С наближаването на коледните празници Опера Пловдив ще зарадва зрителите с премиера на „Лешникотрошачката“ от Чайковски. Класическото балетно заглавие ще бъде представено на пловдивска сцена за първи път в своята цялост в две действия с оркестър и хор. Хореограф на спектакъла е Боряна Сечанова, а диригент е маестро Диан Чобанов. Приказният свят от историята на Хофман е пресъздаден от сценографа Салваторе Лийстро и художника на костюмите Яна Дворецка. Премиерата е на 21 октомври от 18 часа.


За Боряна Сечанова това е четвърта постановка на „Лешникотрошачката“, но за първи път представя цялата версия с оркестър. Хореографията е фюжън от класически балет на палци и неокласика в танците на механичните играчки, защото самата история предполага подобно преплитане на стиловете. Боряна Сечанова разчита философията в историята, вдъхновена от въображението на децата, като извежда идеята, че те се нуждаят повече от вниманието на родителите, отколкото от механични играчки за подарък. За нея героите в приказката не се делят на добри и лоши, черни и бели. Всички те са цветни в детските сънища и носят разнообразни черти в себе си – като грозният лешникотрошач, който оживява и се преобразява в красив принц.  За работата си с обновената международна балетна трупа на Опера Пловдив хореографът споделя:. „Всички участници са страшно млади, което е прекрасно! Това е един спектакъл за младите танцьори.“
За маестро Диан Чобанов е дългогодишна мечта „Лешникотрошачката“ да бъде поставена с голям оркестър в Опера Пловдив. Той е тясно свързан със заглавието, което е дирижирал над 500 пъти в различни театри в Европа, където е традиция семействата да посещават балетното заглавие за Коледа. Музикалният директор на Опера Пловдив коментира, че Чайковски е изключителен мелодик и затова произведението звучи леко, но всъщност изпълнението му е предизвикателство за оркестъра, защото по дължина и по трудност би могло да се сравни с две и половина симфонии на композитора. Концертмайстор е Виеслав Новак.


Италианският сценограф Салваторе Лийстро създава истинска коледна приказка със светещи витрини и празнична елха като оставя балетната сцена свободна за хореографията. Костюмите на Яна Дворецка създават карнавално усещане, но технологично са подчинени на движението. Те съчетават фантазни елементи с нотка съвременност и голямо отношение към детайла.


В премиерните вечери ролята на Мари ще се изпълни от Ариса Мамба от Япония, а Лешникотрошачът принц е Лоренцо Кариеро от Италия. В останалите роли ще видим Диан Райчев, Амедео Джунта, Александра Савова, Антонио Росас, Елена Кучкова, Аполин Лажоа, Златомир Колев, Маю Бепу, Соичиро Катано и др. Ръководител на трупата е Мариана Крънчева, а репетитор е Петя Димова.

Балетът „Лешникотрошачката“ е с продължителност два часа с антракт и е подходящ за цялото семейство. Билетите за премиерните дати са изчерпани.  Следващите представления са на 17ти ноември, 2ри и 23ти декември. Билети се продават на касата на Операта, мрежата на Ивентим, онлайн на eventim.bg и grabo.bg



  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium export-import Scrap aluminium export-import Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: An Essential Contributor to Sustainability

