such as automotive, construction, packaging, and aerospace. These sectors recognize the economic and environmental benefits of using recycled aluminum, leading to a higher demand for high-quality aluminum scrap. Investing in aluminum scrap recycling can, therefore, offer long-term growth prospects and business sustainability. Furthermore, the advancement in technology and research has contributed to the development of novel recycling techniques, enabling the recycling of previously challenging aluminum scrap, including contaminated or mixed alloys. These advancements in recycling technology have expanded the scope of aluminum scrap recycling and maximized the recovery of valuable metals from complex scrap materials. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a vital practice that promotes sustainability, conserves resources, and offers economic opportunities. The environmental benefits of aluminum scrap recycling, including energy reduction and waste diversion, make it a crucial component of the circular economy. Businesses and individuals can contribute to this sustainable and profitable industry by recycling their aluminum scrap and collaborating with reputable recycling facilities. With the growing demand for recycled aluminum, investing in aluminum scrap recycling can offer significant financial returns while championing environmental stewardship

  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling process optimization Aluminium recycling process optimization Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling management Aluminium recycling management Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap price Aluminum scrap price Фев 05, 2024

    Howdy, miss

  • Comment Link Aluminium Metal Aluminium Metal Ян 26, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminiummr Aluminiummr Ян 23, 2024

    Your site cool looking

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