Спектакълът „Лебедът“ от Елизабет Иглоф с режсьор Петър Батаклиев е премиерното заглавие на Пловдивския драматичен театър в рамките на 27-то издание на Есенния международен театрален фестивал „Сцена на кръстопът“. С него Батаклиев се завръща на театралната сцена в родния Пловдив след близо 30 годишно отсъствие.

Вижте какво разказа режисьорът за работата си с актоьрите под тепетата, как се чувства отново в Пловдив и защо е избрал точно това заглавие.

В постановката, която е премиерна за страната, участват Патриция Пъндева, Спартак Пантелеев и Тодор Дърлянов. Главната роля е поверена на младото попълнение в Пловдивската драма Спартак Панталеев.

"Много се радвам, че още с първите си стъпки в театъра се сблъсквам с нещо толкова необятно - как се играе лебед! Винаги съм се чудел как може да съществуват хора, които не се вълнуват от актьорско майстроство?! Играта за мен е състояние на щастлива самота" - коментира Спартак преди премиерата, за която няма билети от миналата седмица.

Постановката ще се играе в Камерна зала „Стефан Данаилов“.

В Голяма зала на Драмата от 19 часа за първи път на българска сцена пловдивската публика ще може да види любовната история на персийските Ромео и Жулиета. Спектакълът на пловдивчанката Елена Панайотова "ШАХНАМЕ: Сказание за Зал" е драматизация по един от най-големите епоси в човешката история.

Спектакълът е вдъхновен от древния приказен персийски епос „Шахнаме“ (Книга на царете). Подробности за него ви представихме в статията "Вижте най-красивата любовна история от Древна Персия на „Сцена на кръстопът“. Билети ТУК.

XXVII-ото издание на театралния фестивал бе открито в неделя, като един от спонсорите си позволи политически речи в Храма на Мелпомена - Шефът на „Роза импекс“ превърна Театъра в политическа сцена.

Още за любимия фестивал четете в Сцена на кръстопът 2023: 19 спектакъла от 5 държави.

Днес от 10.30 часа в пространството над Римския стадион ще бъде откриването на фото изложбата "Стефан Данаилов: личен архив. Непоказвани фотографии от личния му албум" по повод 80-годишнината на актьора и патрон на фестивала. За Стефан Данаилов ще говори племенницата му Росица Обрешкова.


  • Comment Link Scrap aluminum market analysis Scrap aluminum market analysis Фев 11, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Everything You Need to Know

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in sustainable waste management and resource conservation. With the increasing demand for aluminum-based products, the need for its recycling has become more evident. This article aims to explore the importance of aluminum scrap recycling, its benefits, and the current market scenario. Aluminum, being a highly valuable and versatile material, possesses excellent properties such as lightweight, corrosion resistance, and high strength-to-weight ratio. These properties make it a preferred choice for various industries, including aerospace, automotive, construction, and packaging. However, the production of virgin aluminum from bauxite ore requires extensive energy consumption and can have significant environmental impacts. To address these concerns, aluminum scrap recycling offers a viable alternative. Recycling aluminum scrap not only helps reduce the carbon footprint associated with primary aluminum production but also conserves valuable resources. Recycling just one ton of aluminum saves about four tons of bauxite ore, 9,200 kilowatt-hours of electricity, and 14,000 cubic feet of landfill space. The process of aluminum scrap recycling involves the collection, sorting, processing, and melting of scrap metal to produce secondary aluminum. The collected aluminum scrap can be classified into various categories such as cans, foils, siding, wires, and automotive parts. Once sorted, the scrap is processed to remove any impurities or contaminants such as paint, plastic coatings, or rubber. The clean aluminum scrap is then melted down, purified, and cast into ingots or other desired forms for further use. The aluminum scrap recycling industry has witnessed significant growth over the years. This growth can be attributed to several factors, including the rising awareness about environmental conservation, government regulations promoting recycling practices, and the economic benefits associated with it. The demand for recycled aluminum has also increased, mainly driven by industries aiming to reduce their carbon emissions and enhance their sustainability profiles. The market price of scrap aluminum is influenced by several factors, including the purity of the scrap, market demand, and global market conditions. It is important to note that different types of aluminum scrap have varying values. Clean aluminum scrap, free from any impurities, often fetches a higher price compared to scrap with contaminants. Additionally, the presence of certain alloying elements in aluminum scrap can also affect its price. To maximize the value of aluminum scrap, it is important to identify reputable aluminum scrap yards or recycling facilities. These facilities employ advanced technology and processes to ensure efficient recycling and recovery of aluminum. They offer competitive prices for aluminum scrap based on its quality and market conditions. Furthermore, the scrap metal recycling industry as a whole offers economic benefits to the society by creating jobs, reducing waste disposal costs, and providing a valuable raw material source. It also contributes to energy conservation by reducing the energy-intensive process required for primary aluminum production