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a vital role in the sustainable utilization of resources and the reduction of environmental pollution. Aluminum, being highly durable and corrosion-resistant, makes it an ideal material for a wide range of applications. However, just like any other metal, aluminum too undergoes wear and tear, leading to the generation of aluminum scrap. Aluminum scrap recycling is the process of collecting, sorting, processing, and reusing aluminum scrap to create new aluminum products. The recycling of scrap aluminum not only preserves natural resources but also saves energy compared to primary aluminum production. In fact, recycling aluminum scrap consumes only about 5% of the energy used in the primary aluminum production process. The aluminum scrap recycling industry has evolved significantly over the years, with the establishment of specialized aluminum scrap yards and recycling facilities around the world. These facilities are equipped to handle various types of aluminum scrap, including clean aluminum scrap, aluminum alloy scrap, and mixed aluminum scrap. The aluminum scrap is sorted, cleaned, shredded, and melted to produce aluminum ingots or billets, which can then be used in the production of aluminum sheets, extrusions, cans, automotive parts, and other aluminum products. The aluminum scrap price is determined by various factors, including the current market demand and supply dynamics, the quality and cleanliness of the scrap, and the prevailing market prices for primary aluminum. The price of aluminum scrap fluctuates over time and can vary between different regions and scrap metal yards. It is essential for scrap metal recyclers and sellers to keep track of the aluminum scrap price to ensure fair and profitable transactions. The scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap, are affected by global economic conditions, metal market trends, and government policies. The demand for recycled aluminum has been increasing due to its environmental advantages and the growing emphasis on sustainable manufacturing practices. As a result, the scrap metal recycling industry has witnessed steady growth and investment in advanced recycling technologies. To maximize the value of aluminum scrap, it is crucial to handle and store it properly. Keeping the scrap clean and separate from other metals enhances its value and reduces the need for additional processing. Clean aluminum scrap is highly sought after, commanding a higher price compared to contaminated or mixed scraps. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling offers numerous environmental and economic benefits. It supports the conservation of natural resources, reduces energy consumption, and contributes to the circular economy. The aluminum scrap industry, including aluminum scrap yards and recycling facilities, plays a significant role in promoting sustainable practices and meeting the increasing global demand for aluminum products

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap resource optimization Aluminium scrap resource optimization Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Maximizing the Value of Your Waste

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in promoting a sustainable future by conserving natural resources, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing environmental impact. With increasing awareness of the importance of recycling, the aluminum industry has witnessed significant growth in the recycling of aluminum scrap. Aluminum scrap, which includes various forms of discarded aluminum products such as cans, foil, trays, and even industrial waste, can be recycled repeatedly without losing its inherent properties. This is because aluminum is highly durable and retains its quality through the recycling process. As a result, aluminum scrap recycling has become an essential part of the circular economy, reducing the reliance on primary aluminum production. One of the key benefits of aluminum scrap recycling is the conservation of valuable natural resources. Producing aluminum from its ore, bauxite, requires significant energy and disturbs natural ecosystems. By recycling aluminum scrap, the demand for primary aluminum is reduced, resulting in fewer mining activities and preserving precious natural resources. Furthermore, recycling aluminum scrap consumes significantly less energy compared to primary aluminum production. The energy required to recycle aluminum scrap is only about 5% of the energy needed to produce primary aluminum. This energy efficiency not only helps in reducing carbon emissions but also contributes to cost savings in the manufacturing process. Aluminum scrap recycling also contributes to reducing landfill waste and mitigating environmental pollution. By diverting aluminum scrap from landfills, valuable landfill space is conserved, and the potential release of harmful substances from the decomposition of aluminum waste is prevented. Additionally, recycling aluminum scrap reduces air and water pollution associated with primary aluminum production. The price of aluminum scrap fluctuates based on market conditions, demand, and the quality of the scrap. Different grades of aluminum scrap, such as clean aluminum scrap and aluminum alloy scrap, may have varying prices. To get the best value for your aluminum scrap, it is advisable to contact local aluminum scrap yards or recycling centers. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap, are determined by factors such as market demand, global metal prices, and the supply and demand dynamics in the local region. It's worth noting that these prices can vary from one location to another. Therefore, it is essential to stay updated with the market trends and consult with reliable sources to get accurate information on scrap metal prices. While aluminum scrap recycling presents numerous benefits, it is crucial to ensure proper handling and processing of the scrap materials. Aluminum scrap should be collected and sorted according to its grade and type to obtain the highest value during recycling. This includes removing any non-aluminum components, such as plastic or paper, attached to the scrap. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is an integral part of sustainable waste management and the preservation of natural resources. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can reduce the environmental impact of aluminum production, conserve energy, and contribute to the circular economy. Stay informed about aluminum scrap prices and seek out reputable recycling facilities to make a positive impact on our planet's future

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium handling equipment Scrap aluminium handling equipment Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling research and development Aluminium recycling research and development Фев 05, 2024

    You know who this is

  • Comment Link Aluminium Recycle Aluminium Recycle Ян 26, 2024

    Have a nice day, dude!

  • Comment Link Recyclingmr Recyclingmr Ян 23, 2024

    Tenha um bom dia!

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