Пловдивската публика ще има удоволствието да види за първи път авторския музикално-театрален спектакъл на Диана Дафова, който носи името "Танцът Живот", само след 10 дни, на 25 ноември 2023 г., събота, от 11.30 часа, в Дом на културата „Борис Христов“.

Спектакълът е вълнуващо пътешествие на сетивата в откровен разговор със себе си. Преодоляването на наранените чувства поставя въпроса - да простиш или не? Личните житейски преживявания и проникновения се разгръщат към общочовешките ценности, които са забравени в съвременната динамика на живота. Те оживяват в реални образи, които в провокативни диалози разкриват пътя за щастлив и смислен живот. Времето, в което живеем, е изпълнено с изпитания, несигурност, агресия, страхове и отчуждение, затова всеки има нужда от тези послания“, разказа Диана Дафова.

Иновативно приложение “Вътрешен глас“ с 3D изображение на личен аватар партнират в необичаен и изненадващ сеанс. Отваря се портал, водещ към 7 стаи, а ключът за всяка от тях е в чистите сърца. В този спектакъл Диана Дафова влиза в 7 различни образа, съчетаващи вдъхновяващи музикални изпълнения на 17 езика, артистично поднесен текст с интригуваща драматургична линия и хореография в различни жанрове. Всичко това е допълнено от  оригинални костюми и специални ефекти.

Креативната, нова и различна форма на сценично изкуство в спектакъла „Танцът Живот“ предлага разнообразие и богата картина на обединени в обща цел умения. Атрактивната сценична визия и мултимедия приковават вниманието, забавляват и провокират не само сетивата, но и по-дълбоките нива на съзнанието. Това е вашата история – тази, която винаги сте искали да разберете и само сега имате възможност да получите отговорите.

Всичко това е запазена марка за Диана. Нейните възможности, сценично присъствие и безграничен талант са отдавна известни на публиката. Диана Дафова е композитор, изпълнител и продуцент с изключително успешна кариера и уникален музикален стил. Родена е в София, където завършва джаз пиано и пеене в Музикалната академия. Занимава се паралелно с класически и джаз балет.

Основател е на популярната група „Трик“, а през 1985 г. започва самостоятелна кариера. Песните ѝ „Няма лесно щастие“, „Различни светове“, „Няма късна любов“ и „Ти си моя живот“ стават хитове. Дълги години живее и твори извън България. Носител е на златна награда „Реми“ от 43-тия международен филмов фестивал в САЩ. Представя свои авторски концерт и спектакли в  България, Полша, Румъния, Македония, Косово, Словакия, Босна и Херцеговина, Сърбия, Русия, Украйна, Монголия, Холандия, Япония,  Гърция, Турция, Белгия, Германия, Италия, Австрия, САЩ и Индия.

Диана Дафова е първият европейски изпълнител, официален гост на НАСА.

"Танцът Живот" е създаден от творчески екип: Диана Дафова - автор и изпълнител, Борис Радев – режисьор, Боряна Сечанова – хореография и Чавдар Варийски - 3D и видео постпродукция.

Билети се продават в Билетна каса "МаскАрт" в Дом на културата "Борис Христов" и онлайн в мрежата на Грабо.


  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling material traceability Aluminium recycling material traceability Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: A Sustainable Solution for a Cleaner Future