  • Comment Link Aluminium building components scrap recycling Aluminium building components scrap recycling Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Unlocking the Potential of an Infinite Resource

    In recent years, the demand for aluminum has soared due to its versatile applications in various industries such as automotive, construction, packaging, and aerospace. As a result, the importance of aluminum scrap recycling has gained significant recognition due to its numerous economic and environmental benefits. Aluminum scrap refers to the discarded or waste aluminum materials that can be collected and processed for reuse. The recycling of aluminum scrap not only helps to conserve valuable natural resources but also significantly reduces the energy consumption and environmental impact associated with mining and extracting raw aluminum. Aluminum scrap recycling involves a series of processes, including collection, sorting, shredding, melting, and purification. The collected aluminum scrap is sorted based on its alloy type, thickness, and contamination levels. This sorting process ensures that the recycled aluminum meets the required specifications for different applications. One of the fundamental advantages of aluminum scrap recycling is its economic benefits. Scrap aluminum has a market value, and recycling it can generate revenue for individuals, businesses, and even governments. Aluminum scrap metal can be sold to scrap yards, which offer competitive prices based on factors such as quantity, quality, and market demand. The price of aluminum scrap fluctuates depending on various factors such as global commodity prices, scrap metal recycling prices, and the quality and cleanliness of the aluminum scrap. Clean aluminum scrap, free from any impurities or contaminants, typically fetches higher prices due to its ease of processing and higher value in the secondary aluminum market. Additionally, the type of aluminum scrap, whether it is pure aluminum or aluminum alloy scrap, can also influence its price. Scrap aluminum recycling not only benefits the economy but also has significant environmental advantages. The production of primary aluminum from raw materials is an energy-intensive process that contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and depletion of natural resources. By recycling aluminum scrap, the energy consumption is reduced by up to 95%, resulting in lower carbon emissions and conservation of energy resources. Furthermore, recycling aluminum scrap helps in reducing waste sent to landfills. Aluminum is a non-degradable material, and when it ends up in landfills, it takes hundreds of years to decompose. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can divert it from landfills, effectively reducing the environmental burden and promoting a circular economy. To encourage and facilitate aluminum scrap recycling, many countries have implemented policies and regulations to support the collection, processing, and reuse of scrap materials. Governments are incentivizing recycling practices through initiatives like tax benefits, grants, and subsidies to promote a sustainable and green economy. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is essential for its economic and environmental benefits. The recycling of aluminum scrap helps conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and generate revenue. With the growing demand for aluminum and increasing concerns about sustainability, it is crucial to promote and embrace aluminum scrap recycling as a viable solution for a greener future

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap processing unit Aluminium scrap processing unit Фев 05, 2024

    You know who this is

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium volume reduction Scrap aluminium volume reduction Фев 05, 2024

    I like your site!

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap carbon footprint Aluminium scrap carbon footprint Фев 05, 2024

    What's cookin, good lookin?

  • Comment Link Aluminium Scrap Price Aluminium Scrap Price Ян 26, 2024

    Thank you for your site and your work

  • Comment Link Aluminium Scrap Aluminium Scrap Ян 25, 2024


  • Comment Link Recyclingmr Recyclingmr Ян 23, 2024

    Buona giornata!

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