    In today's world, where sustainability is gaining importance, aluminum scrap recycling has become a significant practice. With the soaring demand for aluminum and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, recycling aluminum scrap plays a crucial role in fostering a circular economy. In this article, we will explore the benefits of aluminum scrap recycling, the current market trends, and the factors that affect aluminum scrap prices. Aluminum scrap is the discarded aluminum material which can be recycled and used again in various industries. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can save energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and preserve natural resources. The process of recycling aluminum scrap involves collecting, sorting, and smelting the scrap to obtain pure aluminum, which can then be used to manufacture new products. One of the key advantages of aluminum scrap recycling is its energy-saving potential. It takes significantly less energy to recycle aluminum compared to producing virgin aluminum from bauxite ore. In fact, recycling aluminum scrap saves about 95% of the energy required for primary aluminum production. This energy efficiency not only reduces carbon footprint but also helps in conserving valuable natural resources. In addition to energy savings, aluminum scrap recycling also helps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The primary aluminum production process emits a substantial amount of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can mitigate the environmental impact associated with primary aluminum production and contribute to global efforts in combating climate change. The market for aluminum scrap recycling is highly dynamic, with prices being influenced by various factors. The demand for recycled aluminum scrap depends on the overall demand for aluminum products, economic conditions, and industry trends. When the demand for aluminum increases, so does the demand for recycled aluminum scrap. Conversely, during periods of economic downturn, the demand for aluminum scrap may decrease, affecting its price. Another factor affecting aluminum scrap prices is the quality and type of scrap. Clean aluminum scrap, without any contamination or mixed materials, commands a higher price compared to dirty or mixed scrap. Additionally, the type of aluminum alloy in the scrap also influences its price. Different aluminum alloys have various market values, depending on their applications and demand in specific industries. To recycle aluminum scrap effectively, it is essential to have a well-established infrastructure, including aluminum scrap yards. These yards serve as collection centers for scrap aluminum, where it is properly sorted, processed, and prepared for recycling. The existence of aluminum scrap yards helps streamline the recycling process and ensures efficient utilization of the scrap metal

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap market trends Aluminium scrap market trends Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: An Essential Practice for a Sustainable Future

    In today's world, where environmental sustainability is becoming increasingly important, recycling has become a fundamental practice to conserve resources and minimize waste. Aluminum scrap recycling, in particular, has garnered significant attention due to the high demand for this versatile and valuable material. With its numerous applications in construction, transportation, and packaging industries, aluminum is one of the most extensively used metals worldwide. Aluminum scrap recycling refers to the process of collecting, sorting, and reprocessing discarded aluminum products and scraps into usable raw materials. This recycling process not only conserves energy but also helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and alleviate the strain on natural resources. By diverting aluminum waste from landfills, we contribute to the circular economy, where materials are recycled and reused continuously. The market for aluminum scrap recycling is driven by the ever-increasing demand for aluminum products, as well as the rising awareness of the environmental benefits of recycling. The recycling industry offers numerous benefits, including reducing the need for virgin aluminum ore mining, which involves destructive practices like deforestation and habitat destruction. Additionally, recycling aluminum uses significantly less energy - up to 95% less - compared to the production of primary aluminum from bauxite ore. One crucial aspect of aluminum scrap recycling is understanding the value of different types of aluminum scrap. The prices of aluminum scrap can vary depending on factors such as its purity, form, and market conditions. It is essential to know the different grades of aluminum scrap, including aluminum cans, extrusions, automotive parts, and more, as each grade has its specific value and recycling process. Being knowledgeable about the clean aluminum scrap price and aluminum alloy scrap price can help individuals and businesses better understand the economic incentives of recycling. To ensure efficient aluminum scrap recycling, it is vital to establish a well-organized infrastructure, including aluminum scrap yards and recycling facilities. These facilities play a critical role in collecting, sorting, and processing aluminum scrap, making it readily available for manufacturers seeking recycled aluminum as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to primary aluminum. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminium scrap, fluctuate based on market conditions, global demand for aluminum, and the overall economic situation. It is crucial to stay informed about these variables to make informed decisions and maximize the value of recycled aluminum. By embracing aluminum scrap recycling, individuals, businesses, and communities can actively contribute to sustainable living. Recycling aluminum not only conserves natural resources and reduces energy consumption but also helps mitigate the detrimental environmental and social impacts associated with primary aluminum production. Moreover, the economic benefits of aluminum scrap recycling create job opportunities and foster a greener and more prosperous economy

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium logistics Scrap aluminium logistics Фев 05, 2024

    Here's Johnny!

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap repurposing facilities Aluminium scrap repurposing facilities Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap market research Aluminium scrap market research Фев 05, 2024

    Hey, boo

  • Comment Link Ecology Ecology Ян 26, 2024


  • Comment Link Scrapmr Scrapmr Ян 23, 2024


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